Prebuilt Reports

Prebuilt reports for CXone Mpower enable you to review information related to your organization's processes.

See each report for the permissions you need enabled to use the report. You can access the reports from Reporting > Prebuilt Reports.

Some of the reports are Business Intelligence (BI) reports, providing advanced reporting capabilities. You can perform special actions in BI reports, like exporting, grouping data, or drilling down. Date and time are displayed in UTC (GMT time zone) for BI reports.

Standard reports refers to any report that is not a BI report. On the Prebuilt Reports page in CXone Mpower, you can click Standard Reports to view standard reports and BI Reports to view BI reports.

Click the star next to any report in the list to add it to your favorites. Favorite reports will always appear at the top of the list, so you can find them easily.

Standard Reports

Standard reports enable you to review data related to interactions and routing.



Report Type


Active Agents Report Shows a list of all agents who are active. Agent ACD
Active Contacts Report Shows all pre-queue, in-queue, and active contacts connected to the platform. Contact ACD
Agents by Team Report Shows the structure of users and the teams they are assigned to. Agent ACD
Agent Snapshot Report Shows the most commonly tracked metrics regarding an agent's performance. Agent ACD
Agent Summary Report Provides a list of agents and an expanded view of their performance and utilization. Agent ACD
Agent Time Card Report Shows the total duration of time that agents were logged in during a selected date range. Agent ACD
Agent Unavailable Time Report Shows the amount of time an agent spent in each unavailable code. Agent ACD
ASR Tuning Report Shows a list of failed utterances in the ASR system. IVR_ASR ACD
Billing Report Shows usage information that affects your tenant's monthly charges. Billing ACD
Elastic Call Queuing Report Uses CXone Mpower Voice Diagnostics to give insights into the quality of voice interactions in your contact center. Analytics ACD
Campaign Performance Report Provides a list of campaigns with an expanded view of associated metrics. Agent ACD
Campaign Summary by Campaign Report Shows a campaign with queue-level metrics summarized by campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports.. Agent ACD
Campaign Summary by Skill Report Shows a campaign with queue-level metrics summarized by ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Agent ACD
Configured Stations Report Lists the stations that are currently configured to handle calls. Agent ACD
Contact History Report Provides a detailed list of contacts handled for a selected time frame. Contact ACD
Email Interruptions Report Shows how often chat or phone contacts interrupt agents responding to email contacts. Contact ACD
Forced Logout Report Displays a list of users who have been manually logged out from the platform during a selected time frame. Agent ACD
IVR Press Path Report Displays details on the path that callers take through the IVRClosed Automated phone menu that allows callers to interact through voice commands, key inputs, or both, to obtain information, route an inbound voice call, or both.. IVR_ASR ACD
Promise Keeper Report Displays a list of scheduled callbacks. Agent ACD
Skills by Campaign Report Shows a summary of ACD skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, organized by campaignsClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports.. Agent ACD
Skill Performance Report Displays key metrics concerning the performance of your ACD skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Agent ACD
Skill Proficiencies Detail Report Lists agents in a tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone Mpower environment and their level of proficiency for each ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Agent ACD
Skill Proficiencies Summary Report Lists the ACD skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge and the total number of agents in each proficiency level. Agent ACD
Supervisor Snapshot Report Shows the most commonly tracked metrics regarding a team's performance. Agent ACD
Teams and Unavailable Codes Report Lists all teams and the unavailable codes assigned to them. Agent ACD

BI Reports

Business Intelligence (BI) reports allow you to view and analyze data from your organization. They provide more functionality and more advanced data analysis capabilities than standard prebuilt reports.

The data in BI reports is displayed in widgets. Widgets can be line graphs, bar charts, gauges, and more. You can drill down into widgets and export data from individual widgets.

Some BI reports display data related to specific products, including: WFM, Interaction Analytics, Quality Management, and Recording. To view and run these reports, you need to use the corresponding product and have the appropriate licensing. Contact your Account Representative for more information.



Report Type


Abandons By Skill Report Divides abandons by skill and time interval. Agent ACD
Activity Audit Report Displays a breakdown of actions performed in different applications in CXone Mpower. Audit GENERAL
Adherence Report Displays agent schedule adherence metrics and root cause analysis from Workforce Management. Agent WFM
Agent Behavior Insights Report Displays Quality Management behavior insights for agents and their associated interactions. It also includes summarized score at the team level. Agent QM
Agent Contact History Report Provides detailed insight into how agents interact with contacts. This report includes data from ACD and Digital Experience. Agent ACD
Agent Contact Performance Report Displays key ACD-related metrics for each interaction that your agents handled. The report table displays data for interactions that each agent handled, and the widgets display overall performance data. Agent ACD
Agent Session Report Allows supervisors to view in-depth data about how agents spend their time. Agent ACD
Agent Skill Assignment Report Shows the skills assigned to each active agent, the agent's proficiency in each skill, and their average proficiency level overall. Agent ACD
Analytics Category Statistics Report Displays Interaction Analytics category statistics to allow supervisors or managers to follow up on agents' performance to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Agent or Team Analytics
Analytics Metric Comparison Report Displays the changes for any Interaction Analytics metric at the category, team, or agent level to help supervisors or managers compare analytics metrics over different periods of time. Category, Agent, or Team Analytics
Analytics Metric Statistics Report Displays Interaction Analytics metric statistics to allow supervisors or managers to follow up on agents' performance to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Agent or Team Analytics
Analytics Metric Trend Report Displays the changes for any Interaction Analytics metric at the category, team, or agent level to help supervisors or managers to view and analyze trends of analytics metrics over a period of time. Category, Agent, or Team Analytics
BI Access Report Displays users in your account and whether they have BI access. Agent GENERAL
Calibration Report Automatically tracks Quality Management evaluation form variance and evaluator performance to help calibrate forms. Agent QM
Change Audit Report Displays the details of changes made to existing entities or values across CXone Mpower. Audit GENERAL
Coaching Workflow Report Displays Quality Management coaching data and associated workflow information. Agent QM
Evaluations By Section and Question Report Quality Management evaluation data displayed by the average scores on the different sections and questions in forms. Agent QM
Evaluations By Team Report Quality Management evaluation data for both teams and agents, including averages and trends. Agent QM
Evaluation Details Report Provides a complete table of all raw evaluation data for Quality Management. Agent QM
Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis Report Provides detailed information on the Quality Management responses and answers received during evaluation to help analyze the quality of an evaluation form. Agent QM
Evaluation Question and Answer Details Report Provides a table with every Quality Management question answered by an evaluator, along with their answers. Agent QM
Evaluation Question Details Report Displays questions from Quality Management evaluation forms and all of their associated data. Agent QM
Evaluator Analysis Report Review Quality Management evaluator performance and track their evaluation data. Evaluator QM
Callback Detail Report Provides insight into contacts that experienced a callback state. Contact ACD
Campaign Summary Report Displays data about your active campaigns. Allows you to drill-down to the campaign, skill, and contact levels. Contact ACD
Contact States by Interval Report Shows the number of contacts in each stateClosed The availability status of an agent during a selected time frame, divided into time intervals based on how long they spent in that state. Contact ACD
CXone Mpower Billing Report Provides detailed information on billing, including Real-Time Interaction Guidance agents, storage data, Bot Builder usage, AutoSummary usage, digital message summaries, and Copilot for Agents usage. Billing ACD
Digital Agent Contact Performance Report Displays information for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience.skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge and metrics specific to digital contact handling. Contact ACD
Digital Messages Report Provides metrics to show how agents are performing with digital contacts. It provides valuable data on average number of messages sent, response times, and so forth. Digital ACD
AI Routing Summary Report Shows the improvement AI Routing has on your key focus metrics. Agent ACD
Intraday Report Shows weekly forecasted data by skills from Workforce Management. Agent WFM
List of Agents Report Displays a table with all agents that meet the specified filter criteria. Agent ACD
List of Campaigns Report Displays a filterable, in-depth view of all the created campaigns in your tenant. Agent ACD
List of Skills Report Displays a table with all ACD skills that meet the specified filter criteria. Agent ACD
List of Teams Report Displays a filterable, in-depth view of all the teams in your tenant. Agent ACD
List of Unavailable Codes Report Displays a filterable, in-depth view of all the unavailable codes in your tenant. Agent ACD
Real-Time Interaction Guidance Behaviors and Phrases Report Displays status and trend information for behaviors and phrases in Real-Time Interaction Guidance. RTIG ACD
Real-Time Interaction Guidance Phrases Report Displays status and trend information for phrases in Real-Time Interaction Guidance. RTIG ACD
Recording Activity Report View recording metrics by channel, direction, recording status, skill, and team for Recording. Agent Recording
Recording Export API Usage Report Displays the number of downloaded interactions to determine API usage for Recording. Agent Recording
Skill Proficiency Report Provides insight into agent proficiencies for all ACD skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Agent ACD
Time Utilization Report View trends and time usage of the different activities in agent schedules from Workforce Management. Agent WFM