Evaluation Details Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports, CXone Quality Management

Required permissions: Report Viewer, Evaluation Details

Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports

The Evaluation Details report displays data for all types of evaluations. This includes agent evaluations, calibrations, and self-assessments. It also shows data for the associated interaction. It gives you quick access to information and insights and about evaluations.

The Evaluation Details report: A table with columns showing evaluation data by agent.

Elinor Dashwood is a supervisor at Classics, Inc. She wants to check on the status of her team's evaluations and see if there are any issues with her team members. She opens the Evaluation Details report, defines a time period, and selects her team. She notices that Marianne Dashwood, one of her agents, has an expired evaluation. She schedules a training with Marianne to review the process of completing evaluations.

Data in this Report

The Evaluation Details report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Level Hierarchy the agent belongs to. The levels you select from the Hierarchy filter at the top of the report appear as individual columns here. For example, if you select Level 01 and Level 02, columns for Level 01 and Level 02 appear in the report.
Master Contact Unique ID number given to the contact by the ACDClosed System that recognizes, routes, and connects contacts to available agents based on skill and priority. This is also called the Master Contact ID or ACD Contact ID.
Contact Number Unique ID number of the evaluated interaction. This is also called the Contact ID.
Agent ID Unique ID of the agent the evaluation, self-assessment, or calibration was assigned to.

Name of the agent the evaluation, self-assessment, or calibration was assigned to.

Active Status

Status of the evaluated agent:

  • Active: The agent is in your organization.

  • Inactive: The agent has left your organization.


Name of the team the agent belongs to.

Group Group the agent belongs to.
Skill SkillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge for the interaction.
Workflow Type

Type of evaluation workflow:

  • Calibration

  • Collaboration

  • Evaluation

  • Self-Assessment

Team ID

Unique ID number of the agent's team.

Workflow Status

Status of the workflow:

  • Awaiting Submission

  • Claimed

  • Completed

  • Completed Self Assessment

  • Deleted

  • Deleted - Expired

  • Appealed

  • Expired

  • Expired Self Assessment

  • In Progress

  • In Progress Self Assessment

  • In Review

  • New Self Assessment

  • Partially Completed

  • Replaced

  • Sent to Agent

  • Sent to Supervisor

  • Waiting for Agent

  • Waiting for Evaluator

Learn about workflow and display statuses.

Assigned By Name of the user who assigned the evaluation, self-assessment, or calibration.
Evaluation Flow Trigger

Event that started the evaluation:

  • Calibration (Records not included in the report.)

  • Collaborative

  • Manual

  • Quality Plan

  • Search

Evaluation Status

Marks the evaluation with one of the following statuses:

  • Awaiting
  • Completed
  • Deleted
  • Draft
  • Expired
  • New
  • Submitted

Use the Evaluation Status drop-down at the top to filter the results.


Reason for deletion or replacement of the evaluation task.

Workflow Instance ID Unique ID of the evaluation.
Parent ID Workflow Instance ID of the collaborative evaluation which is associated with the child evaluation and self-assessment workflows.
Auto Acknowledged

Possible values are:

  • TRUE: The agent did not acknowledge the evaluation, so it was automatically acknowledged.

  • FALSE: The agent acknowledged the evaluation.

  • Empty value: In cases of self-assessment, no acknowledgment is necessary.

Workflow State

State of the workflow:

  • Open

  • Closed

  • Failed

  • Timed-Out

Plan Name

Name of the quality plan used to initiate this evaluation.

Form Name

Name of the form used for this evaluation.

Form Version

Version of the form used for this evaluation.

Evaluation Start Date Date and time (in UTC) that the evaluator began the evaluation.
Evaluation Submitted Date Date and time (in UTC) the evaluator submitted the evaluation.
Last Updated Time (in UTC) when the evaluation was last modified.
Last Modified By Name of the user who most recently edited the evaluation.

Name of the evaluator who performed the evaluation.

Average Score

Percentage score for the overall evaluation of an interaction. If scores are edited in the evaluations, the average score is updated in this report.


Evaluation score. If the score is edited in the evaluation, it is updated in this report.

Maximum Possible Score Highest score possible for all questions in the evaluation form.


Custom range of values set by the user to define the form rank.

Failed Critical Question

Possible values are:

  • True: The user failed a critical question and the evaluation form score is set to zero.

  • False: The user answered any critical questions correctly.

User Review Comments

Comments entered by the agent while disputing the evaluation.

Dispute Resolver Comments Comments entered by the supervisor/evaluator while closing the appeal (dispute).
Channel Type Channel for the interaction, such as voice, email, or chat.

Segment ID

Unique ID number of the interaction segment being evaluated.

Interaction Date Date and time (in UTC) the evaluated interaction took place.
Interaction Duration Duration of the evaluated interaction.
Interaction Direction

Direction of the interaction:

  • Inbound

  • Outbound

Interaction Duration Duration of the evaluated interaction.
Evaluation Subject

Possible values include:

  • Segment: The evaluation is based on a CXone interaction.

  • Employee: The evaluation is either based on a non-CXone interaction or is not interaction-related.