Campaign Summary Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

The Campaign Summary report displays information about the active campaignsClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. in your organization. It shows:

The values in the Campaign Name and Campaign No column are clickable. This allows you to see data for that campaign. Then, you can click a Skill Name or Skill No to view data for that skill. The Campaign Summary report will then show data for all the contacts in that skill.

Data in this Report

The Campaign Summary report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Campaign Name Name of the campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. as configured in ACD > Contact Settings > Campaigns.
Campaign No Unique ID number assigned to the campaign.
Inbound Number of inbound contactsClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. in the campaign.
Outbound Number of outbound contacts in the campaign.
Offered Number of contacts delivered to an agent that were answered or refused.
Handled Number of contacts delivered to an agent that were answered.
Abandons Number of abandons that occurred in the campaign.
% Abandons

Percentage of contacts that were queued and then abandoned.

Formula: (Abandons / Contacts Queued) * 100

Avg Handle Time Average amount of time agents spend handling contacts in the campaign.
Avg Inqueue Time Average amount of time inbound contacts in the campaign spend in the queue.
Avg Abandon Time Average amount of time contacts in the campaign wait before abandoning.
In SLA Number of contacts queued and routed to an agent within the service level threshold (SLA) configured for the skills in the campaign.
Out SLA Number of contacts queued and routed to an agent outside of the service level threshold (SLA) configured for the skills in the campaign.
Avg Agent Response Time Average amount of time agents take to respond to digital contacts in the campaign.