Unavailable Statistics Widget

In an upcoming release, this application will be removed for all systems except for those with FedRAMP enabled. Unless your system is FedRAMP-enabled, switch to the new CXone Dashboard application as soon as possible for an improved experience.

Required permissions: Unavailable Statistics View

Refresh rate: On demand

The data for the Unavailable Statistics widget is generated based on the unavailable codes that are created in NICE CXone Admin. Unavailable codes are optional, customized reasons that agents can select in an agent application for going to an unavailable state.

If you configure unavailable codes for a team, an agent assigned to that team will have to select an unavailable code before they can go to an unavailable state. When an agent selects an unavailable code, NICE CXone records the unavailable codes that agents select. This widget shows the unavailable code, duration in seconds, percentage of agents who selected the different unavailable codes, and the duration in hours. Because this is a historical widget, a date range drop-down box is available with preset intervals or a custom option.


Settings containing checkbox selections have a Select All and Deselect All option. These can be used to quickly pick and choose just the metrics needed to create a targeted display. The Agents and ACD Skills settings also have a search box for locating a specific agent or skill.

Display NameAllows for customization of the widget name
TeamsConfigures which teams(s) are included in the widget
AgentsConfigures which agent(s) are included in the widget