Agent Session Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

The Agent Session report allows supervisors to view more in-depth data for their agents in a single location. It focuses on information such as how much time the agents spent at lunch or the amount of idle time in a day. This report consolidates several existing reports, and allows supervisors to take a deeper look at data and metrics.

The Agent Session report measures data for each agent session. A single session is from the time the agent logs in until the time they log out. The widgets in this report display general data for all agent sessions within your selected parameters. You can click on individual elements of the widgets to drill down and view more detailed data.

Agent Summary Widget

The Agent Summary widget displays a list of all agent sessions within your selected filter parameters. The following table provides descriptions about the different time columns displayed in this widget.

Time Column Description
Agent Session Time Total time that the agent was logged in to CXone Mpower.
Available Time Total time that the agent was in an Available stateClosed The availability status of an agent.
Working Time Total time that the agent was in a type of busy state where they were actively handling a contact. This includes any Working unavailable codes.
Unavailable Time Total time that the agent was in an Unavailable state and unable to accept contacts.
System Time Total time between the agent logging in and out of the agent application.