Set Up Dynamic Data Mapping for CXone Agent Integrated

You can set up dynamic data mappings for CXone Agent Integrated so that data fields from CRM records appear to agents. Agents see them in the customer card in CXone Agent Integrated. Currently, you can set up dynamic data mappings for standard CRM entity types. You can add up to five CRM record fields per entity.

Create a CRM Integration in CXone

If you haven't already, integrate Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, or Zendesk with CXone Agent Integrated.

Create a Dynamic Data Mapping in CXone

Required permissions: Configurations Edit; Dynamic Data Create

  1. In CXone, click the app selector and select Agent Integrations.
  2. Click on an authenticated CRM configuration to open it.
  3. Click the Dynamic Data tab.
  4. Click New Data Mapping.
  5. Enter a Name. You can optionally enter a Description for the mapping.
  6. Add a CRM entity to map.

    1. In the Select Entity Type drop-down, select the CRM entity type for the data you want to map. The entity type is the CRM record type, such as Case or Contact.

    2. Click Add Entity.
    3. To add more entities, repeat steps A and B.
  7. In the External CRM Field drop-down, select the CRM record field you want to display to agents.

  8. To add more CRM record fields, click Add Field. You can add up to five fields per entity.
  9. Click Save at the top of the page. The active dynamic data mapping appears in the Dynamic Data tab.

Create a Studio Script

Displaying CRM record fields to agents requires a Studio script. The script connects CXone Agent Integrated and the CRM. It's how you specify the dynamic data mapping used.

One of the actions used in this script, Workflow Execute, is located on the Framework tab in Studio. If this tab isn't visible, your CXone Account Representative can enable it for you.

This task may require coordination with your organization's Studio scripter.

Create the Script

  1. In Studio, create a phone script.
  2. Add the following actions and connect them in the order given using the Default branch condition. The script has two parts. The first part starts the interaction and requests an agent. It contains these actions:

    • Begin: The required starting action for every script. This action doesn't require any configuration.
    • Reqagent: This action requests an agent who has a specific ACD skill.

    The second part of the script starts when the agent answers the interaction. It creates the current interaction record. It contains these actions: 

    • Onanswer: This event action triggers when an agent answers the interaction. This action doesn't require any configuration unless you need to change the name of one or more of the variables in the action properties.
    • Snippet: This action contains custom code that connects the script to the CRM configuration.
    • Workflow Execute: This action executes a dynamic data mapping. Each instance of this action can execute only one data mapping. To execute more than one data mapping, add multiple instances of this action.
    • AGENT WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION: This action executes a dynamic data mapping when the agent manually triggers it in the agent application. Each instance of this action can execute three data mappings.
  3. Configure each Studio action as described in the remaining sections on this page:

  4. Connect the other branches of the Workflow Execute action. That link describes the branches.

  5. Add other scripting logic as needed.

  6. Save your script often as you make changes.

  7. When the script is complete and thoroughly tested, put it into production.

REQAGENT Action Configuration

  1. Select the Reqagent action on the script canvas and click the Properties tab in Studio.

  2. Configure the ACD Skill property with the skill you want the script to route interactions to. Configure the other properties of this action as needed.

Configure the SNIPPET Action (CRM Integration)

  1. Double-click the SNIPPET action on the script canvas.
  2. Add the following code to the Text View tab on the Properties window.

    //ASSIGN integrationConfigId= "Configuration ID from Agent Integrations in User Hub"
    ASSIGN integrationConfigId="[integration configuration ID]"		
  3. Replace [integration configuration ID] with the ID of the CRM configuration you want to use. You can copy it from the Agent Integrations Configurations page in CXone.
  4. Select the Snippet action on the script canvas and click the Properties tab in Studio.
  5. Enter CRM Integration in the field for the Caption property. This changes the label of the action on the script canvas.

Configure the WORKFLOW EXECUTE Action

If you want this script to handle more than one dynamic data mapping, you need one Workflow Execute action for each mapping. For example, you could have different mappings that run depending on the ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Configure the script to suit the needs of your organization. Configure each Workflow Execute action as described in these steps.

  1. Double-click the Workflow Execute action in your script to launch the Workflow Execute wizard.

  2. In the Configuration Name field, select the CRM integration you want this Workflow Execute action to use. The drop-down displays the names of all configured integrations in your CXone system.
  3. In the Actions field, select Search.

  4. In the Workflow Mapping section, select the dynamic data mapping you want this script to execute. Dynamic data mappings have a value of Dynamic Data in the Action column. You can only select one mapping per Workflow Execute action.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Verify your selections in the pop-up window. If you need to change a selection, click No and make your change.
  7. Click Yes in the pop-up window to apply your selections to the Workflow Execute properties.


  1. Double-click the Workflow Execute action in your script to launch the Agent Workflow Configuration wizard.

  2. Select the Custom CRM Configuration you want this Agent Workflow Configuration action to use. The drop-down displays the names of all configured integrations in your CXone system.
  3. In the Actions field, select Search.

  4. In the Workflow Mapping section, select the dynamic data mapping you want this script to execute. Dynamic data mappings have a value of Dynamic Data in the Action column. You can select up to three mappings per Agent Workflow Configuration action.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Verify your selections in the Custom CRM Configurations Updated window. If you need to change a selection, click Go Back and make your change.
  7. Click Close in the Custom CRM Configurations Updated window to apply your selections to the Agent Workflow Configuration properties.