Planning Guide for Virtual Agents

Use this planning guide as you plan, build, and implement your custom virtual agent integration with CXone Mpower. The guide provides a general overview of the process. The specific requirements and the amount of time each phase takes depends on your unique environment and situation.

The process has five phases: 

  • Planning phase 1: In this phase, you explore the architecture of your organization's environment. Your goal is to understand the environment and determine the requirements and limitations of your unique situation.
  • Planning phase 2: In this phase, you look at your virtual agent provider's requirements. Your goal is to determine how the requirements impact your environment and the integration with CXone Mpower. During this phase, you also determine use cases for the virtual agent and plan out the required scripts.
  • Development: During this phase you build the proxy tunnel, create the required scripts, and complete any other development identified in the planning phases.
  • Testing: During the testing phase, you thoroughly test your custom integration.
  • Deployment: During the deployment phase you move the integration into your production environment.

Resources and deliverables are described for each phase below.

There are significant differences in how CXone Mpower handles digital interactions compared to those on traditional ACD channels. This impacts the scripts used with digital channels. If your custom virtual agent integration uses a digital channel, you can learn more about these differences on the Digital Scripts help page.

Planning Phase 1: Architecture

During this phase, your goal is to understand the environment where you'll be building the proxy tunnel. You must: 

Deliverables for Planning Phase 1

At the end of this phase, you should have the beginnings of your Technical Design Documentation (TDD), including: 

  • Architecture diagrams.
  • Sequence diagrams.
  • Framework and technologies.
  • Authorization flow.
  • Proxy tunnel hosting strategy.
  • Proxy tunnel failover strategy.
  • Long-term monitoring plan.

Resources for Planning Phase 1

Planning Phase 2: Virtual Agent

The planning that happens during this phase centers on your virtual agent. The planning needed in this phase will vary depending on whether you're developing a new virtual agent or integrating an existing one. For example, you may need to: 

Deliverables for Planning Phase 2

At the end of this phase your TDD should include:

  • A list of use cases, intents, and conversational flows for your virtual agent.
  • A list of functional and non-functional requirements.
  • A link to your Swagger prototype.
  • A list of Studio scripts that need to be created, as well as the requirements for each.
  • A list of the setup and configuration steps required by the channel you're using with your custom integration.
  • A list of skills, campaigns, and points of contact that must be made in CXone Mpower.

Resources for Planning Phase 2

Development Phase

During the development phase you need to build the required elements of the integration in a test environment. As you build, follow the requirements you documented in your TDD. Specifically, you need to: 

  • Build the proxy tunnel/webhook according to the plan established in planning phase 1.
  • Create the required Studio scripts. Configure and connect all actions. Test and debug the script.
  • Build in any required authentication pieces.
  • Develop your virtual agent's use cases and intents.
  • Implement your failover process.

Deliverables for the Development Phase

At the end of this phase, you will have working versions of the: 

  • Proxy tunnel, with authentication built in, if required.
  • An authentication server set up, if required.
  • A working virtual agent, with all required intents and use cases.
  • Studio scripts.
  • Failover process built out.

Resources for the Development Phase

Testing Phase

During the testing phase, perform user acceptance and end-to-end testing of every aspect of the integration, including all use cases. Test previously-identified non-functional requirements. You should also perform failover testing. Resolve bugs as they arise.

Deliverable for the Testing Phase

A working custom virtual agent integration with all issues resolved.

Resources for the Testing Phase

Deployment Phase

When the integration is fully tested and functions as expected in your test environment, you can move it into your production environment. When everything is set up in production, test it to ensure that the system still functions as expected.

After deployment, perform ongoing monitoring of the live integration.

Resources for the Deployment Phase