Agent States Report

Required permissions: Data Download

The Agent States data download report shows information about all possible agent states that an agent can enter. It includes default system states and custom states.

An example of the Agent States data download report output.

Select Report Option

You need to configure a Date Range, Start/End Time, and Export Format when you run a data download report.



The code corresponding to the stateClosed The availability status of an agent the agent was in.

See the Agent State Codes table below for more information.


The label associated with the agent state code.

Agent State Codes

Agent State Code Description



PreviewNotification, or a state where the agent views a call preview to decide whether to accept or reject the call.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the LogoffPending action—to complete or a state where the agent clicked the Log Out button and waited for the application to respond.

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the PromisePending action—to complete or a state where the agent waited for a promise keeper callbackClosed Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue. to connect to the contact.

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the CallbackPending action—to complete or a state where the agent waited for the dialer to connect the agent to a callbackClosed Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue..

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the TransferPending action—to complete or a state where the agent waited for a requested call transfer to occur.

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the DialerPending action—to complete or a state where the agent waited for the dialer to deliver a connected call.

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the ConsultPending action—to complete or a state where the agent waited for a requested conference to occur.

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the OutboundPending action—to completeor a state where the agent waited for a dialed call to connect to a contact.

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending.



Length of time an agent spent waiting for a system action—in this case the InboundPending action—to complete or a state where the agent waited for an inbound call to connect.

This time consists of the collection of Unavailable Codes generated and managed by CXone Mpower. These states exist to track the time where the agent is waiting for the system to complete an action such as logging in the agent or waiting for a contact to arrive. Specifically, this category includes: LoggedIn, LoggedOut, DialerLoggedOut, PromisePending, CallbackPending, TransferPending, DialerPending, ConsultPending, OutboundPending, InboundPending



Length of time an agent spent in the system state where the contact abandoned the call and the agent had not yet responded to the notification.



Length of time spent in the system state where the agent refuses to take a call that was presented to them



Length of time spent in the system state where the agent is unoccupied and ready to accept calls.



Length of time spent in the system state where the agent is handling an inbound call.



Length of time spent in the system state where the agent is handling an outbound call.



Length of time spent in the system state where the agent is unoccupied and is not ready to accept calls.



Length of time spent in the system state where the agent is handling a consult with another agent or employee within CXone Mpower.
Other values Other values are custom unavailable states.