
ContactEngine is a standalone product and is not natively available in the CXone Mpower suite.

ContactEngine is a Conversational AI technology. It lets brands reach out to engage customers. The conversations that result can improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and fulfill other business objectives.

ContactEngine automates this outbound customer engagement for you. It can work across all communication channels, and process mass volumes of raw data. ContactEngine can also provide insights into data and changing patterns of communication. It does this by applying:

  • Demographic and intent analysis
  • Linguistics
  • Artificial intelligence principles

How ContactEngine Works

The ContactEngine process has five steps:

  1. Listen for conversation triggers. ContactEngine can identify conversation triggers: situations when a proactive conversation would be helpful. Conversation triggers tell ContactEngine to start a conversation or to change the path of an in-progress conversation.
  2. Identify each conversation's path. Every conversation has a goal and a preferred path to reach that goal. ContactEngine can identify each contact’s preferred path.
  3. Start intelligent conversations. ContactEngine opens, maintains, and completes millions of simultaneous conversations. It understands contact responses and can reply in less than half a second.
  4. Bring in an agent. ContactEngine monitors conversations and flags any that need agent intervention. Your agents can work in your own CRM system or the ContactEngine Agent Desktop. ContactEngine gives agents the full context of the conversation.
  5. Confirm outcomes to your systems. ContactEngine collects and formats data, It feeds the data back into your systems so your contact records stay up-to-date. Then, ContactEngine analyzes the data for reporting.

For more information on how ContactEngine could benefit you, email