Automation Triggers

Use the menu on the left to locate pages for each individual trigger. Each page contains instructions for creating the trigger and a list of all conditions that are available for that specific trigger.

Triggers are events used to tell a job when to run. Adding conditions to a trigger makes the timing of the job more specific. There are several sources for triggers:

  • Contact-based triggers: Associated with contacts and what happens during or after they are connected. These triggers are dependent on the context of the contact, such as time of day or assigned routing queue.
  • Message-based triggers: Associated with messages themselves. These triggers are dependent on the content of the message, such as sentiment or keywords.
  • Proactive triggers: Associated with web visitors. These triggers are dependent on visitor activity and behavior on the website.

Key Facts About Triggers

  • You can add more than one set of conditions to a trigger if there is more than one situation when you want a trigger to fire. If you put the conditions for all of the possible situations in one condition set, then all of those conditions must be met for the trigger to fire. If you put each situation in separate condition sets, then Digital Experience considers each set of conditions separately.
  • When a trigger has multiple sets of conditions, Digital Experience executes the same job for all conditions. If you want different jobs to execute for different conditions, you need to create a separate trigger for each set of conditions.

  • Each trigger can have multiple jobs assigned to it. This means that multiple actions would take place in response to one specific customer behavior or event.
  • Each job can be assigned to multiple triggers. This means the action would take place in response to a number of different customer behaviors or events.