ACD Reporting Widgets

ACD widgets give you an overview of the contact center's performance. Each ACD widget provides specific data about a certain functionality in your contact center. You can drag and drop the widgets or double-click on the widget to add them to your dashboard. You can also use the settings to add your filters to see the data. They offer a quick view of real-time contact center data as it is collected.

You cannot see these widgets, if your CXone applications do not include ACD.

You can take a short eLearning that gives an overview of CXone Dashboard and ACD Widgets. This course explores the different ACD Widgets and the widget settings you can use for your dashboards.

Agent State Counter

Data refresh rate: 7-10 seconds
Widget refresh rate: 7 seconds
Duration support: Near real-time

This widget gives an overview of all the different statesClosed The availability status of an agent that the signed in agents are currently in, and the number of agents in each state for the current day. It also provides details on the total number of agents signed in to the application.

The percentage of agents in each state is displayed when you hover over the state colors in the pie chart.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Agent List

Data refresh rate: 7-10 seconds
Widget refresh rate: 7 seconds
Duration support: Near real-time

This widget lets you keep track of your agents' current stateClosed The availability status of an agent and their current session information. When you add the Agent List widget, it organizes the list of agents, grouping those with similar states together. You can view the list of agent statuses for the selected day, along with a summary of the total time spent in each state.

Sort and Filter: You can sort or filter based on agent states. For example, you can filter the agent list to see all the agents in a logged out state and for how long they have been in that state.

  • If the widget is sorted by any of its columns and you want to group all agents with similar states in the widget, ensure no column sorting is applied. Click the column header repeatedly until the sorting is removed.

Agent Zoom: To view the summary of the different states of a specific agent, click Options next to the agent's name.

  • You need to have the Agent Zoom permission enabled in CXone Dashboard to view details.

    You can then select Agent State Details which displays details on the agent's State, Start Time Duration, and Skill. This helps you to zoom into the agent's state details.

  • The Agent Zoom feature supports historical data up to 14 days.

  • The refresh rate for agent zoom is within 5 to 10 minutes after the agent's state ends.

Using the Widget Display, you can choose from Table, Chart, or Table and Chart options.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Agent State Summary

Data refresh rate: 5-10 minutes after the agent's state ends
Widget refresh rate: 5 minutes
Duration support: Historical - 90 days

On this widget, you can see the different states of an agent for a selected date, the percentage and duration of time the agent has spent in each of these states. You can also view the states in which the agent has been logged out, for example, break, lunch and meeting.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Contact States by Skill

Data refresh rate: 7-10 seconds
Widget refresh rate: 7 seconds
Duration support: Near real-time

The Contacts States by Skill widget shows the status of the contacts currently active in the system, grouped by skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.

You can see the different statesClosed The availability status of an agent for the each skill:

  • Pre Queue: The contact is routing through the system.

  • In Queue: The contact is actively in the queue.

  • Active : The contact is communicating with an agent.

  • On Hold: The contact is on hold.

  • Post Agent: The system removes the contact from the queue after interacting with an agent.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Contact List

Data refresh rate: 7-10 seconds
Widget refresh rate: 7 seconds
Duration support: Near real-time

The Contact List widget displays the active contacts in the different states. It also shows the time the contacts have been in that stateClosed The availability status of an agent, the skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, the agent handling the contact, and the channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. used.

  • The widget shows all active contacts (contacts that are not closed).

  • If there are fewer than 20,000 active contacts, the widget shows all of them.

  • If there are more than 20,000 active contacts, the widget shows the most recently updated 20,000 contacts first.

When you click on the Contact ID, the contact zoom window displays the different states the contact has been, along with the Start Time and Duration in that state. The contact zoom feature refreshes within 5 to 10 minutes after the contact ends.

  • When you hover over the columns, click Icon to select columns to select the columns you want to show on the widget, like Contact ID, State, State Time, Contact Time, Agent Name, Skill Name, Campaign Name, Media Type, Media Subtype, and Direction.

  • High Proficiency, Low Proficiency, and Routing Attribute are columns related to Bullseye Routing. Bullseye Routing improves call handling by adjusting agent availability according to their skills and routing needs. This reduces waiting periods and ensures prompt responses. Click here to know more about Bullseye Routing.

You can customize the columns:

  • Click Icon to auto-size columns to auto size a specific column or all the columns.

  • Click Icon to select filter options to select filter options.

You can personalize your column settings by adjusting the column size, sort, filter, and arrange, then save these changes.

You can sort the columns on the widget. To do a secondary sort of the columns, hold down Shift while sorting.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Service Level

Data refresh rate: 5-10 minutes after the end of contact
Widget refresh rate: 90 seconds
Duration support: Historical - 1 day

This widget shows the percentage and the number of contacts that interacted with an agent for a particular skill and met the defined service level threshold as compared to the ones that did not meet it for the current day.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Queue Counter

Data refresh rate: 7-10 seconds
Widget refresh rate: 7 seconds
Duration support: Near real-time

The Queue Counter widget shows the number of contacts currently in queue and the longest duration of time a contact had to wait to connect to an agent.

You can use this widget to decide if you need to increase the number of agents or if agents can take extra time to handle specific customers.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Callback Requests

Data refresh rate: In Queue 7-10 seconds, successful and failed 5-10 minutes after the contact ends
Widget refresh rate: 7 seconds
Duration support: Near real-time

Using this widget, you can view all the callback interactions for the current day, along with the status of each callback interaction.

This widget gives an overview of the active callback requests:

  • Number of callback requests in queue: The number of customers in the queue to receive a callback. A callback request has been made, but the agent has not yet made the callback.

  • Number of successful callback requests: The number of customers that requested a callback and successfully connected with an agent.

  • Number of failed callback requests: The agent could not connect with the customer due to a busy signal, or the customer did not respond.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.


Data refresh rate: 1 minute
Duration support: Historical - 90 days of detail data

The report widget provides a digitally enhanced reporting solution in the dashboard. There are two Digital First reports that you can select on this widget:

  • Agent contact detail report: The Agent Contact report shows an agent's level of activity during different interactions with a contact, such as Agent-Customer or Agent-Agent.

  • Contact detail report: The Contact Detail report displays the measures of a Contact's activity and focuses on tracking how much time a contact spends in different contact states through various metrics.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Call Arrival

Data refresh rate: 30 seconds

This widget displays real-time call volume data such as the number of agents engaged in calls, agents available, and calls in the queue. It also displays a timeline of incoming calls, helping in effective shift monitoring.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.