Agent Refusal Report

Required permissions: Data Dowload

The Agent Refusal data download report displays information about contacts that agents refused, including the agent ID and name, the station used, if any, the reason for refusal, and the date and time the refusal occurred.

An example of the Agent Refusal data download report output.

Select Report Option

You need to configure a Date Range, Start/End Time, and Export Format when you run a data download report.

Data in this Report


The unique, system-generated ID of the contact.


The unique, system-generated ID of the agent who handled the interaction. If more than one agent handled the contact, it is the ID of the last agent to handle the contact.


The first and last name of the agent who refused the contact.


The unique, system-generated ID of the agent station.


A brief description of the circumstances behind the agent's refusal of the contact. It could be that the notification timed out before the agent could accept the contact, an error occurred, or the agent chose to refuse the contact. The value is one of the following:

  • Bad Number: The number the agent used to log in to Agent is invalid. To check the number the agent used to log in, navigate to Manage > Users. Open the agent's profile and click the Login History tab.
  • Busy: The agent was using the physical phone outside the platform when the platform attempted to deliver a call to the agent. If this occurred on an inbound call, typically it means the agent forgot to change to an unavailable stateClosed The availability status of an agent before making or receiving an out-of-network call. It might also mean you have no available ports. If this occurred on an outbound call, typically the number dialed was busy.
  • ContactAlreadyRouted: CXone tried to route the call to an agent after dynamic delivery already delivered it to a different agent.
  • Error: The delivery of the call to an agent was unsuccessful due to telephone network issues. Often this occurs due to a problem with the physical phone or the phone provider. It might require validation from the platform.
  • Invalid Call Leg: One of the call legsClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. dropped or hung up at the moment the call was being delivered to the agent. This means the call was successfully linked but during the window of time as the whisper or zip tone was being played, the agent canceled or hung up the phone. This issue has two possible causes: 1) Latency delays the linking of the call after call delivery. The agent mistakes this for dead air and hangs up, or 2) The Phone # Timeout in the business unit settings or Station Timeout in the station profile settings has the same value as ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction time for a skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.
  • NoAnswer: The platform was able to connect to the agent's phone and attempt to deliver the call. This typically occurs because the agent did not change the state to unavailable before stepping away. It might also indicate connectivity issues, including delay.
  • LinkFailed: The attempt to link the agent line and the caller line failed. This reason requires troubleshooting to determine the cause.
  • Dropped: The call successfully reached the agent but the agent was disconnected before the call linked to the contact. This typically occurs when the agent leg disconnects from the platform when a call is routing. This issue has two possible causes: 1) Latency delays the linking of the call after call delivery. The agent mistakes this for dead air and hangs up, or 2) The Phone # Timeout in the business unit settings or Station Timeout in the station profile settings has the same value as ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction time for a skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.
  • AgentLinkTimeout: 60 seconds passed after the call request. This typically indicates a failure to connect to the agent's phone system or provider.
  • NA: The reason does not fit into any of the other categories. The call routes to another agent as with other cause codes. This reason occurs very rarely.
  • (Zero) 0 Cause Code: The reason does not fit into any of the other reason categories. This reason occurs very rarely.


The date and time when the agent refused the contact. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, 24-hour time.