Omilia (DEVone) Virtual Agents

Some content on this page is for a product or feature in controlled release (CR). If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your Account Representative.

This help page provides information about Omilia (DEVone) virtual agents. CXone Mpower also supports Omilia Voice Biometrics (DEVone).

Omilia is a third-party platform that provides voice and chat virtual agents. Virtual agents interpret what your contacts say or type in the chat window and respond appropriately. They do this using technologies such as:

Virtual agents are flexible and can provide a range of functions to suit the needs of your organization. For example, you can design your virtual agent to handle a few simple tasks or to serve as a complex interactive agent.

CXone Mpower supports using Omilia with voice and digital chat-based channels. For voice channels, Omilia virtual agents require a SIPClosed Protocol used for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls. backchannel connection. Setting up this integration requires assistance from a CXone Mpower Account Representative. If you're using Omilia with a text virtual agent, you can set up the integration yourself. Omilia voice virtual agents are in Controlled Release, but Omilia text virtual agents are generally available.

Conversation Flow for Voice and Text Virtual Agents

The beginning of the conversation is different for voice and text virtual agents: 

After the conversation has started, the virtual agent analyzes the contact's utterances to understand the purpose or meaning behind what a person says. This is known as the contact's intent. When the intent is identified, the virtual agent sends an appropriate response to the contact. The method of sending a response depends on whether it's a text or a voice virtual agent: 

  • VoiceRequests and responses are sent back and forth between the virtual agent and the contact. CXone Mpower stays connected to the virtual agent service throughout the conversation, but does not participate in it. CXone Mpower waits for the signal that the conversation is complete or that the contact needs transferred to a live agent. This is the SIPClosed Protocol used for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls. backchannel method of connection.
  • TextRequests and responses are sent via Virtual Agent Hub and the script with each turn. This option allows for customization of the virtual agent's behavior from turn to turn.

At the end of the conversation, the virtual agent sends a signal to the Studio script. It can signal that the conversation is complete, or that the contact needs to speak with a live agent. If the conversation is complete, the interaction ends. If a live agent is needed, the script makes the request. The contact is transferred to an agent when one is available.

Once the conversation is complete, post-interaction tasks can be performed, such as recording information in a CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories..


To use Omilia virtual agentsClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent. with CXone Mpower, you need:

  • An account with Omilia Cloud Platform.
  • An Omilia virtual agent configured and trained to provide responses that fulfill your contacts' requests.

You can use the Omilia Voice Biometrics (DEVone) miniapp with your Omilia virtual agent in CXone Mpower. Talk to your Omilia Account Representative for more information about enabling this option in the Omilia platform.

Components of an Integration

The integration of Omilia involves the following components: 

Rich Media Support for Text Virtual Agents

If your channel supports it, you can include rich mediaClosed Elements in digital messaging such as buttons, images, menus, and option pickers. content in the messages. The type of rich media that can be sent differs from channel to channel, as shown in the following table.

  Adaptive Cards HTML & Markdown Text Rich Link Quick Replies List Picker Time Picker Form message
Apple Messages for Business Red X, indicating "not supported" Red X, indicating "not supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported"

Digital Chat

Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Red X, indicating "not supported" Red X, indicating "not supported"
Email Red X, indicating "not supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Red X, indicating "not supported" Uses fallback text Red X, indicating "not supported" Red X, indicating "not supported" Red X, indicating "not supported"
Facebook Messenger Red X, indicating "not supported" Red X, indicating "not supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Red X, indicating "not supported"
WhatsApp Red X, indicating "not supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Red X, indicating "not supported"
Google Business Messages Red X, indicating "not supported" Red X, indicating "not supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Red X, indicating "not supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Green checkmark, indicating "supported" Red X, indicating "not supported"

Supported: Green checkmark, indicating "supported"

Not Supported: Red X, indicating "not supported"

Learn more about digital channel support for rich media.

When you want to include rich media content in text virtual agent responses, configure it in your virtual agent's management console. It should go in the configuration for each response that will send the rich media.

Rich media content is sent as JSON. When building your rich media JSON, follow the schema for the digital channel you're using. The schemas are different for each channel. Find the JSON for the media content you want to use, then add it to the response message configurations that you create in the Omilia configuration console. Learn more about working with rich media in Studio scripts. You can use the Digital Experience JSON mirror tool to verify your JSON before adding it to your scripts or virtual agent.

Voice Biometric Authentication

You can use voice biometrics to authenticate contactsClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. with an Omilia voice virtual agent. This method uses voiceprints to authenticate contacts over the phone. Every person has a unique voiceprint, just as they have unique fingerprints. It only takes 0.5 to 3 seconds of normal, conversational speech for a voice biometric service to determine if the caller is who they claim to be.

Contacts need to enroll to use voice biometric authentication. As a part of the enrollment process, they must give your organization permission to record their voice and use it for authentication. When you use this method with a virtual agent, you must configure and train your virtual agent to handle this intentClosed The meaning or purpose behind what a contact says/types; what the contact wants to communicate or accomplish during an interaction.

To use voice biometrics with your Omilia virtual agent, you can enable the voice biometrics miniapp in the Omilia platform. Talk to your Omilia Account Representative to learn more.

Custom Scripting Guidelines

Before integrating a virtual agentClosed The meaning or purpose behind what a contact says/types; what the contact wants to communicate or accomplish, you need to know: 

  • Which script you want to add a virtual agent to.
  • The virtual agent Studio action you need to use.

  • Where the Studio actions must be placed in your script flow.
  • The configuration requirements specific to the virtual agent you're using.
  • How to complete the script after adding the virtual agent action. You may need to: 
    • Add initialization snippets as needed to the script using Snippet actions. This is required if you want to customize your virtual agent's behavior.
    • Re-configure the action connectors to ensure proper contact flow and correct any potential errors.
    • Use the OnReturnControlToScript branch to handle hanging up or ending the interaction. If you use the Default branch to handle hanging up or ending an interaction, your script may not work as intended.
    • Complete any additional scripting and test the script.

Ensure that all parameters in the virtual agent actions you add to your script are configured to pass the correct data. The online help pages for the actions cover how to configure each parameter.

Additionally, ensure that you completely configure your virtual agent on the provider side. Verify that it's configured with all possible default messages. This includes error messages or messages indicating an intent has been fulfilled.

You may be able to obtain template scripts for use with virtual agent integrations from CXone Mpower Expert Services. If you need assistance with scripting in Studio, contact your Account Representative, see the Technical Reference Guide section in the online help, or visit the CXone Mpower Community A square with an arrow pointing from the center toward the upper right corner. site.

Supported Action for Text Virtual Agents

Use the Textbot Exchange action to integrate an Omilia text virtual agent into your script.

Textbot Exchange Action

The TextBot Exchange action is for complex virtual agents or for when you need to customize the virtual agent's behavior from turn to turn. It monitors the conversation between the contact and the virtual agentClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent. turn by turn. It sends each utteranceClosed What a contact says or types. to the virtual agent. The virtual agent analyzes the utterance for intentClosed The meaning or purpose behind what a contact says/types; what the contact wants to communicate or accomplish and context and determines which response to give. TextBot Exchange passes the response to the contact. When the conversation is complete, the action continues the script.