ACD Dashboards

The following information is for ACD Dashboards, found in CXone Mpower at ReportingDashboards. For the Legacy Dashboard application, see Welcome to Dashboards. ACD Dashboards and widgets provide another option of displaying ACD-related data. These dashboards and widgets also have separate groups of permissions in both the ACD section and the Reporting section.

Dashboards allow you to quickly view data for how your contact center is functioning. A dashboard is a canvas upon which you can display groups of widgets. Widgets present specific types of data about your contact center, such as the current queue of contacts or the number of agents logged in. You can create different dashboards to display categories of information, such as data for a specific team or campaign, or for a specific range of time. Editing a dashboard allows you to configure widget settings, where you select details for data you want to display.

Key Facts About Dashboards

  • When you open Dashboards, the dashboard that appears is the last dashboard you had open.
  • Data for real-time widgets refresh automatically every 5 seconds (excluding Service Level and Skill Summary widgets).
  • Dashboards can be shared amongst users of your tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone Mpower environment. When sharing a dashboard, you share it with all users who have access to shared dashboards.
  • If you resize your browser window and a dashboard displays incorrectly, refresh the browser window. The dashboard automatically resizes to display correctly.
  • To access dashboards, users need View permission for any of the real-time or historical widgets in the ACD section or the Reporting section, or at least the View permission for Dashboard Console.
  • Your Account Representative can disable ACD Dashboards for your tenant.

Dashboard Interface

Image of a Reporting dashboard.
Interface Element Details
Dashboard Toolbar (1) The toolbar contains all dashboard-related actions such as creating and sharing the dashboard. The toolbar elements change when you edit the dashboard. The following explains each toolbar element and the actions you can perform, separated by if you are viewing the dashboard in standard mode (displayed in image above) or edit mode when editing the dashboard:


  • Dashboard List: Allows you to open a dashboard by selecting a dashboard in the drop-down list.
  • Edit: Changes the dashboard to edit mode, which allows you to perform actions described in the Edit section below, or configure the settings for individual widgets.
  • Refresh: Updates the widgets on the dashboard with the most up-to-date data from your contact center.
  • Create New: Allows you to create a new dashboard. After clicking this button, you can name your new dashboard, select whether or not you want to share it with others, then drag and drop widgets into the dashboard area.
  • Slideshow: Allows you to cycle through your list of dashboards. You can click the down-carot to specify the duration for how long you want each dashboard to display. This duration is measured in seconds, and you cannot enter less than 30 seconds.
  • Console View: Helps you focus-in on the data presented by your dashboard by eliminating the CXone Mpower interface elements and only display the dashboard widgets. This button only appears if you have the Dashboard Console View permission enabled in your role.


You can only configure a widget's settings when editing the dashboard.

Widget (2) This area highlights an individual widget on the dashboard. In the entire image, you can see different types of widgets and presentations of data. Depending on the widget, you can interact with the data in different ways. Some widgets allow you to change the type of display from a graph to a table, others allow direct interaction by double clicking on a contact or agent name.
Widget Actions (3) This upper-right area of a widget contains action buttons. Not all widgets support the same actions, and buttons change when viewing a dashboard in standard mode (displayed in the image above) or in edit mode when editing the dashboard.


  • Printer: Allows you to print the displayed data. Clicking this button opens your default printer window.
  • Export: Allows you to export the displayed data in one of the following formats: Excel, CSV, PDF.


  • Delete: Removes the widget from the dashboard.
  • Settings Cog: Opens the settings window, which allows you to configure the data displayed by the widget, such as specific teams or skills.