Engagement Rules

Engagement rules define the behavior and specific conditions that must be met to display a Guide template or proactive offer on a web page. Guide requires that all engagement rules be based on the Visitor Page View event.

Key Facts About Rules

  • You can add more than one set of conditions to a rule if there is more than one situation when you want a rule to fire. If you put the conditions for all of the possible situations in one condition set, then all of those conditions must be met for the rule to fire. If you put each situation in separate condition sets, then Guide considers each set of conditions separately.

  • When a rule has multiple sets of conditions, Guide executes the same action for all conditions. If you want different actions to execute for different conditions, you need to create a separate rule for each set of conditions.

  • Each rule can have multiple actions assigned to it. This means that multiple actions would take place in response to one specific customer behavior or event.

  • Each action can be assigned to multiple rules. This means the action would take place in response to a number of different customer behaviors or events.

  • Rules must be based on the Visitor Page View event. The other events listed as options are not supported by Guide: Chat Window Opened, Custom Visitor Event, Popup Clicked, and Triggered by API. These events are provided for existing digital chat customers who may have implemented triggers based on these events. They are unavailable for new customers.