Your Evaluations

You can view your completed evaluations, as well as perform self assessments and collaborative evaluations in My Zone, in the Evaluations page. If you use MAX as your agent application, you can launch the Evaluations page from the WEM tab.

You can review the evaluations, acknowledge that you've received the evaluation, or even dispute the evaluation if necessary, and reevaluate your evaluations.

Evaluations measure performance, and target areas for professional development. For example, how an agent handles customer calls.

Managers create evaluation forms and then build plans to review quality assurance. For each quality planClosed A tool for quality assurance. It samples random interactions based on filters you define, and sends those interactions to evaluators for review., they choose a corresponding formClosed A collection of questions used to evaluate agent interactions. Once the quality plan is activated, evaluators receive agent interactions to review, along with a form. A completed evaluation is sent to the agent who was evaluated for review.

A Failed score in an evaluation form means that the agent failed at least one critical question. See What are critical questions?

The evaluation may be read-only or require an acknowledgment or response from the agent.

Review Evaluations

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select My Zone and click Evaluations.
    If you're using Agent, you can click WEM > Open WEM.

  2. Click the evaluation you want to review.

    The interaction and the completed form open.

    If the evaluation is a collaborative evaluation, both the evaluator form and your agent form will open. On the completed form, you can see the actual score along with the possible points per question.

  3. If you want to accept the evaluation, click Acknowledge. The status of the evaluation then changes to Completed.

    However, if you want to dispute the evaluation and are allowed to, you can click Appeal. Enter your comments in the Request Review window before sending the review request back to the evaluator. The status of the evaluation then changes to Challenged.

  4. If you do not accept the evaluation on or before 60 days, the evaluation gets automatically acknowledged. The status of the evaluation then changes to Auto-acknowledged.

  5. The evaluator will receive your comment and review the evaluation. After their review, they may or may not choose to change the score and send back comments. Once the evaluation is returned to you for the second time, it is completed and cannot be disputed any longer.

    If any edits are made to your completed or submitted evaluation, an Updated label is displayed next to the evaluation. Updated evaluations are displayed at the top of the evaluations list. You can then access the evaluation form and review the changes that were made.

Self Assessments and Collaborative Evaluations

A self assessment is an empty evaluation form that is sent to you for a specific interaction. You need to fill out the form and evaluate your own performance during this interaction.

Self assessments may also be performed in the context of a collaborative evaluation. A collaborative evaluation is when an evaluator is given your interaction to evaluate at the same time that you are given the same interaction to self assess. You both receive the same form, and the scores will appear side by side.

You must complete your evaluation within two months or the self assessment/collaborative evaluation will expire.

To perform your evaluation:

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select My Zone and click Evaluations, or fromAgent, go to WEM > Evaluations.

  2. Click the self-assessment or collaborative evaluation you want to perform.

  3. Play back the interaction and fill out the form.

  4. You can add a comment on any of the questions. These comments will be visible to anyone viewing the evaluation.

    Click the comment icon, enter your comment, and click Submit.

  5. When you're done evaluating the interaction, click Submit.