Evaluation Question Details Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports, Quality Management

Required permissions: Report Viewer, Evaluation Question Details

Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports

The Evaluation Question Details report displays questions from a single evaluation form and all of the associated data. You can use this report to identify evaluation trends in your organization.

The Evaluation Question Details report: a table displaying evaluation data, specifically for questions, sorted by agent.

Data in this Report

The Evaluation Question Details report includes all raw question data for the teams and evaluation form selected when you ran the report. This includes answers, available answer options for questions, data about the evaluation, information about the different questions (critical, from the question bank, and so on), and agent information. Right-click in the table for more actions.

Column Description
Master Contact Unique ID number given to the contact by the ACDClosed System that recognizes, routes, and connects contacts to available agents based on skill and priority. This is also called the Master Contact ID or ACD Contact ID.
Contact Number Unique ID number of the evaluated interaction. This is also called the Contact ID.
Agent ID Unique ID number of the agent who was evaluated.
Agent Name Name of the agent who was evaluated.
Active Status

Status of the evaluated agent:

  • Active: The agent is in your organization.

  • Inactive: The agent has left your organization.

Team Name of the team the agent belongs to.
Team ID Unique ID number of the agent's team.
Group Group the agent belongs to.
Skill SkillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge for the interaction.
Evaluator Name Name of the evaluator who performed the evaluation.
Form Name Name of the evaluation form that included the question.
Form ID Unique ID number for the evaluation form that included the question.
Form Version Version of the evaluation form used for this evaluation.
Section Title Title of the section that included the question.
Evaluation Subject

Possible values include:

  • Segment: The evaluation is based on a CXone Mpower interaction.

  • Employee: The evaluation is either based on a non-CXone Mpower interaction or is not interaction-related.

Section ID Unique ID number of the section that included the question.
Question Title Text of the actual question.
Question ID Unique ID number of the specific question.
Question Number Number of the question on the evaluation form.
Question Type Type of question the evaluator answered. This could be yes/no, a date/time question, or a question that required a full text answer.
Answer Full answer that the agent or evaluator gave for the question. If the answer is edited in the evaluation, it is updated in the report.
Options All of the available answers to a multiple choice question.
Evaluation Start Date Date and time (in UTC) that the evaluator began the evaluation.
Evaluation Submitted Date Date and time (in UTC) the evaluator submitted the evaluation.
Interaction Date Date and time (in UTC) the evaluated interaction took place.
Interaction Duration Duration of the evaluated interaction.
Workflow Instance ID Unique ID number of the evaluation.
Workflow Type

Type of evaluation workflow:

  • Calibration

  • Collaboration

  • Evaluation

  • Self-Assessment

Evaluation Flow Trigger

Event that started the evaluation:

  • Calibration (Records not included in the report.)

  • Collaborative

  • Manual

  • Quality Plan (QP)

  • Self-Assessment

Segment ID ID number of the interaction segment the evaluator was evaluating.
Failed Critical Question True or False, depending on whether the agent failed the critical question.
Critical True or False, depending on whether the question was a critical question. Critical questions are questions that can immediately fail an entire evaluation if they are answered incorrectly.
Scorable True or False, depending on whether the question could be scored.
Bank ID Unique ID number of the question bank that the question is included in.
Mandatory True or False, depending on whether the question was a mandatory question that required an answer.
Evaluation Score (%) Agent's overall score for the evaluation, shown as a percentage.
Max Score Maximum score the agent could have received for the question.
Actual Score Score the agent received for the question.
Section Score Score the agent received for the question's section.