Coming Soon in the 24.3 Release

This page shows the products and features currently planned for the 24.3 release cycle, which begins on 25 July 2024 and ends when the next release begins, which is currently targeted for November 2024. Features are subject to change between now and the end of the release cycle. You may receive these features at different times throughout the release cycle. Remember that you may be required to purchase a license or sign up for a controlled release (CR) program to access some of them.

The online help continues to reflect the previous version of the product being used by most customers.

Register for the 24.3 webinar.

These sessions will cover the coming features in more detail.

Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the CXone apps you use.

Global Changes

Location Verification on Login

Currently, a user can log in from any location with the correct credentials. In this release, you will be able to configure allowed locations and assign them to users from the login authenticator profile. This setting will require that the user has the correct credentials and location to be able to log in to CXone. If the user's credentials or location are incorrect, the login attempt will fail with an error message.

To enable this feature, you will configure allowed locations on a new Location Definitions page. You will do so by specifying IP address lists, ranges, and subnets. The locations will appear on the login authenticator profile in a new Location drop-down field. From the drop-down, you will be able to choose one location where the assigned agents must log in from.

Configuring a location check will strengthen your system security.

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Removed Applications and Features

Product Lifecycle Update for Google Business Messages

Google Business Messages will no longer be supported as of 31 July 2024. You won't be able to receive new messages after 1 July 2024. You will have 30 days to open or close message threads or move them to another messaging option. You should update your welcome message in Google Business Messages so contacts are aware of this change. If you use Google entry points for business messaging, you will need to remove or replace the entry point with another messaging channel by 15 July 2024. Review the official Google documentation Box with arrow indicating navigation to external site. for more information on the discontinuation of Google Business Messages.

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New Applications

CXone Agent Integrated ACS

CXone Agent Integrated ACS will be an application for agents that are used to Microsoft Teams. ACS (Azure Communication Services) is the same platform that powers Microsoft Teams. Agents will be able to log in to CXone Agent using their Microsoft Teams email ID. Once logged in, agents will be able to make and receive voice calls with call controls similar to those in Microsoft Teams. Agents will be able to transfer calls to other agents logged in with ACS.

You will have to configure the integration between CXone Agent and your ACS system. To do so, you will need to input the following information in CXone:

  • CXone Tenant ID

  • Microsoft Account ID

  • Microsoft Client ID

  • Microsoft Client Secret

  • Microsoft Connection String

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Accent Matching

Accent Matching is a tool that will change an agent's voice, in real time, to a voice with an accent from an English-speaking country. This will make it easier for contacts to understand agents whose native language is not English. It will also reduce frustration and improve customer satisfaction.

Agents will be able to select a voice avatar for each call. Voice avatars will include a male and female option for different English accents. This includes Australian, British, Irish, and US English accents.

You will be able to monitor Accent Matching with: 

  • An Accent Matching dashboard that shows the usage and minutes.

  • Recordings of calls that use Accent Matching. This will allow you to review the accent and assess the impact of the accent on your calls. Call recording for these calls will not be enabled by default.

In this initial controlled release of Accent Matching, you will need to download an audio driver to each agent's computer.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

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Improvements to Campaigns and Agent Messaging Pages

The Campaigns and Agent Messaging pages will have a new look and feel. The basic functionality of these pages won't change. The benefits of the updates include:

  • Reduced loading time

  • Increased security

  • Updated and modernized page design

The URLs for these pages will also change. You will need make sure the new URLs are on your allowlist.

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Browser Inactivity Timeout Setting

Currently, your system browser inactivity timeout setting can only be changed by NICE. This setting ends an agent's session in a CXone agent application when they've been inactive for a certain amount of time. In this release, you will be able to change this setting in the business unit profile using two new fields:

  • Logout Agent with Browser Inactivity: Will enable the browser inactivity timeout feature.

  • Browser Inactivity Timeout: Will set the timeout threshold. You will enter the number of seconds an agent can be inactive before CXone ends their session. The minimum setting will be 150 seconds, and the maximum will be 7200 seconds. Numbers outside this range will produce an error and you won't be able to save your business unit profile.

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ACD Routing

Channel Lock Setting for Users and Teams

Currently, agents configured in Omnichannel Delivery Mode are subject to an AND type of configuration. For example, an agent configured with a Total Contact Count of 3 can receive one voice and two chat interactions at the same time. This often leads to overworked agents.

In this release, a new Channel Lock setting will break the AND methodology by temporarily locking an agent to the channel they're currently handling. If the agent has a Total Contact Count of 3, they will now be able to treat these channels with more independence. The agent can now receive one voice OR two chat interactions, but not both at the same time. When the agent's interactions have ended, the lock will end. The agent will then be able to receive interactions from any configured channel.

This feature will allow your agents to handle time-sensitive interactions like chats and phone calls without becoming overworked.

To use this feature, you must have dynamic delivery enabled for your environment. The team or user profile you're configuring must have Omnichannel set as the Delivery Mode. User settings override team settings.

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Enhancements to Advanced Routing

Advanced routing will receive the following improvements: 

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Regional Expansion

Advanced routing features will become available in two new regions: Europe and Australia. Advanced routing features include Enlighten AI Routing, dynamic delivery, routing attributes, and bullseye routing.

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ACD Channels

Ability to Use Alphanumeric SMS Codes

Currently, you can only use numeric SMSClosed Short Message Service; also known as text messaging. codes. In this release, you will also be able to use alphanumeric codes. Alphanumeric codes will allow you to use a mix of letters and numbers in your code. Some countries, like Ireland, require alphanumeric SMS codes. This update will allow you to use SMS in more countries.

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Hide Agent Activities for CXone Supervisor

A new permission, Hide Agent Activities, will be added under Supervisor > General Permissions. When enabled, supervisors will not be able to see the agent activities.

Currently, when supervisors click a row under the Agents tab, they can see the agents' activities in the Activity tab. In this release, the availability of the agents' activity will depend on the Hide Agent Activities permission assigned to them.

For more details, select the CXone Supervisor filter on the top right.

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CXone Agent

Elevate Interactions

Agents will be able to elevate an interaction from one channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. to another. For example, if they're chatting with a contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. but realize they could more easily solve the issue over the phone, they can elevate the interactionClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. to voice. They will be able to elevate:

This will make interactions seamless. It will also simplify reporting. The entire interaction will be connected to one interaction ID. There will be individual contact IDs for the interaction on each channel.

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Enhancements to Voice Preference

The following changes will be made to the voice preference functionality:

  • Remember Voice Preference: A checkbox called Remember Preference will be added to the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. If an agent selects Remember Preference, CXone Agent will remember the voice option they selected and use it in the future to log them in, skipping the Voice Preferences window. Additionally, if they selected Set Phone Number or Set Station ID as their voice preference, CXone Agent will remember the phone number or station ID they entered.

  • Voice Preferences Section in Settings: A new section will be added to Settings icon of a gear.Login & Voice Preferences called Voice Preferences. It will have the same options as the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. Agents will be able to use these options to change their voice preference and clear Remember Preference.

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Download All Email Attachments

Agents will be able to select the option to Download all attachments from an email. The attachments will download as a ZIP file.

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Accessibility

Keyboard shortcuts will be available in CXone Agent. All supported keyboard shortcuts will be listed on a new tab in Settings icon of a gear..

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Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience

The following changes will be made to the CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories. integration experience for CXone Agent:

Enhancements to Outcomes UI/UX

The following changes will be made to the outcomesClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. user interface:

  • Bottom Panel Removed: Currently, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking the Outcomes panel that appears at the bottom of CXone Agent. In this release, that bottom panel will be removed. Instead, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking Outcome icon, of a check mark inside a circle. in the interactions menu.

  • Larger Outcomes Window: The Outcomes window will be larger. This will make longer Notes entries, particularly summaries generated by Enlighten AutoSummary, easier to read.

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View Rich Message Content

Currently, rich message contentClosed Elements in digital messaging such as buttons, images, menus, and option pickers. does not display to agents in the interaction space. Instead, fallback textClosed A plain text alternative sent when the destination doesn't support rich media. is displayed. In this release, rich content will display to agents. This will enable them to see what contacts see.

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CXone Agent Embedded

Support for Hyperforce

You will be able to embed CXone Agent Embedded into Hyperforce , the next-generation infrastructure architecture in Salesforce.

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Elevate Interactions

Agents will be able to elevate an interaction from one channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. to another. For example, if they're chatting with a contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. but realize they could more easily solve the issue over the phone, they can elevate the interactionClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. to voice. They will be able to elevate:

This will make interactions seamless. It will also simplify reporting. The entire interaction will be connected to one interaction ID. There will be individual contact IDs for the interaction on each channel.

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Enhancements to Voice Preference

The following changes will be made to the voice preference functionality:

  • Remember Voice Preference: A checkbox called Remember Preference will be added to the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. If an agent selects Remember Preference, CXone Agent Embedded will remember the voice option they selected and use it in the future to log them in, skipping the Voice Preferences window. Additionally, if they selected Set Phone Number or Set Station ID as their voice preference, CXone Agent Embedded will remember the phone number or station ID they entered.

  • Voice Preferences Section in Settings: A new section will be added to Settings icon of a gear.Login & Voice Preferences called Voice Preferences. It will have the same options as the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. Agents will be able to use these options to change their voice preference and clear Remember Preference.

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Download All Email Attachments

Agents will be able to select the option to Download all attachments from an email. The attachments will download as a ZIP file.

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Accessibility

Keyboard shortcuts will be available in CXone Agent Embedded. All supported keyboard shortcuts will be listed on a new tab in Settings icon of a gear..

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Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience

The following changes will be made to the CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories. integration experience for CXone Agent Embedded:

Enhancements to Outcomes UI/UX

The following changes will be made to the outcomesClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. user interface:

  • Bottom Panel Removed: Currently, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking the Outcomes panel that appears at the bottom of CXone Agent Embedded. In this release, that bottom panel will be removed. Instead, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking Options icon of three dots stacked vertically. > Outcome icon, of a check mark inside a circle..

  • Larger Outcomes Window: The Outcomes window will be larger. This will make longer Notes entries, particularly summaries generated by Enlighten AutoSummary, easier to read.

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View Rich Message Content

Currently, rich message contentClosed Elements in digital messaging such as buttons, images, menus, and option pickers. does not display to agents in CXone Agent Embedded. Instead, fallback textClosed A plain text alternative sent when the destination doesn't support rich media. is displayed. In this release, rich content will display to agents. This will enable them to see what contacts see.

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CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

Elevate Interactions

Agents will be able to elevate an interaction from one channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. to another. For example, if they're chatting with a contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. but realize they could more easily solve the issue over the phone, they can elevate the interactionClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. to voice. They will be able to elevate:

This will make interactions seamless. It will also simplify reporting. The entire interaction will be connected to one interaction ID. There will be individual contact IDs for the interaction on each channel.

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Enhancements to Voice Preference

The following changes will be made to the voice preference functionality:

  • Remember Voice Preference: A checkbox called Remember Preference will be added to the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. If an agent selects Remember Preference, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams will remember the voice option they selected and use it in the future to log them in, skipping the Voice Preferences window. Additionally, if they selected Set Phone Number or Set Station ID as their voice preference, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams will remember the phone number or station ID they entered.

  • Voice Preferences Section in Settings: A new section will be added to Settings icon of a gear.Login & Voice Preferences called Voice Preferences. It will have the same options as the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. Agents will be able to use these options to change their voice preference and clear Remember Preference.

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Download All Email Attachments

Agents will be able to select the option to Download all attachments from an email. The attachments will download as a ZIP file.

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Accessibility

Keyboard shortcuts will be available in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. All supported keyboard shortcuts will be listed on a new tab in Settings icon of a gear..

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Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience

The following changes will be made to the CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories. integration experience for CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams:

Enhancements to Outcomes UI/UX

The following changes will be made to the outcomesClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. user interface:

  • Bottom Panel Removed: Currently, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking the Outcomes panel that appears at the bottom of CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. In this release, that bottom panel will be removed. Instead, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking Outcome icon, of a check mark inside a circle. in the interactions menu.

  • Larger Outcomes Window: The Outcomes window will be larger. This will make longer Notes entries, particularly summaries generated by Enlighten AutoSummary, easier to read.

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View Rich Message Content

Currently, rich message contentClosed Elements in digital messaging such as buttons, images, menus, and option pickers. does not display to agents in the interaction space. Instead, fallback textClosed A plain text alternative sent when the destination doesn't support rich media. is displayed. In this release, rich content will display to agents. This will enable them to see what contacts see.

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Agent for Service Cloud Voice

Dispositions, Tags, and Notes

Agents will be able to add dispositionsClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction., tags, and notes to calls they handle in Agent for SCV. Only one disposition per call will be allowed. Adding dispositions will improve reporting and save time. Adding tags will associate the calls with records in Salesforce.

You will need to enable Disposition for the ACD skill. For each skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, you will be able to configure a setting to require agents to add dispositions and tags to calls.

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Record Calls

Calls handled in Agent for SCV will be automatically recorded. The recording will be available in the Call Recording URL field of the Voice Call record in Salesforce. When clicked, the URL will open in a new window and play the recording.

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Support for WatchRTC SDK

Your CXone Account Representative will be able to enable the WatchRTC SDK for Agent for SCV. The WatchRTC SDK reports agents' audio quality. It identifies issues and possible solutions. This will be in addition to the current support for the WatchRTC Chrome extension.

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CXone Agent Integrated

Elevate Interactions

Agents will be able to elevate an interaction from one channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. to another. For example, if they're chatting with a contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. but realize they could more easily solve the issue over the phone, they can elevate the interactionClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. to voice. They will be able to elevate:

This will make interactions seamless. It will also simplify reporting. The entire interaction will be connected to one interaction ID. There will be individual contact IDs for the interaction on each channel.

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Enhancements to Voice Preference

The following changes will be made to the voice preference functionality:

  • Remember Voice Preference: A checkbox called Remember Preference will be added to the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. If an agent selects Remember Preference, CXone Agent Integrated will remember the voice option they selected and use it in the future to log them in, skipping the Voice Preferences window. Additionally, if they selected Set Phone Number or Set Station ID as their voice preference, CXone Agent Integrated will remember the phone number or station ID they entered.

  • Voice Preferences Section in Settings: A new section will be added to Settings icon of a gear.Login & Voice Preferences called Voice Preferences. It will have the same options as the Voice Preferences window that appears when agents log in. Agents will be able to use these options to change their voice preference and clear Remember Preference.

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Download All Email Attachments

Agents will be able to select the option to Download all attachments from an email. The attachments will download as a ZIP file.

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Accessibility

Keyboard shortcuts will be available in CXone Agent Integrated. All supported keyboard shortcuts will be listed on a new tab in Settings icon of a gear..

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Enhancements to the CRM Integration Experience

The following changes will be made to the CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories. integration experience for CXone Agent Integrated:

Enhancements to Outcomes UI/UX

The following changes will be made to the outcomesClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. user interface:

  • Bottom Panel Removed: Currently, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking the Outcomes panel that appears at the bottom of CXone Agent Integrated. In this release, that bottom panel will be removed. Instead, you can access the Outcomes window by clicking Options icon of three dots stacked vertically. > Outcome icon, of a check mark inside a circle..

  • Larger Outcomes Window: The Outcomes window will be larger. This will make longer Notes entries, particularly summaries generated by Enlighten AutoSummary, easier to read.

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View Rich Message Content

Currently, rich message contentClosed Elements in digital messaging such as buttons, images, menus, and option pickers. does not display to agents in CXone Agent Integrated. Instead, fallback textClosed A plain text alternative sent when the destination doesn't support rich media. is displayed. In this release, rich content will display to agents. This will enable them to see what contacts see.

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Bring Data from Non-CXone ACDs into CXone WFM via JAVA SDK

A new group of APIs will let you send real-time and historical data from non-CXone ACDs to CXone WFM. The APIs will be consumed via a JAVA software development kit (SDK). These APIs will let you:

  • Process data for the intraday manager and forecast generation.

  • Process and store agent activity data that will be used in adherence calculation.

  • Monitor connection between ACD and CXone WFM.

  • Process agent activity data to display current agent activity.

  • Display the current agent stateClosed The availability status of an agent.

  • Get the non-CXone ACD name.

  • Handle API authentication.

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CXone Agent SDK

You will be able to utilize the same SDK used to build CXone Agent. This SDK is a group of back-end components that provide the agent-contact functionality. This will let you build your own agent application or use the components for your unique use case. The SDK components will let your developers easily add back-end agent-contact functionality, letting them focus on the front-end design.

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Data Types Change in Responses from /dnc-groups

The data types of several fields in the GET and POST /dnc-groups API will change:

Response Field Existing Data Type New Data Type
dncGroupId String Integer
validRecords String Integer
isActive String Boolean
isRemoved Integer Boolean
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Bot Builder

Native Options Migrating from API Integrations to Scripts via Skill Store

Bot Builder has integrations with CXone and other products built into it. This includes CXone Expert, CXone Suite, Digital Experience, CXone Studio, and Salesforce. Currently, these options are available on the APIs tab in Bot Builder. In this release, they will be available as skills you can add from the Bot Builder Skill Store.

BotsClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent. that currently use affected API integration options will not be impacted. They will remain in your bot's configurations. However, any new integrations must be made from the Skill Store.

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CXone Coaching

Add Links

Under Resources, a dedicated section for adding links will be added. Coaches will now be able to add links to the coaching session. This will enhance the coaching experience and give the coach and agent direct access to additional resources.

Currently, you can add only attachments, interactions, and evaluations to the coaching session. In this release, you will also be able to add links along with other existing resources.

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Add Metrics

Coaches will be able to add metrics to the coaching session, which will help measure coaching effectiveness. Coaching effectiveness is a measure to gauge the effectiveness of the coaching session.

This feature is supported only for users with the Performance Management(New) license.

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CXone Dashboard

Team-Based Data Control

CXone Dashboard will support Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with a focus on team-based data restrictions. You can create team views and assign them to different users to ensure precise data visibility.

  • All widgets will respect these restrictions, enhancing security across applications; for example, CXone QM and CXone Coaching.

  • You will gain cumulative access to assigned teams if you have multiple views.

  • Shared dashboards will adapt data based on individual permissions.

  • If you don’t have any assigned views, this won’t impact you, and you’ll still be able to see all the teams in the tenant.

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New Widget in CXone Dashboard

This release will add a new CXone QM widget.

  • Evaluations and Coaching Trend widget for the new CXone Coaching

    This widget will let evaluators and coaching managers keep track of how the scores for selected agents change over time. It will also show when coaching sessions are planned within the new CXone Coaching application for these agents. By looking at how scores change along with the coaching session, managers will see how well their coaching is working.

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Filtering Digital Experience and Omnichannel metrics by Digital Channels

You will be able to filter both Digital Experience metrics and Omnichannel metrics using specific digital channelsClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience.. You will be able to use this filtering through the Channel data attribute available in the metrics widget settings.

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Enhanced Widget Control for CXone Dashboard Viewers

Agents with dashboard viewer permissions will be able to adjust widget positions and sizes within the dashboard. This flexibility will allow them to tailor the dashboard to their specific roles and skills. Any changes made by dashboard viewers will be saved for future use. However, when the dashboard owner saves a new change, it will override any changes made by viewers.

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Enhancement in Agent State Visualization

The colors and states of agent-related widgets will be aligned with the old Dashboard. A new state, Dialer, will be introduced. The affected widgets include Agent List and agent zoom-related widgets like Agent State Counter and Agent State Summary. The calculation of the Agents Unavailable and Longest Unavailable metrics will also be impacted.

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Penalty Scores of Agents in CXone Quality Management Widgets

The Quality Score and Evaluation and Coaching Events widgets will now display negative scores for agents or teams when critical questions go unanswered. This enhancement allows for more precise and accurate evaluations at the agent level.

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DEVone Integrations

A5 Solutions

Custom WhatsApp Integration

A5 Solutions will offer a custom WhatsApp integration with CXone. This integration will solve the following issues:

  • Setting up and managing thousands of agent WhatsApp accounts, including personal WhatsApp accounts.

  • Tracking conversations when agents use personal WhatsApp accounts. This is mandatory for complying with certain SEC regulations and avoiding fines.

  • Creating workflows based on certain types of messages, such as:

    • Prompting responses from inactive contacts, like if they did not respond to certain messages in a certain amount of time, if they didn't read a message, and so forth.

    • Automating ticket creation in your CRM system.

A5 Solutions is part of the DEVone Reseller Marketplace program. Contact your CXone Account Representative or visit the CXexchange Marketplace for more information.

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Interact CX

New Product Introduction: ConnectLingua Real Time Audio Translation

ConnectLingua will use advanced AI technologies to create a seamless voice communication experience between agents and contacts. With advanced voice recognition and real-time translation features, ConnectLingua will be a cost-effective replacement for your human-based Over-the-Phone Interpretation (OPI) services. It will let your agents serve contacts in over 65 languages and 90 dialects, using AI as a live translation service for voice, email, digital, SMS, and voicemail interactions. The following are highlights of ConnectLingua:

ConnectLingua Voice Translation is based on scalable microservices. ConnectLingua is also designed to be accessible for hearing- and speech-impaired agents.

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New Product Introduction: ConnectLingua AI Copilot

ConnectLingua AI Copilot will be an agent augmentation suite that leverages NICE Agent Assist Hub. It will provide real-time monitoring and guidance with its multiple intelligent automation. ConnectLingua AI Copilot will function with voice, email, digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience., SMSClosed Short Message Service; also known as text messaging., and voicemail channelsClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. to provide detailed analytics and conversational insights. The following are highlights of ConnectLingua AI Copilot:

  • Audio Transcription in 85+ Languages: Transcribes audio from contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. interactions into text format with high accuracy across more than 85 languages in multiple dialects.

  • AI Workflow Based Guidance: Guides agents through structured steps, integrating with existing knowledge bases for efficient workflow management.

  • Sentiment Analysis: Alerts supervisors and managers with sentiment analysis relying on profanity detection, high-pitch tones, and semantics for both real time and post call.

  • Summarization: Automatically generates concise summaries of lengthy interactions using text summarization algorithms, which also support PII redaction.

  • Generative AI Based Features:

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New Product Introduction: Proxy Tunnel Service Manager (PTSM)

PTSM automates proxy tunnel delivery for virtual agentClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent. and digital channelClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. integrations with CXone. The following are highlights of the service manager:

  • Bring Your Own Bot: PTSM BYOB enables seamless integration of virtual agentsClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent. into NICE Agent Assist Hub. Additionally, the autopilot feature offers functionality over both voice and digital channels.

  • Bring Your Own Channel: PTSM BYOC automates development and deployment for digital channel integration with NICE Digital Experience. Digital channels include LINE, WeChat, KakaoTalk, websites, home-grown channels, and more.

  • PTSM Features:

    • Customized Solutioning: Meets your unique business needs such as the addition of specific features.

    • Rich Media Support: Unlocks a new dimension of communication with RCS, quick replies, audio messages, video messages, images, and more.
    • Geographically Tailored Proximity Deployments: Reduces latency, ensures compliance, and increases reliability by using geographically strategic locations and distributing services across regions.

PTSM automates integration of virtual agents and digital channels with CXone. It will offer custom solutions, rich media support, and optimized performance through geographically tailored deployments.

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Digital Experience

Studio Updates

You will be able to use the ONSIGNAL, ONDATA, ONRESKILL, and INDICATE actions in digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. scripts. A new action called GET TAGS will also be available for use with digital scripts.

For more details, select the Studio filter on the top right.

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UI Text Change in Navigation Menu

In the 24.2 release, Digital First Omnichannel became Digital Experience. Currently, the CXone left navigation still shows DFO. In this release, the CXone left navigation will show Digital instead.

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Enhancements to OAuth for BYOC

Enhancements will be made to OAuth 2.0 to improve security for interactionsClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. that occur through Bring Your Own Channel. Outbound interactions will include an MTLS (Mutual Transport Layer Security) certificate to ensure mutual authentication. This will verify the identity of both the contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. and the server sending the message.

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Access CXone Data Share with Predefined SQL

If you have a Snowflake account, you will be provided predefined SQL code to manage your data. This will allow you to learn about the relationships between the Views in CXone Data Share. The predefined SQL code will let you to access data results similar to what you can view in BI (Business Intelligence) and Standard reports. This will enable you to extract data to your own data stores. You will then be able to query your own data instead of repeatedly querying Snowflake with the same SQL code. This will save you the additional expense you would incur querying Snowflake.

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Chat Window Redesign

More updates will be made to the recently redesigned chat window. These updates will provide parity of features and appearance between Guide and existing chat options. If a user enters digital chat through Guide, the design and experience will be consistent. This will provide a smoother experience for users.

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Mention Tags for LinkedIn

CXone will create a caseClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. when a user mentions your organization's page from their LinkedIn page. Mentions will include LinkedIn posts and comments. You will need to enable Mention Sync for the LinkedIn channels you want to monitor with this feature. This update will help you see how your organization is perceived by users on LinkedIn. It will also let agents respond to mentions on your page or other pages.

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Configure Email Ticket Number

You will be able to decide whether the ticket number goes before or after the subject line. You will also be able to configure how brackets appear around the email ticket number. Your configurations will take effect for all new interactions after they are saved. This will help prevent CRMs and ordering systems from misreading ticket numbers.

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Product Lifecycle Update for Google Business Messages

Google Business Messages will no longer be supported as of 31 July 2024. You won't be able to receive new messages after 1 July 2024. You will have 30 days to open or close message threads or move them to another messaging option. You should update your welcome message in Google Business Messages so contacts are aware of this change. If you use Google entry points for business messaging, you will need to remove or replace the entry point with another messaging channel by 15 July 2024. Review the official Google documentation Box with arrow indicating navigation to external site. for more information on the discontinuation of Google Business Messages.

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CXone Agent SDK

You will be able to utilize the same SDK used to build CXone Agent. This SDK is a group of back-end components that provide the agent-contact functionality. This will let you build your own agent application or use the components for your unique use case. The SDK components will let your developers easily add back-end agent-contact functionality, letting them focus on the front-end design.

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Integrate Autopilot with CXone Expert

You will be able to integrate Autopilot with your knowledge base (KB) articles in CXone Expert. With this integration, Autopilot will be able to use information from KB articles to help answer the contacts' questions. It will also be able to share the following from your CXone Expert knowledge base:

  • KB articles

  • Links

  • Images

If the contact doesn't find the information helpful, Autopilot will forward their interaction to a live agent.

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Autopilot Knowledge

New Regional Availability

Autopilot Knowledge will be available in the regions of Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and Europe. However, the UI and supported languages will continue to be English only. Additionally, CXone Expert will continue to be hosted in North America and Europe.

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Permissions-Based Access to Knowledge Articles

You will be able to limit the knowledge articles that CXone Expert can send to the user interacting with the botClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent.. To do this, you will pair authorized user accounts with roles and permissions in CXone Expert. The user's authorization token will be passed to CXone Expert, which responds with only the articles the user has access to based on their permissions.

This feature will work with any identity provider (IDP) that CXone Expert supports An icon of a square with an arrow  pointing from the center out to the upper right corner.. This feature gives you greater control over who can access CXone Expert articles when using it with Autopilot Knowledge.

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Enlighten AutoSummary

AutoSummary Supported for Digital Interactions

AutoSummary will be available for all interactionsClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. that occur on digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. messaging channels except for CXone email. Summaries of what occurred during the entire conversation will be included in agent notes after the case status is marked Closed or Resolved. This means summaries will include all segments of an interaction, including transfers. Legacy ACD chat, SMS, and email will not support AutoSummary.

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Improvements to Summary Accuracy

These enhancements will be made to improve the accuracy of interaction summaries:

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Generative AI Supported in All Regions

Generative AI through Azure GPT will be available in these regions:

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • United Kingdom

  • Germany

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Enlighten Copilot for Agents

Email Channel

Copilot for Agents will be available for CXone email. To help agents handle email interactions, Copilot for Agents will generate:

  • Email responses: Copilot for Agents will gather a list of topics from the email thread and present that list to the agent. When the agent clicks Generate, it will generate a response based on those topics and pop it into the response field. The agent can then edit the response if needed.

  • KB answers: Copilot for Agents will generate KB answers using articles in your CXone Expert knowledge baseClosed A website that stores troubleshooting articles..

This will expand the reach of Copilot for Agents, improving AHTClosed Average Handle Time is the average amount of time an agent spent handling an interaction and customer satisfaction for email interactions.

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Additional Private Digital Channels

Copilot for Agents will be available for private messages on these digital channelsClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience.:

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Customize KB Answers Based on Article Privacy

Currently, Copilot for Agents uses both private and public CXone Expert articles to generate KB answers. In this release, you will be able to:

  • Separate private content from public content. This will present text responses from private CXone Expert articles in a separate section of the KB answer card. You will be able to configure the private section's title and tool tip to alert agents that the information is for internal use only. You will also be able to hide the Insert icon: a document with a plus sign. and Send Article icon: a paper airplane. options for private text content, links, and images.

  • Keep private and public content combined. This will present a single KB answer text response from a mix of public and private CXone Expert articles.

  • Tell Copilot for Agents to only use public articles to generate KB answers.

  • Tell Copilot for Agents to only use private articles to generate KB answers.

This will allow you to customize the KB answer experience based on article privacy.

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New Regions: Australia, Canada, Europe, and the UK

Currently, Copilot for Agents is only available in the US and in US English. In this release, it will be available in Australia, Canada, Europe, and the UK. International English will be available for voice transcription and content generation.

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Enlighten Copilot for Supervisors

This product is in controlled release (CR) and not yet available for everyone. If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your CXone Account Representative.

Conversational Inquiries

There will be a conversational area in the Enlighten Copilot panel where you can ask for data in your own words. The returned data will be displayed in a table or bullet points with insights. The supported metrics are updated regularly and documented on the Enlighten Actions Metrics page.

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Settings for Enlighten Copilot for Supervisors

New settings will be available to manage the default values for Enlighten Copilot for Supervisors. These settings will appear under the Settings page and will apply globally to all users.

To view or edit these settings, you need to have the corresponding permissions assigned to you.

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Negative Sentiment Alerts for Digital Channels

Negative sentiment alerts will be triggered on digital channelsClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience..

Currently, the negative sentiment alerts are available for voice contacts only. In this release, the negative sentiment alert settings will also apply for digital channels. You will be notified when a digital contact is in negative sentiment beyond your defined threshold.

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CXone Guide

Engagement Rule Builder

You will be able to create Guide engagement rules using the new rule builder. To access the rule builder, you will need to click the app selector and select Guide. The rule builder will provide several prebuilt actions and conditions that you can search to quickly create an engagement rule.

Any rules you created previously will also be available in the new rule builder. The legacy ACD > GUIDE > Engagement Rules and ACD > GUIDE > Engagement Actions pages will remain for the time being but will be removed in a future release.

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Monitor Success of Proactive Offer Call to Action Buttons

When you create a proactive offer, you can define up to three call to action buttons. When using CXone Dashboard, you will be able to track how often visitors interact with these buttons by using the CTA Name data attribute filter in the Metrics Summary and Metrics Interval widgets.

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Integration Hub

This product is in controlled release (CR) and not yet available for everyone. If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your CXone Account Representative.

Standard Variables for Connectors

Currently, Integration Hub lets you create an encrypted value pair for your connectors. This is called a secret. In this release, that value pair feature will be expanded. You will be able to create unencrypted value pairs called variables.

To support this expanded functionality, the Secrets tab will become the Variables tab. You will create variables and secrets using the same form, entering a name and value for each one. A Secret toggle button will let you specify whether the pair is encrypted or not. You will be able to convert a variable to a secret at any time. You will not be able to turn a secret back into a variable once you have saved the connector.

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Developer Portal API Template

A new NICE CXone Developer Portal template will be available in the Connection Library. This will let you interact directly with the CXone developer portal using an OAuth 2.0 authentication. You will not be able to modify the authentication URL.

The template will support PUT, POST, GET, DELETE, and PATCH calls. You will be able to create and delete connectors from the template. These connectors will support standard usage. This will include the use of secrets and up to 50 requests per connector.

You will not be able to delete the template. It will not support client certificates.

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Regional Expansion

Integration Hub will become available in the European region.

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Performance Enhancements

Integration Hub will have increased group sizes for higher scalability.

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Interaction Analytics

Category Sets Moved to Language Model Page

Currently, you can configure category setsClosed Category groupings that help you use the data for a specific purpose. Out-of-the-box category templates include Intent to Buy and Risk Aversion. (templates) under Templates > Category Templates. In this release, configuration for category templates will move to the Language Model page in IA. This will allow you to create and manage categories in one place.

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IA Supported in UAE

Interaction Analytics will be available in the UAE.

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Enhancements to Workspace and Widget Filters

Currently, workspaceClosed Named view of one or more widgets. filters override widgetClosed Graphical representation of data that meets specified filter criteria. filters and limit filtering options for widgets. In this release:

This update will give you greater control over the data displayed in your widgets.

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Interactions and Playback

Search by Interaction ID

You will be able to search by Interaction ID, which is a unique ID (UUID) for an interaction. When multiple segments across multiple channelsClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. are associated with a single interaction, the segments can have the same Interaction ID. The Interaction ID is not the Segment ID, Contact ID, or Master Contact ID.

A new Interaction ID column will be available in the search results table.

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Filter by Disposition Value

You will be able to filter interactions by their disposition value.

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Updated Direction Labels

The filter labels and tooltips for the incoming and outgoing directions will be updated to inbound and outbound.

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Support for Enlighten Sentiments

Currently, this feature is in controlled release. In this release, it will be generally available.

Interactions search and playback will support Enlighten sentiment levels for a segment as well as analytics-based sentiments. Customer sentiment generated by Enlighten is based on a predictive net promoter score.

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Player Enhancements

Experience the next level of recording playback with the New Player, designed to streamline your review and analysis process. The New Player will introduce a suite of enhancements to elevate the user experience:

  • Centralized Interaction Information: All pertinent details will be conveniently located in the Player header, providing a cohesive overview at a glance.

  • Expanded Viewing Area: Enjoy a more immersive playback experience with a significantly enlarged screen area.

  • Revamped Timeline: The upgraded Timeline view will enable superior navigation, complete with highlighted After Contact WorkClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction (ACW) time for better tracking.

  • Upgraded Icons: Newly designed icons will offer improved visibility and ease of use, ensuring a more intuitive interface.

  • Segment-Level Insights: Gain deeper insights with a segment-level view when playing back entire contacts. You will be able to view detailed information for each segment in the Interaction Details tab.

  • Unified Action Menu: You will be able to access all necessary actions from a single, streamlined menu, simplifying your workflow.

For those who prefer the familiar, the option to continue using the classic Player will remain available, ensuring a seamless transition.

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Migrated Calls

This product is in controlled release (CR) and not yet available for everyone. If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your CXone Account Representative.

Migrated Calls

Migrated Calls will allow you to seamlessly migrate historical call data (users, metadata, media) from various sources into the CXone platform. This will simplify data management by consolidating all calls in a single platform, enhance user experience, allow decommissioning of on-premises infrastructure, and promote business continuity.

After the migration is complete, you will be able to:

  • Search and play back migrated calls from Migrated Interactions in the Interactions application.

    If you’re part of the Interactions Hub CR group, you’ll find the Interactions Search application under Interactions Hub.

  • Manage migrated calls using NICE CXone recording applications.

The following systems will be supported in this release:

  • NICE Legacy Systems: Engage recording system, Playback Portal Generic DB and Engage DB, Uptivity

  • External Recording Systems: Verint, Genesys, Calabrio, Witness, Red Box, Avaya

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CXone Multi-ACD (CXone Open)

New Customer SBC for Cisco Telephony Integration

The introduction of the new Customer-Side Session Border Controller (SBC) — AudioCodes, will enhance Cisco telephony integration capabilities. This system will support two configurations:

  • IP Phone-based Recording (BiB)

  • Network-based Recording (NBR) through Cisco CUBE

This update will provide a broader range of connectivity options, enabling a more seamless and flexible integration with the telephony system.

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Certification of CXone Multi-ACD Recording Solution by Cisco

The CXone Multi-ACD recording solution will be officially certified and approved by Cisco for integration with the Cisco CUCM 14 telephony system.

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Enhanced Interaction Search

You will be able to search recorded interactions by their External Call ID. This feature will allow users to locate calls using the ID generated by third-party telephony systems, improving the efficiency of interaction retrieval.

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My Zone

Self-Service - Self-Swap in My Zone Weekly Schedule View

This feature will be available for users with the advanced license.

Agents will be able to access self-service - self-swap from the weekly view of the schedule. This enhancement will give agents added advantages including:

  • Easy-to-update schedules.

  • Better visibility on available self-swap slots.

This capability will improve the agent experience.

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Personal Connection

Priority-Based Blending with Speed to Lead Skills

Speed to lead skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge route hot leads directly to the calling queue. You will be able to blend speed to lead skills with other outbound and inbound skills. By blending these skills with other skills, contactsClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. will be more evenly distributed to agents who can help them. It will also help agents be more productive.

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Block Entire Contact Records After DNC Requests

Currently, when you receive a Do Not Contact (DNC) request, CXone only blocks the contact's destination. A phone number or email address is an example of a contact's destination. The contact's record remains in CXone. Agents can still contact them through another destination on their record, like a secondary phone number. In this release, CXone will be able to block the entire record of the contact if one of their destinations matches the DNC list. This update will help you stay in compliance with the FCC's one to one consent rule This link leads to an external website..

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Configure Ring Time Out on Manual Outbound Calls

Currently, the ring time out for manual outbound calls is set at 55 seconds. You cannot edit this time out. In this release, you will be able to edit the ring time out for manual outbound calls. The maximum ring time out will be 180 seconds. This update will allow agents to have more time to reach their contacts.

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Updated Skill Control Page

The outbound skill control page will be updated in the following ways:

  • It will have a new look and feel similar to most pages in Admin.

  • It will provide additional insight into agents, inventory, and ports.

  • You will be able to click data in the table to view more specific information. For example, if you click on data in the List Inventory section of the table, you will be able to view the available contacts for that skill. You will also be able to view the agent summary for that skill.

  • The notification section will be moved from the bottom of the page to the right side of the page. It will be labeled History instead of Notifications. The History section will record changes that are made on the page. The History section will reset each day at 12:00 AM.

  • You will be able to drag and drop columns to different places in the table. When you refresh the page, the columns will return to their default order.

  • There will be a new columns tab on the right side of the table. The tab will allow you to hide columns you don't want to view. When you refresh the page, the columns that you hid will be visible again.

  • The Calls Made column will only display the total number of calls for that day. The information will reset to 0 each day at 12:00 AM.

  • You will be able to modify the dialing ratio for each skill without having to go into individual skill pages. This will save you time as you make configuration changes.

  • You will be able to view and update assigned ports on the page.

These updates will make it easier for you to view and modify skills.

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CXone Quality Management

Support Enlighten Sentiments in Quality Flows

While configuring quality plans and auto-response rules, a new option (Enlighten Sentiment) will be available along with the existing one (Sentiment). Enlighten Sentiment is a customer sentiment generated by Enlighten, based on a predictive net promoter score. The net promoter scores are very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative.

This feature will be available only to users with the CXone Quality Management Advanced or CXone Quality Management Premium license.

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Support Negative Scoring

With this release, quality scores in CXone will also support negative values. For example, you will be able to configure a -1 score for an option of a question.

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Rename 'Open' Recording Source to 'Multi-ACD'

The Recording Source drop-down while creating a quality plan will show a CXone Multi-ACD option instead of CXone Open. The CXone Open option in the Recording Source will be renamed to CXone Multi-ACD.

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Evaluation Insights

Supervisors will be able to understand their agent performance in a quality evaluation along with recommendations for improvement. A new tab, Evaluation Insights, will be added to review the insights and provide feedback.

This feature will be supported only for users with the CXone Quality Management Advanced or CXone Quality Management Premium license.

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Data Download Reports

Scheduled Report Queuing

Currently, high volumes of scheduled custom and data download reports can cause the reports to time out during processing. In this release, scheduled reports will enter a queue and run successively. This will help reports run more smoothly at high volume times, like at the end of a month or quarter.

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Report History Tab

Currently, the Scripts tab on the Schedule Run History Report page shows the history of scheduled data download reports. In this release, it will only contain the reports that ran before 24.3. A new Reports tab will show the scheduled data download reports from after 24.3. The Reports tab will support the differences in data caused by the new scheduled report queuing feature. The Reports tab will eventually replace the Scripts tab.

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Custom Reports

Scheduled Report Queuing

Currently, high volumes of scheduled custom and data download reports can cause the reports to time out during processing. In this release, scheduled reports will enter a queue and run successively. This will help reports run more smoothly at high volume times, like at the end of a month or quarter.

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Unless otherwise indicated, the changes listed in this section apply to Desktop Studio and CXone Studio. You can find release notes that apply only to CXone Studio by selecting CXone Studio in the filter on the top right.

New Action: GET TAGS

A new action called GET TAGS will be available for use with digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. scripts. This action will retrieve tags from the contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. and the contact's messages. You will be able to use the tags in your script. For example, you could use them to make routingClosed The system uses routing queues to determine which agents to route cases to. Your system administrator creates routing queues so that certain cases are routed to agents with expertise in that type of case. decisions or to branch logic trees in your script. Additionally, you will be able to memorialize the tag data to your CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories..

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Support for the ONDATA Action in Digital Scripts

You will be able to use the OnData action in digital scripts. This event action triggers when the script receives data from the agent via a custom form built with the RUNAPP or INDICATE actions. This update increases the flexibility of digital scripts in CXone.

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Support for the ONSIGNAL Action in Digital Scripts

You will be able to use the ONSIGNAL action in digital scripts. This event action triggers when the script receives communications from the SIGNAL action firing in another script, or from a web service. You can use it to start a series of script actions that depend on a specific event occurring first. This update increases the flexibility of digital scripts in CXone.

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Support for the ONRESKILL Action in Digital Scripts

You will be able to use the ONRESKILL action in digital scripts. This event action triggers when a contact is moved from one ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge to another. This update increases the flexibility of digital scripts in CXone.

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Support for the INDICATE Action in Digital Scripts

You will be able to use the INDICATE action to wake up a digital script. This action extends the agent interface with custom functionality. It adds an icon to the agent application that agents can click to initiate the custom function. In this release, you will be able to use it to trigger custom functions in digital scripts.

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Upgrade Prompt for Organizations with No Recent Desktop Studio Use

For organizations where Studio has not been accessed in over a year, users will see a prompt message the next time they attempt to log in to Desktop Studio. The message will direct them to use CXone Studio.

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CXone Studio

These release notes apply to the web-based CXone Studio application.  For changes that also apply to the Desktop Studio application, select the Studio filter on the top right.

Search for Scripts

You will be able to filter the Scripts page to search for scripts. The Scripts page will have a search bar at the top, where you will be able to search by script name, action name, or action caption. Additional search options will be added in future releases.

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Download and Load Script Trace File

You will be able to download the trace file generated when you perform a script trace. This will allow you to save the files for later reference or to share with other Studio users or CXone Account Representatives. You will also be able to load the logs into CXone Studio when you want to view them. Trace files will be in JSON format.

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Trace UI Improvements

The following changes will be made to the script trace user interface:

  • A search box will be added to the variables list. This will allow you to search for specific variables by name or value.
  • The trace output grids will be enhanced with shading on every other row. This will help make it easier to read the information in each row.
  • The trace output window will remember its size from the last time you ran a trace.
  • A confirmation box will be added to contact termination. This will help prevent you from accidentally ending a live interaction.
  • Keyboard navigation will be added to the grids in the trace output.
  • The option to copy variable values will be added to the variables list.
  • The variables list will be able to be sorted by column.
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Context-Sensitive Help

You will be able to press F1 on your keyboard to view an online help page for the action currently selected on the canvas workspace. The page will open in a separate browser tab.

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Full Support for the INDICATE Action

Currently, the INDICATE action is available in CXone Studio without the complete set of properties that the action required for full functionality. In this release, the action will have conditional properties that appear based on selections you make, allowing you to configure the custom behavior that occurs when the agent clicks the icon in the agent application.

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Upgrade Prompt for Organizations with No Recent Desktop Studio Use

For organizations where Studio has not been accessed in over a year, users will see a prompt message the next time they attempt to log in to Desktop Studio. The message will direct them to use CXone Studio.

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CXone Supervisor

Easy Access to Other Apps

To optimize access to useful applications, CXone Supervisor will now include these additional pages:

  • My Tasks (CXone QM)

  • Performance Monitoring (CXone QM)

  • Search (Interactions)

These pages will be available depending on the licenses for your organization and the permissions assigned to you.

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View Agents by Teams

This feature will allow you to group agents by Team to see aggregated agent states per team at a glance. You will be able to expand the teams to see the agents assigned to each team and their information.

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Hide Agent Activities

Currently, when you click a row under the Agents tab, you can see the agents activities in the Activity tab. In this release, you will be able to see the agents activity depending on the permission assigned to you.

By default, the Hide Agent Activities permission will be turned off.

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Monitoring Enhancement

Currently, if you are monitoring agents using softphones, you must keep the MAX application open. In this release, you don't need to keep the MAX application open to monitor agents.

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Virtual Agent Hub

External Provider Timeout Setting

Currently, when a third-party virtual agent provider encounters a problem, the Studio script waits for the provider platform to resolve the issue or to send an error. This could cause the contact to wait up to two minutes.

In this release, you will be able to configure a new timeout setting called External Provider Timeout. This will allow you to set the amount of time, between 30 seconds and two minutes, that the Studio script waits for the provider platform to respond. If the timeout is reached, the script will proceed, taking the error branch. This change will help you prevent the contact from experiencing unacceptable delays during an interaction.

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CXone Workforce Management

Intraday: Updates to Columns in the Volume Metric

With these updates, you will be able to get more data from Intraday.

There will be two more columns:

  • Received: This will indicate how many interactions were received during that interval, regardless of whether they were answers.

  • Backlog: This will indicate the number of unanswered interactions from the previous interval. If an interaction started at 11:10 and an agent didn't start handling it in that interval, the interaction will be considered in the backlog for the 11:15 interval.

In addition, the Handled column will be renamed to Answered. Answered is a more accurate term because interactions are measured when an agent starts handling them.

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Agent Configuration: Work Rules for Agents

Each agent will have a work rule assigned to them. These rules will provide more flexibility and control over your agents' scheduling. For example, you can define how many hours each agent can work per week. You will also be able to create work rules for a specific date range. This is useful for when an agent can work more or less during different times of the year, such as during the summer break.

While maintaining a flexible and adaptable workforce, work rules will help:

  • Ensure compliance

  • Reduce legal risks

  • Improve employee satisfaction

  • Promote efficient operations

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Adding Time Off: Removal of the Can’t Be Overwritten Option

When adding time off in the Schedule Manager, the Can’t be overwritten by the automatic scheduler option will be removed. When you create a time-off activity, it won't be overwritten if you generate a new schedule.

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CXone WFM Open Integration with Non-CXone ACDs

CXone WFM will enable open integration with LiveVox and non-CXone ACDs.

Supported non-CXone ACDs will include:

  • LiveVox

  • Twilio

  • Zendesk

  • Avaya CMS

  • Amazon Connect

  • Microsoft ACS

  • Genesys Pure Cloud

The integrations will support ACDs with 15-minute intervals.

Customer Request UI Change Availability GA
On toggle

Support for Outbound - Forecasting and Intraday

CXone WFM will support outbound forecasting capabilities.

With this enhancement:

  • You’ll have improved control over your blended workforce. This will include both inbound and outbound interactions.

  • You’ll be able to create and configure inbound and outbound skills, tailoring forecasts to your specific needs.

  • Existing WEM skills can be realigned.

Forecasts will cover:

  • Pure outbound skills

  • Inbound skills

  • Blended skills that involve both interaction types

Furthermore, outbound support will extend to Intraday Management.

This capability will support CXone ACD, LiveVox and non-CXone ACDs that are being supported with this release.

Customer Request UI Change Availability GA
On toggle

Improved Analyst Monitoring by Exposing Received and Backlog Data on the Intraday Manager

The Intraday Manager will be enhanced by integrating additional volume insights, specifically Received and Backlog data. This refinement will provide a more comprehensive view of the interaction volume metrics. The categories to be analyzed will now include:

  • Received

  • Backlog

  • Answered (formerly known as Handled)

The existing categories of Actual, Active, and Abandon will continue to function without change. With these improvements, managers will have a clearer understanding of volume data, enabling them to make more informed decisions for workforce management and adjustments.

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On toggle

Self-Service - Self-Swap in My Zone Weekly Schedule View

This feature will be available for users with the advanced license.

Agents will be able to access self-service - self-swap from the weekly view of the schedule. This enhancement will give agents added advantages, including:

  • Easy-to-update schedules.

  • Better visibility on available self-swap slots.

This capability will improve the agent experience.

Customer Request UI Change Availability GA
On toggle

Shift Bidding for Mobile

This feature is available for CXone WFM users with the advanced license.

Shift Bidding for mobile will allow agents to bid on shifts through the CXone WFM mobile app allowing more flexibility for shift bid management.

Upon accessing the shift bid feature, agents will be able to view all open bids, detailed patterns, and shift information. A new filter option will allow agents to sort bids based on their status, streamlining the selection process. Once a bid is accepted, the agent’s schedule will be automatically updated to reflect the changes.

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On toggle

Improvements to Manage Requests

Managers will be able to approve or decline multi-day requests and multiple requests submitted by an agent for the same day. Enhanced filtering options will also allow for more efficient sorting and management of requests.​

Customer Request UI Change Availability GA
On toggle

Remove EM Module Configuration Not in Use for CXone WFM Mobile

All EM module configurations will be merged with CXone WFM. So upon selecting EM, CXone WFM customers will receive a message letting them know there is no administration for mobile in this module.

Customer Request UI Change Availability GA
On toggle

Release Adjustments

The Release Adjustments section describes the changes, removals, and additions made in the feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement for the 24.3 release.

Changed Features

This section describes changes that have been made to feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement. Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page and an explanation of what changed.

Enlighten AutoSummary

AutoSummary Supported for Digital Interactions

This feature was previously announced as available on toggle. It will be available on deploy instead.

Improvements to Summary Accuracy

This feature was previously announced as available on toggle. It will be available on deploy instead.

Features Removed from This Release

This section describes product changes that were included in the initial coming soon announcement and have since been removed from this release. These will not be part of the 24.3 release but may be part of a future release.

New applications

Voice Biometric Hub

You will be able to connect to third-party voice biometric applications in Voice Biometric Hub (VBH). VBH will remove the need to exit CXone to gain access to these applications. VBH will only work with IVRClosed Automated phone menu that allows callers to interact through voice commands, key inputs, or both, to obtain information, route an inbound voice call, or both. or virtual agentClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent. integrations. Voice biometric applications examine a contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center.'s voice to determine if the contact is fraudulent. For a caller to enroll, you will have to program your IVRClosed Automated phone menu that allows callers to interact through voice commands, key inputs, or both, to obtain information, route an inbound voice call, or both. or virtual agent to prompt the contact to answer questions. The voice bio application will take these answers to analyze the contact's voice. It will create a voiceprint associated with the callerID. It will use this voiceprint to determine whether the contact is fraudulent. The application will save this voice analysis to check against future contacts. In this release,VBH will only house Nuance Voice Bio. Nuance Voice Bio will be a new application that uses AI to detect potential fraud. See the next note for more information.

Nuance Voice Bio

Nuance Voice Bio will use AI to detect potential fraud. It will do so by analyzing the voice of the contact for fraudulent activity. Nuance Voice Bio will provide an overall risk score for the contact. You will then be able to program your Studio script to route the call based on the risk score. Nuance Voice Bio will be housed in Voice Biometric Hub (VBH). In this release,VBH will only work with IVRClosed Automated phone menu that allows callers to interact through voice commands, key inputs, or both, to obtain information, route an inbound voice call, or both. or virtual agent integrations. It will not be available for live agents. For more information about VBH and voice biometric applications, see the previous note.

CXone Coaching

Coaching Timeline

This feature will help coaches and agents to track the status transitions of the coaching session with a timestamp. A new information icon will be added in the Status column. Clicking on the info icon will display a timeline with all the statuses from start to the latest one along with the timestamp.


Email Option for Timed-Out Reports

Currently, when a data download report is run on demand and exceeds the system-wide threshold for report timeouts, the user receives a 404 error. In this release, a pop-up will ask the user if they would like the report emailed to them when it's ready. This will allow the user to continue working when a data download report doesn't finish before the defined timeout.

Features Added to This Release

This section notes product changes that have been added to this release since the initial coming soon announcement. To see the following features in detail, select the product in the filter on the right.

Interactions and Playback

Filter by Disposition Value

Updated Direction Labels

Support for Enlighten Sentiments

CXone QM

Evaluation Insights