Evaluating Agents On-the-Fly

You can evaluate a specific interaction, or send it directly for evaluation from the Interactions application.

  • If you want to review specific agents, you can search for the agent's interactions on your own instead of waiting for the Quality Planner to send their interactions to an evaluator. You can evaluate them and view evaluation scores for other interactions.

  • You can also send a specific interaction to an evaluator directly from the Interactions application as long as you have the correct permission enabled for your role.

Evaluate an Agent

You must have the following permission enabled to evaluate interactions on-the-fly:

QM Tools > Evaluations > Perform Evaluations: Evaluate

  1. From the Interactions application, type the interaction you are looking for, and click Search.

    You can search by name, contact ID, or agent ID. You can only view the interactions of the teams assigned to you in your views.

  2. Click Options and select Evaluate.

    You can see Evaluate in the Actions menu only if the interaction belongs to a team that is assigned to you in views.

  3. In the Create New Evaluation window, select a form and click Evaluate.

  4. Click Play on the interaction and answer the questions on the form.

    You can view the points earned and the maximum possible points for each individual question as you assess and score them. You can see the total score at the top of the form, as well as the section score at the top of each section.

    A flag appears before a critical question.

  5. You can add a comment to any of the questions. The comments are visible to anyone viewing the evaluation.

    To add a comment, click Comment. Write the comment, and click Submit .

  6. To change the evaluation from a standard evaluation, click Change Form and select a new one from the list.

  7. After you complete the evaluation, save it by doing one of the following:

    • Click Save as Draft to save the evaluation for later.

    • Click Send to Agent to complete the evaluation.

    • Click Close to cancel the evaluation.

    Depending on the evaluation workflow defined in the form, the evaluation may or may not go to the agent.

Assign an Evaluation

You must have the following permissions enabled to assign interactions for evaluation on-the-fly:

QM Tools > Evaluations > Perform Evaluations: Evaluate, Assign

To assign an evaluation:

  1. From the Interactions application, type the interaction you are looking for, and click Search.

    You can search by name, contact ID, or agent ID.

  2. After you find the correct interaction, click Options and select Evaluate.

  3. In the Create New Evaluation window, select an Evaluator to send the interaction to.

    When assigning another evaluator, you can view only those evaluators assigned to the team.

    See Example

    Hayley is the manager of two agent teams, team New York and team London.

    Nick is an evaluator assigned to team New York and Lisa is an evaluator assigned to team London. Nick and Lisa are part of the team included in Hayley’s views.

  4. Select an evaluation form to send with the interaction.

  5. Click Evaluate.

    The interaction is sent to the evaluator you selected. The interaction to be evaluated is displayed on their Task page in My Zone.