Get Started in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

Install CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

You can install CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams by uploading its  ZIP file to Microsoft Teams. Once you do this, you can search for CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams on the Apps page in Microsoft Teams.

Upload the ZIP File

If your administrator has already uploaded the CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams ZIP file, skip to the next section.

  1. In CXone, click your initials Icon of your initials in a white circle. in the right corner of the CXone top navigation bar.

  2. Click Support & Downloads.

  3. Scroll down to Agent Applications. Find CXone agent for MS Teams. Click Download.

  4. In Microsoft Teams, click Apps in the left menu.
  5. Click Manage your apps at the bottom. Click Upload an app.
  6. In the Upload an app window, select Upload a custom app to upload the CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams ZIP file.
  7. In the file explorer, select the CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams ZIP file.
  8. Click Add.

Search on the Apps Page

  1. In Microsoft Teams, click Apps in the left menu.
  2. Search for CXone Agent.
  3. Select the CXone Agent card, then click Add. The app installs to Microsoft Teams and appears in the left menu.

  4. To pin CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams, right-click on CXone Agent in the left menu and select Pin.

Sign in to CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

  1. In Microsoft Teams, click CXone Agent in the left menu.
  2. Enter your NICE CXone credentials and click Sign In.
  3. In the Voice Preferences window, select one of these options:
    • Set Phone Number, and enter your phone number.
    • Set Station ID, and enter your station ID.
    • Integrated Softphone.

  4. Click Launch.

Connect Agent Leg

Once you're logged in to CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams, the status of your agent legClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. will appear at the top. It will automatically connect when you receive an incoming call. You can also connect your agent leg manually by clicking Disconnected Icon of a broken chain link.. Your agent leg will then appear as Connected Icon of a connected chain link..