Analytics Category Statistics Report

The Analytics Category Statistics report helps supervisors or managers to follow up on the performance of their teams and agents. The report displays data according to categories such as billing and technical support. The report can help you:

  • Improve overall customer satisfaction (CSAT) by focusing on low-performing agents with low customer sentiment and frustration in specific categories.

  • Improve First Contact Resolution by focusing on agents with low resolution rate (%Resolved), and analyzing agents with high average interaction duration in specific categories.

Due to unforeseen issues, subtotals for Average Duration and Average Silence are not currently available at the dataset, category, or team level. However, you can export this report in order to see calculations for these metrics.

  1. To export this report, click ShareIcon of a box with an arrow pointing out. in the top right corner of the report.

  2. Click Export to Excel. The Excel sheet should show accurate values for the Average Duration and Average Silence values.

  3. Select your desired Range and Contents from the drop-downs.

  4. Click Export.

When you run this report, you must select All Datasets under Dataset Name to view results for categoryClosed Data groups that Interaction Analytics uses for parsed call transcript data. They make it easier to find trends. data.

Clarissa Dalloway manages teams of agents. She wants to see how she can improve customer satisfaction at her contact center. She wants to look at her agents' interactions over the last month and focus on specific categories that might help her find ways to improve customer satisfaction.

Clarissa runs the Analytics Category Statistics report. She defines the Time Period and selects All Datasets. Then she makes selections for Team Name, Agent Name, Skill Name, and Channel Type. After she clicks Run, a second prompt page opens. She selects the categories she wants to view and clicks Run again.

Clarissa can use the results to find the categories where teams or agents need further coaching. She focuses on the following metrics to see which categories can help her find areas to strengthen:

  • % Negative client sentiment

  • % Frustration

  • % Resolved

She can click the number in the Total Interactions column to drill down to see each interaction for an agent. This detail helps her pinpoint the type of interaction where the agent needs most help.

Analytics Category Statistics Widget

This widget provides summary category statistics at the level of teams and agents.

The table includes the following details:

  • Percentage for positive and negative sentiment for customers and agents. You can see the sentiment for the entire interaction, and for the beginning and end of the interaction. The beginning of an interaction is the first 400 words or first 30% of the interaction, depending on whichever occurs first. End sentiment is determined by the last 30% of an interaction.

  • Customer frustration over the entire interaction.

  • Agent resolution rate (% Resolved).

The statistics are always grouped by dataset and category. Optionally, you can also group the statistics by team name, agent name, or both.

Click the number in the Total Interactions column next to an agent to show the Agent View page containing details of that agent's interactions.

The Total Interactions % column shows, as a percentage, the total interactions per category or team as compared to the total interactions in the dataset. This value is displayed at each category and team level.

Total Interactions % for a dataset may be higher than 100% because an interaction can be tagged for multiple categories.

Agent View

This page displays analytics statistics on each interaction for the agent.

The page opens when you click the number in the Total Interactions column next to the agent on the Analytics Category Statistics widget.

The page includes the following details for each interaction:

  • The type of interaction.

  • The agent and client sentiment. Possible sentiments:





  • Client frustration level. Possible values are:



  • Whether the interaction was marked as resolved. Possible values:



Click Play to play back the interaction.

Keep in mind, this page displays only the recent 1000 interactions.