Manage Employee Accounts with Okta

SCIM integration allows user data to sync from Okta to CXone. After you integrate, you can create, update, and deactivate CXone employee accounts in Okta.

Create New Users in CXone with Okta

Users that you create and assign to the CXone integration in Okta will automatically be created in CXone. CXone users created in Okta will automatically be assigned to the Agent role. The first name, last name, username, and email fields for these users can only be updated in Okta. Any status changes to these users should flow through Okta. You cannot change the status of the user in CXone. All other fields, including the user's role, can be changed in CXone.

  1. Create the user on Okta.

    1. Log in to your Okta management account.

    2. Go to Directory > People.

    3. Click Add person.

    4. Enter the user's First name, Last name, Username, and Primary email. The username must be a valid email address.

    5. You can also enter the user's Display Name, Middle Name, Mobile Number, Time Zone, and Type. Before you can import these fields, you have to enable them for your tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment on the Account Settings page.

    6. Click Save.

  2. Provision the new user for CXone.

    1. Go to Applications > Applications on Okta's left-navigation menu.

    2. Click the CXone integration that you created previously.

    3. Go to the Assignments tab.

    4. Click Assign, then click Assign to People.

    5. Search for the name of the user you just created, and click Assign.

    6. Click Save and Go Back. The user you created and assigned to the CXone integration is created automatically in CXone. If the integration fails, then there will be a red flag next to the user you just assigned. This flag means that the user couldn't be created automatically in CXone.

  3. Verify that the user was created in CXone.

    1. Log in to CXone.

    2. Click the app selector and select Admin.

    3. Click Employees on the left-navigation menu.

    4. Search the name of the user you created and assigned in Okta.

Update CXone Users with Okta

  1. Log in to your Okta management account.

  2. Go to Applications > Applications on Okta's left-navigation menu.

  3. Click the CXone integration that you created previously.

  4. Go to the Assignments tab.

  5. Click on the user that you want to update.

  6. Go to the Profile tab, and click Edit.

  7. Edit the user as necessary, then click Save.

Deactivate CXone Users with Okta

  1. Log in to your Okta management account.

  2. Go to Applications > Applications on Okta's left-navigation menu.

  3. Click the CXone integration that you created previously.

  4. Go to the Assignments tab.

  5. Click the X to the right of the user that you want to deactivate.

  6. Click OK in the Unassign User window.