Dashboard Actions and Permissions

In an upcoming release, this application will be removed for all systems except for those with FedRAMP enabled. Unless your system is FedRAMP-enabled, switch to the new CXone Dashboard application as soon as possible for an improved experience.

As an administrator, you may need to create custom roles for your users to perform different actions. Below is a list of the actions that users can perform in Dashboard and the permissions required in order to perform them. These permissions must be enabled in the Admin application, in Security > Roles & Permissions.

View/Edit permissions for the dashboard itself enables users to view and edit the dashboard, but not to view or edit any of the widgets. To view and edit widgets, other permissions must be enabled (as listed below).

The permissions for each widget are located in the application permissions from which the widget displays information. So a CXone QM widget's permissions would be located in the CXone QM application permissions, and so on.

View a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View
Create a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View + Edit
Edit a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View + Edit
Delete a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View + Edit
Project a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View
Share a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View + Edit

Admin > General Permissions > Employees: View

Duplicate a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View + Edit
Take ownership of a dashboardDashboard > General Permissions > Dashboard: View + Edit + Take Ownership
View CXone QM widget: Plan StatusQM Tools > My Zone > Plan Monitoring: On
View CXone QM widget: Team PerformanceQM Tools > My Zone > Performance Monitoring: On
View CXone QM widget: CalibrationQM Tools > My Zone > Calibrations: View
View CXone QM widget: Agent ScoringQM Tools > My Zone > Performance Monitoring: On
View CXone QM widget: Evaluations and Coaching EventsCoaching > My Zone > Coaching: On
View CXone QM widget: Category Over TimeQM Tools> Dashboard Widgets >Category Over Time: On
View CXone QM widget: Top CategoriesQM Tools> Dashboard Widgets > Top Categories : On
View CXone QM widget: Evaluator PerformanceQM Tools > My Zone > Performance Monitoring: On
View ACD widget: Agent State Counter ACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Agent Counter: On
View ACD widget: Agent ListACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Agent List: On
View ACD widget: Contact ListACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Contact List: On
View ACD widget: Contact States by SkillACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Contact States by Skill: On
View ACD widget: Queue CounterACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Queue Counter: On
View ACD widget: Service LevelACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Service Level: On
View ACD widget: Skill SummaryACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Skill Summary: On
View ACD widget: Unavailable StatisticsACD > ACD Dashboard Widgets > Unavailable Statistics: On
View CXone WFM widget: AHTWFM > General Permissions > Intraday: On
View CXone WFM widget: ASAWFM > General Permissions > Intraday: On
View CXone WFM widget: VolumeWFM > General Permissions > Intraday: On
View CXone WFM widget: SLAWFM > General Permissions > Intraday: On