Custom Reporting

Custom Reporting lets you create reports specific to your needs. For example, assessing personal performance, presenting statistics to leadership, or archiving results. You can tailor a custom report to generate data for your entire organization, or details for individual contacts. Starting with a custom report template, you select the exact metrics and attributes for CXone to track. The Reporting application first generates the reports based on the settings in the template. Then, it distributes the custom report to all recipients through email.

Roles control who can manage custom report templates, schedules, and SFTP accounts. To gain access to these features, a user must be assigned either the Administrator role or a custom role.

You should only run 30 days of data at a time, or you run the risk of the report timing out. If you choose to run a report with more data, it is better to schedule it to run at a "slow business" time when your system is not experiencing substantial use. If possible, run large reports during non-business hours. If your report times out and fails to produce data, you may receive notifications such as "The schedule script timed out after waiting for a response" or "Rescheduling Cause: The scheduled script timed out after waiting for a response".

The System Email page provides a comprehensive explanation of all types of CXone email, including the email ACD channel, CXone emails for reports and password resets, and so forth. It also provides any IPs that you may want to add to your email server allow list and SPFClosed Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email authentication standard that helps protect senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing. By adding an SPF record to your Domain Name System (DNS), you can provide a public list of senders that are approved to send email from your domain. records.

Key Facts of Custom Reports

  • Custom Headers allow for consistent branding or organizational purposes.
  • Custom Categories help you keep custom reports organized.
  • Schedules control how frequently a report is generated, or you can manually run the report at any time.
  • Custom reports can be sent to CXone users, external email addresses, or you can add an external SFTP server to receive and store reports.
  • NICE CXone provides a list of global report templates, which are commonly used templates to help you get started.
  • CXone stores 25 months of contact summary data and 90 days of contact detail data.
  • If the time zone of your tenant observes Daylight Savings Time (DST), the custom report time metrics also update according to DST time changes.