Manage Dashboards

In an upcoming release, this application will be removed for all systems except for those with FedRAMP enabled. Unless your system is FedRAMP-enabled, switch to the new CXone Dashboard application as soon as possible for an improved experience.

Manage your dashboards in the Manage Dashboards page.

You can use the Manage Dashboards page to find any dashboard available in the system, whether it's your private dashboard, a public dashboard, or a dashboard shared with a few specific people. Once you've located the dashboard you're looking for, just click on it and it'll open in the My Dashboards page.

In addition, you can perform some actions directly from the Manage Dashboards page, without having to open a specific dashboard.

Are there specific dashboards you'd like to find more quickly?

Click the star next to a dashboard to favorite it, and keep it at the top when you sort by favorites.

What happens to dashboards that have been abandoned?

Public and custom shared dashboards created by employees who left the company will still function and appear on the Manage Dashboards page. However, there will be no one maintaining them or capable of deleting them.

In this case, a user with the correct permissions (View + Edit + Take Ownership) will be able to take ownership of the dashboard, and they will be able to perform all of the available actions on that dashboard.

The following information is available on the Manage Dashboards grid:




Click on the name or anywhere in the row to open the dashboard in My Dashboards.

Shared With

View any users who have access to this dashboard.


This user can edit the dashboard.


The user that created the dashboard.

DescriptionThis field can describe what type of dashboard you might be opening when you click on it, as well as other details the creator of the dashboard may have felt were important for other users to know.

You can Rename a dashboard directly from the actions column, as well as Delete the dashboard, Duplicate it, or Share it with others.

You can also Take Ownership of an abandoned dashboard—a dashboard created by someone who is no longer at the organization. These users have been deleted and appear as inactive.

You must have the following permissions to perform this action: Dashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View + Edit + Take Ownership