2024-1 Release Notes

This page shows the products and features in the 2024-1 release cycle. Features are subject to change between now and the end of the release cycle. You may receive these features at different times throughout the release cycle, but you will have them all by 25 July 2024. Remember that you may be required to purchase a license or sign up for a controlled release (CR) program to access some of them.

View the 2024-1 webinar recording. This covers the features in more detail.

Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the CXone apps you use.

Global Changes

Weak Password Prevention

Each user's password is checked against a repository of commonly used passwords. If their password matches one of the commonly used passwords, they are forced to create a new password. Some of the passwords that are rejected include:

  • Any password that includes the word "password." For example, Password@1234.

  • Any password that includes the user's email address, username, first name, last name, or system name.

Passwords are checked against this repository whenever:

  • A new user is activated.

  • A user's password expires.

  • A user resets their password.

Preventing weak passwords increases the security of your system.

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Users Can Unlock Their Own Account

Previously, whenever a user was locked out of their account, an administrator had to unlock it for them. In this release, users can unlock their own account. They can do so by resetting their password with the Forgot Password link in the login window. This update removes the need for administrators to spend time unlocking user accounts.

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What's New in the Online Help

Success Guides for Interaction Analytics

The Interaction Analytics section of the online help now includes more success guides to help you achieve your business goals. Guides have been added to help you:

File Path Changes

The following sections or pages have experienced a URL change. If you have links or bookmarks to these areas, you will need to update them.

Removed Applications and Features

Legacy CRM Agent Applications Removed

These CRM agent applications have reached end of life:

  • Agent for Microsoft Dynamics (Tenfold)
  • Agent for Oracle Service Cloud (Legacy Agent)

  • Agent for ServiceNow (Tenfold)

  • Agent for Microsoft Teams (Tenfold)

  • Agent for Zendesk (Tenfold)

The CXone Agent Suite is the next generation of agent applications. You can integrate your CRM with those agent apps.

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Supervisor (Legacy) Application Removed

The legacy Supervisor application will be removed from CXone. After 31 March 2024, you will no longer be able to access or use it. You can use the new CXone Supervisor application for a similar but improved experience.

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End of Support for ScreenAgent 2.x

From 1 March, ScreenAgent versions lower than 3.0.x are no longer supported. You will need to upgrade all users to ScreenAgent version 3.0.x. You can use the current installation guide for instructions and there are no additional costs.

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New Applications

Omilia Voice Biometrics

Previously, Omilia Voice Biometrics was in controlled release. In this release, it is generally available.

You can now authenticate contacts on voice channels using Omilia Voice Biometrics. Omilia Voice Biometrics is a service provided by Omilia and integrated into CXone with Agent Assist Hub. It uses a voice print from a verified contact to verify that contact's identity in future calls. This saves agents time because they don't have to ask identifying questions on each call.

Contacts will need to complete an enrollment process that establishes their identity and creates a baseline voiceprint. An agent must help with the enrollment process. Each voiceprint is associated with the contact's ANIClosed Also known as caller ID. Listed phone number of an incoming voice call.. Enrollment typically takes around 20 seconds to complete.

Any time the contact calls after being enrolled, Omilia Voice Biometrics listens to the first part of the conversation with the agent, then compares the voiceprint of the caller to the baseline voiceprint. It only requires a few seconds of normal conversation to match the voiceprint. The results of the verification are displayed in the agent application.

Customers who have been using Omilia Voice Biometrics in controlled release will notice new features. For more details, select the Omilia Voice Biometrics filter on the top right.

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Omilia Text Virtual Agent

Previously, support for Omilia text virtual agent integrations was in controlled release. In this release, it is generally available.

You can now use Omilia text virtual agents with CXone. You can set up the integration of these third-party virtual agents in Virtual Agent Hub. The integration process also requires configuration in the Omilia virtual agent management console.

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CXone Dashboard

CXone Dashboard is the new and enhanced suite-centric data visualization solution. It provides customers with advanced visualization of both real-time and historical, cross-domain contact center metrics. The improved dashboard application offers a comprehensive operational picture, tracking key metrics across both voice and digital channels, for an omnichannel view of the contact center. With visualization features and customization options that are as simple as dragging and dropping widgets, making data accessible to everyone. Designed to increase visibility and improve every customer experience, the dashboard provides actionable insights relevant to various roles within the contact center, granting everyone access to essential business KPIs.

  • The CXone Dashboard application offers a user-friendly interface with ready-to-use and customizable widgets, allowing visualization of data from ACD, Digital Experience, CXone QM, CXone Interaction Analytics, Guide.

  • You can create, share, export, and project dashboards. Its improved interface provides a better user experience, ensuring faster performance and an overall better experience.

  • With the new dashboard, the new CXone Performance Management Insights is supported, and includes specific widgets and features for CXone PM. These features are in controlled release and are not included in the 2024-1 GA release.

  • Integration with the new CXone Coaching application will be included in the new dashboard with the addition of a new coaching widget.

In the 2024-1 release, the CXone Dashboard is generally available.

  • With the 2024-1 release, the new Dashboard is available to all customers. Any dashboards created with the current Dashboard will be automatically migrated to the new CXone Dashboard as part of the automatic dashboard migration.

    For more information, see the Dashboard migration guide.

  • It is recommended you switch to the new CXone Dashboard application before the current version of Dashboard is discontinued and take advantage of the enhanced features.

  • Customers in FedRAMP environments will continue using the legacy dashboard until the new dashboard is FedRAMP-certified.

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Performance and Load Testing

A new service called Performance and Load Testing can perform stress tests on your CXone system. This verifies it can handle traffic during change events and during peak times, such as holidays and new product launches. Performance and Load Testing can: 

  • Test inbound voice to IVR.

  • Mimic an agent for full end-to-end call testing.

  • Simulate outbound campaigns.

  • Test chat and email.

You need to contact your CXone Account Representative to order the test and specify the requirements for it. CXone Professional Services then manages the process for you.

Using a CXone service to test your system gives you full support from the CXone platform and team. This ensures careful monitoring and process management, keeping your system safe.

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Click-to-Call is available in controlled release. It lets you add a button to your website where visitors can reach one of your live contact center agents using their browser's softphone. This can help you to reduce or eliminate: 

  • Extra steps to connect to a Sales or Support team.

  • Overhead costs, such as service number fees and mobile surcharges.

You can add the Click-to-Call button to your website without advanced coding knowledge. It only requires you to copy in a few lines of code. Click-to-Call is only available for website visitors using a desktop device.

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Enlighten Actions

This product is in controlled release (CR) and not yet available for everyone. If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your CXone Account Representative. This product will be available later in the release cycle, in March 2024.

Enlighten Actions, an AI-driven tool for CX leaders, enables you to get operational and CX insights based on multiple datasets. It also guides management teams to make informed and data-driven decisions. Using AI models and advanced applications within CXone, you can benchmark service levels, develop actionable plans, and gain insights into the best next steps for desired outcomes.

With Enlighten Actions you can:

  • Create conversational prompts and receive data insights.

  • Save your prompts for future use.

  • View responses in different formats, while displaying relevant visualization.

  • Export and share data visualizations in various formats for flexible analysis.

  • Save favorite charts and view them in different formats.

  • Customize Enlighten Actions to suit your requirements.

  • Send emails to agents and supervisors, generate context-based messages, and customize content.

Enlighten Actions will be available as controlled release.

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Enlighten Autopilot

Enlighten Autopilot is a new intelligent virtual agentClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent.. It comes equipped with Enlighten XO AI and over 30 years of interaction data. Autopilot uses that data, along with your organization's interaction data, to build conversation flows. Autopilot provides seamless customer experiences and decreases escalations to live agents.

Autopilot can:

  • Respond conversationally. It understands context and switches topics easily.

  • Learn from interactions to improve its responses.

  • Fully resolve issues via self-service.

  • Assign tasks to customer intents.

  • Proactively send messages to contacts based on their identified needs and interests.

You can customize Autopilot to meet your business needs. Autopilot is a new virtual agent that combines SmartAssist with Enlighten XO. It does not replace SmartAssist.

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Enlighten Autopilot Knowledge

Autopilot Knowledge combines digital conversational bots from CXone Bot Builder with the knowledge resources from CXone Expert. You can set up your knowledge base in CXone Expert and connect it with Bot Builder. This allows Autopilot Knowledge to process and respond to frequent user questions on any digital channel. It provides users with accurate and up-to-date information in a conversational manner. This is particularly useful for organizations that receive a large volume of customer questions on digital channels. It saves you time on implementation because CXone Expert enables your bot to answer customer questions.​

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Enlighten AutoSummary

Previously, Enlighten AutoSummary was in controlled release. In this release, it is generally available.

Customers who have been using Enlighten AutoSummary in controlled release will notice new features. For more details, select the Enlighten AutoSummary filter on the top right.

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CXone Performance Management Insights

This product is in controlled release (CR) and not yet available for everyone. If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your CXone Account Representative. This product will be available later in the release cycle.

The CXone Performance Management Insights (CXone PM) solution features as a true native application to the CXone platform. This new and advanced solution offers an enhanced user interface.

The CXone Performance Management Insights application includes functionalities such as:


Metrics allows you to manage your contact center metrics more effectively:

  • It provides you with a list of standard out-of-the-box (OOTB) metrics (based on the products enabled), that allows you to view those metrics. This is designed to integrate smoothly with CXone Dashboard.

  • Metrics extends its capabilities with a CXone PM license, catering to those in need of more advanced features. With a CXone PM license, you get access to enhanced metrics features, such as:

    • The ability to create custom metrics, both standard and calculated, to suit the specific needs of your contact center.

    • It also provides you the option to edit the metrics.

The Metrics offers widgets like Gauge, Leaderboard, Metrics Review, Metrics Summary, and Metrics Interval.


With Objectives, you can create personalized performance-related goals to monitor important metrics and ensure the best agent performance.

  • Set performance objectives to monitor important metrics.

  • Set notification for objectives to actively keep track of progress.


The Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) application helps you to convert raw data into a structured format. Structured data helps in data analytics.

A data feed is be used to import data from sources and transform it into a structured format. Once data is imported, you can use reporting sets to group and organize data for reporting purposes.

CXone Performance Management Insights is available as controlled release.

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CXone Studio

CXone Studio, a new, web-based version of Studio, is now generally available. It is accessible from within the CXone platform and does not require a separate download and installation.

CXone Studio features a modern user interface while supporting many of the same features currently available in Desktop Studio. Additional features will be added in future releases. In this release, you can: 

  • Create new scripts in any of the supported media types, such as phone, email, chat, and digital.
  • Have multiple scripts open at the same time and easily switch between them. Each script opens in a separate browser tab.
  • Duplicate scripts to create copies.
  • Edit scripts in Desktop Studio and CXone Studio.
  • Import and export scripts. CXone Studio scripts are in JSON. Desktop Studio scripts are in XML. This means exported scripts can only be imported into CXone Studio. Exports from Desktop Studio must be imported into that application, not CXone Studio.
  • Open and edit scripts in either application. The applications convert scripts between JSON and XML, allowing you to go back and forth between them. You don't need to make changes to existing scripts to work with them in CXone Studio.
  • Deactivate scripts.
  • Lock and unlock scripts. You can also override locked scripts, if your CXone profile has the Studio Lock Override permission.
  • Add, delete, and configure actions. CXone Studio supports the same actions as Desktop Studio. Actions that have editor windows in Desktop Studio have the same editors in CXone Studio, but with a new design.
  • Interact with the script canvas workspace by zooming in or out, panning, and changing the view to fit the full screen. You can select multiple actions on the canvas and cut, copy, and paste them.
  • View script errors and warnings.

The Desktop Studio application will continue to be supported. You can use either application to edit scripts. Some features are only available in Desktop Studio while we continue to expand the capabilities of CXone Studio. For this reason, it may be necessary to use both applications to fully develop and test a script. For example, the debug and trace features will not be available in CXone Studio in this release. To use those features, you must open your script in the Desktop Studio application.

Prior to the deployment of the 2024-1 release, CXone Studio was part of a controlled release (CR) program that followed a CI/CD methodology. If you were part of the CR program, you can view the release notes for each CI/CD release by selecting CXone Studio from the filter list on the right side of the page.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle. It will be enabled when the release has been deployed all clusters.

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Page Improvements

The Script Schedules and Stations pages have a new look and feel. The basic functionality of these pages hasn't changed. The benefits of the updates include:

  • Reduced loading time.

  • Increased security.

  • Updated and modernized page design.

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UnlinkAgent Studio Action

The existing Unlink Studio action removes the agent from the call and puts the call back in the queue. This ends the agent legClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. session. The new UnlinkAgent Studio action also disconnects the agent from the contact in CXone, but it keeps the agent leg connected to the call. The agent can use their physical phone (PBXClosed Internal telephone network that manages an enterprise's incoming, outgoing, and internal voice calls.) to transfer the call to a department with a phone extension that cannot be dialed within CXone.

For more details about this feature, select the Studio filter on the top right.

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Separate Settings for Enlighten AI Routing Focus Metric and Weight

The Enlighten AI Focus Metric field in ACD skill settings has split into two fields: Focus Metric and Focus Weight.

For more details about this feature, select the Enlighten AI Routing filter on the top right.

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Immediate Application of Enlighten AI Routing Configuration Settings

Changes to the Enlighten AI Routing settings of an ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge now take effect immediately.

For more details about this feature, select the Enlighten AI Routing filter on the top right.

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Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

The Agent Integrations employee profile attribute is added to AdminEmployees. You must enable it for the employee to see CRM records in CXone Agent, CXone Agent Embedded, or CXone Agent Integrated.

For more details about this feature, select the CXone Agent, CXone Agent Embedded, or CXone Agent Integrated filter on the top right.

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Edit Usernames with Employee Bulk Upload

Previously, you could only edit employee usernames individually on the employees page. In this release, you can also update usernames using the employee bulk upload template.

There are some limitations to editing employee usernames by any method:

  • Editing the usernames of employees that are logged in can cause issues in CXone.

  • Employees will not be notified by CXone that their username has changed.

  • The new usernames must be in the form of email addresses. They cannot be usernames that already exist in your system.

Employee passwords and settings remain the same after you change their username.

Editing employee usernames can create problems for the user. Having employees log out and log back in with their new username will solve problems such as these:

  • The employee's My Profile lists the old username.
  • The employee's navigation isn't working properly.
  • The employee cannot change other usernames.
  • The employee has refresh token issues.
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Set Employee Profile to Inactive with Bulk Upload

A new Deactivate field has been added to the employee bulk upload template. This field allows you to change employee profiles to inactive.

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Access Key Manager Page

Previously, you could only view and delete access keys in the employee profile. In this release, a new Access Key Manager page has been added to the left menu under Security Settings. This page allows you to view all the access keys assigned to all users in your system. You can delete access keys individually or in bulk from this page. This page saves you time when viewing or deleting access keys. It also improves your system's security by increasing access key visibility.

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Improved Visibility of Impersonation in Your System

NICE CXone can impersonate a user in your system to gain access. This allows your CXone Account Representative to fix problems from within your system without you having to create an account for them. Previously, there was no way for you to track who accessed your system through impersonation or what actions they performed. In this release, you have a log of who accessed your system in this way and what actions they took while in your system. This log increases visibility and security in your system.

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Set Up External Login Authenticators with OpenID Connect

Previously, you could only use SAML 2.0 to set up an external login authenticator. External login authenticators allow you to use third-party applications, like Okta, to log in to CXone. In this release, you can also use OpenID Connect to set up an external login authenticator. This update will give you greater flexibility when setting up external authentication.

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Separation of Roles and Login Authenticators

Previously, all roles had to be assigned to a login authenticator. In this release, you can create roles that aren't assigned to a login authenticator. This update allows you to create back-end users that aren't assigned to a login authenticator.

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Assign Login Authenticators Directly to Users

Previously, you could not assign a login authenticator directly to a user. The user had to be connected to the login authenticator through their role. In this release, you can assign login authenticators directly to users. This update allows you to create back-end users that aren't assigned to a role.

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Activate or Deactivate System Login Authenticators

Previously, you couldn't deactivate system login authenticators (LA). In this release, you can activate and deactivate system and SAML 2.0 LAs. To do so, you must have two new permissions enabled:

  • Login Authenticator: Enable. This permission allows you to reactivate LAs.

  • Login Authenticator: Disable. This permission allows you to deactivate LAs.

Both permissions rely on the Login Authenticator: Edit permission to function.

All users assigned to a deactivated LA will lose access to CXone. These users also won't be able to use the Forgot Password link to activate their account or change their password. Users won't be notified of their loss of access. They won't be able to regain access until you:

  • Assign them to an active LA.

  • Reactivate their assigned LA.

To avoid revoking access from your users, assign them to a different LA before you deactivate.

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Updated User Permissions

There are several new user permissions that increase the security of your system, including:

Role Management: User Assignment. This permission allows you to add users to roles.

Login Authenticator: User Assignment. This permission allows you to add users to login authenticators.

View Management: User Assignment. This permission allows you to add users to views.

Password Management: Manage. This permission allows you to manage other user's:

  • Passwords, including the force reset capability

  • External identity

  • Username

  • MFA

Users must have User: Edit or User: Register permissions to use the new permissions. Any user with the User: Edit or User: Register permissions have automatically been given these new user permissions. Remove these permissions from users who do not need them to perform their job.

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Edit Only Own Evaluations

Users will only be able to edit their own evaluations. This will prevent Evaluators or Supervisors from editing other evaluators' evaluations. To enable this feature, a new permission called Edit Own will be added under Perform Evaluations.

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CXone Agent

Enhancements to Mobile Device Experience: Phase One

Enhancements to the CXone Agent Progressive Web App are made to improve the user experience on mobile devices. This includes functional and UI fixes. These enhancements are being made in phases, with each phase including a group of devices. The 2024-1 release will be phase one. Phase one includes these devices:

  • Samsung Galaxy A51

  • Samsung Galaxy A54

  • Samsung Galaxy S23

If you use CXone Agent on a mobile device that's not on that list, you may experience issues. More devices will be added in future releases.

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Accessibility Improvements

With the following accessibility improvements, CXone Agent now works with JAWS and is WCAG-compliant.

  • Alt Text for Images: Text that can be read by screen readers is added to all images in CXone Agent.

  • Proper Formatting for Tables: All tables have headers and HTML table elements.

  • User-Initiated Focus: The user's place on a page is not shifted unless they press Tab or Shift + Tab on their keyboard.

  • Valid Field Labels: All fields have labels that are readable by screen readers.

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Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

The Agent Integrations employee profile attribute is added to AdminEmployees. You must enable it for the employee to see CRM records in the customer card.

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Digital Chat for Data Memorialization

CXone Agent now supports data memorialization for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. chat channels. You can map fields between CXone Agent and your CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories.. After the chat completes, any information the agent adds to these fields automatically updates in your CRM.

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Edit the From Field in Emails

Agents can select from a list of approved email addresses in the From field of an email draft. This enables them to change the email address they're sending from. Approved email addresses are configured in Digital Experience.

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Enhancements to Conferencing

Previously, the fourth party in a conference was automatically added to the call. In this release, agents can privately consult with the fourth party before adding them to the call. This also applies to any additional parties. The parties in the conference are put on hold while the agent is in the consult.

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Enhancements to the Oracle Integration Experience

  • Dynamic Create Workflows: You can choose the Oracle entities that records are created for. You can also choose which data fields are included in those records.

  • Expanded Search: You can create Search workflows for any Oracle entity and any data fields.

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IEX WFM Schedules

If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents see their IEX WFM schedule in Schedule icon, a calendar. in CXone Agent. They cannot edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent.

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Integration with HubSpot

CXone Agent supports integration with HubSpot. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

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Integration with Salesforce

CXone Agent supports integration with Salesforce. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

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Live Chat Preview

Agents see the message the contact is typing before it's sent. This applies only to Digital Experience live chat channels with the Agent can see preview of customer message setting enabled during setup.

This feature is not compliant with PCI or HIPAA.

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More Information from External Directories

Previously, directories from external platforms like Microsoft Teams, RingCentral, and Zoom only displayed the contact's name, phone number, and email inside CXone Agent. In this release, they also display the following information:

  • Company

  • Department

  • Job title

  • Address

  • Social media accounts

  • Current status (Available or Unavailable)

  • Custom fields you configure

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Quick Responses for Outbound Digital Interactions

Previously, quick responses were only available for inbound digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, they are available for outbound digital interactions as well, if quick responses are enabled for the channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on..

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Support for Island Enterprise Browser

You can now use CXone Agent in Island Enterprise Browser. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

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View and Add Notes to Calls, Voicemails, and Work Items

Previously, the Notes section of Customer Card Customer Card icon: a person next to a document. only appeared for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, it also appears for calls, voicemails, and work itemsClosed Customizable method of delivering contacts to an agent via Studio scripts.. Agents can view notes from other agents and add notes themselves. They can also edit and delete other agents' notes, if you enable this for them.

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UI and UX Improvements

  • Update to Public Social Interactions: Public social interactions are marked by the Public icon a black globe on a yellow background.. This alerts agents that their responses are publicly visible.

  • End Ringing Calls: The Hang Up icon icon: a phone facing down. is added to the call controls for ringing calls. The agent can end the call if it never goes to voicemail or if they dialed the wrong number.

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Agent Assist Hub

Omilia Voice Biometrics Support for CXone Agent Applications

Omilia Voice Biometrics is now available as an agent assist application in CXone Agent applications. This includes CXone Agent, CXone Agent Embedded, CXone Agent Integrated, and CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. This expands the agent applications your agents can use with Omilia Voice Biometrics. For more information about Omilia Voice Biometrics, select New Applications from the filter list on the top right of this page.

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CXone Agent Embedded

Automatic Contact Info Connect

When agents select an interaction, your CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories. opens to a record with information about the contact. When they switch to a different interaction, your CRM switches to the record for that contact.

This feature applies to these CRMs:

  • Kustomer

  • Microsoft Dynamics

  • Salesforce

  • Zendesk

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Support for Salesforce

You can embed CXone Agent Embedded into Salesforce. CXone Agent Embedded also supports these CRMs: Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

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Accessibility Improvements

With the following accessibility improvements, CXone Agent Embedded now works with JAWS and is WCAG-compliant.

  • Alt Text for Images: Text that can be read by screen readers is added to all images in CXone Agent Embedded.

  • Proper Formatting for Tables: All tables have headers and HTML table elements.

  • User-Initiated Focus: The user's place on a page is not shifted unless they press Tab or Shift + Tab on their keyboard.

  • Valid Field Labels: All fields have labels that are readable by screen readers.

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Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

The Agent Integrations employee profile attribute is added to AdminEmployees. You must enable it for the employee to see CRM records in the customer card.

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Digital Chat for Data Memorialization

CXone Agent Embedded now supports data memorialization for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. chat channels. You can map fields between CXone Agent Embedded and your CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories.. After the chat completes, any information the agent adds to these fields automatically updates in your CRM.

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Edit the From Field in Emails

Agents can select from a list of approved email addresses in the From field of an email draft. This enables them to change the email address they're sending from. Approved email addresses are configured in Digital Experience.

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Enhancements to Conferencing

Previously, the fourth party in a conference was automatically added to the call. In this release, agents can privately consult with the fourth party before adding them to the call. This also applies to any additional parties. The parties in the conference are put on hold while the agent is in the consult.

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Enhancements to the Oracle Integration Experience

  • Dynamic Create Workflows: You can choose the Oracle entities that records are created for. You can also choose which data fields are included in those records.

  • Expanded Search: You can create Search workflows for any Oracle entity and any data fields.

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IEX WFM Schedules

If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents see their IEX WFM schedule in Schedule icon, a calendar. in CXone Agent Embedded. They cannot edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent Embedded.

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Integration with HubSpot

CXone Agent Embedded supports integration with HubSpot. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

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Integration with Salesforce

CXone Agent Embedded supports integration with Salesforce. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

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Live Chat Preview

Agents see the message the contact is typing before it's sent. This applies only to Digital Experience live chat channels with the Agent can see preview of customer message setting enabled during setup.

This feature is not compliant with PCI or HIPAA.

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More Information from External Directories

Previously, directories from external platforms like Microsoft Teams, RingCentral, and Zoom only displayed the contact's name, phone number, and email inside CXone Agent Embedded. In this release, they also display the following information:

  • Company

  • Department

  • Job title

  • Address

  • Social media accounts

  • Current status (Available or Unavailable)

  • Custom fields you configure

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Quick Responses for Outbound Digital Interactions

Previously, quick responses were only available for inbound digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, they are available for outbound digital interactions as well, if quick responses are enabled for the channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on..

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Support for Island Enterprise Browser

You can now use CXone Agent Embedded in Island Enterprise Browser. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

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View and Add Notes to Calls, Voicemails, and Work Items

Previously, the Notes section of Customer Card Customer Card icon: a person next to a document. only appeared for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, it also appears for calls, voicemails, and work itemsClosed Customizable method of delivering contacts to an agent via Studio scripts.. Agents can view notes from other agents and add notes themselves. They can also edit and delete other agents' notes, if you enable this for them.

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UI and UX Improvements

  • Update to Public Social Interactions: Public social interactions are marked by the Public icon a black globe on a yellow background.. This alerts agents that their responses are publicly visible.

  • End Ringing Calls: The Hang Up icon icon: a phone facing down. is added to the call controls for ringing calls. The agent can end the call if it never goes to voicemail or if they dialed the wrong number.

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CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

Accessibility Improvements

With the following accessibility improvements, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams now works with JAWS and is WCAG-compliant.

  • Alt Text for Images: Text that can be read by screen readers is added to all images in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams.

  • Proper Formatting for Tables: All tables have headers and HTML table elements.

  • User-Initiated Focus: The user's place on a page is not shifted unless they press Tab or Shift + Tab on their keyboard.

  • Valid Field Labels: All fields have labels that are readable by screen readers.

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Edit the From Field in Emails

Agents can select from a list of approved email addresses in the From field of an email draft. This enables them to change the email address they're sending from. Approved email addresses are configured in Digital Experience.

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Enhancements to Conferencing

Previously, the fourth party in a conference was automatically added to the call. In this release, agents can privately consult with the fourth party before adding them to the call. This also applies to any additional parties. The parties in the conference are put on hold while the agent is in the consult.

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IEX WFM Schedules

If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents see their IEX WFM schedule in Schedule icon, a calendar. in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. They cannot edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams.

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Live Chat Preview

Agents see the message the contact is typing before it's sent. This applies only to Digital Experience live chat channels with the Agent can see preview of customer message setting enabled during setup.

This feature is not compliant with PCI or HIPAA.

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More Information from External Directories

Previously, directories from external platforms like Microsoft Teams, RingCentral, and Zoom only displayed the contact's name, phone number, and email inside CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. In this release, they also display the following information:

  • Company

  • Department

  • Job title

  • Address

  • Social media accounts

  • Current status (Available or Unavailable)

  • Custom fields you configure

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Quick Responses for Outbound Digital Interactions

Previously, quick responses were only available for inbound digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, they are available for outbound digital interactions as well, if quick responses are enabled for the channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on..

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Support for Island Enterprise Browser

You can now use CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams in Island Enterprise Browser. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

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View and Add Notes to Calls, Voicemails, and Work Items

Previously, the Notes section of Customer Card Customer Card icon: a person next to a document. only appeared for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, it also appears for calls, voicemails, and work itemsClosed Customizable method of delivering contacts to an agent via Studio scripts.. Agents can view notes from other agents and add notes themselves. They can also edit and delete other agents' notes, if you enable this for them.

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UI and UX Improvements

  • Update to Public Social Interactions: Public social interactions are marked by the Public icon a black globe on a yellow background.. This alerts agents that their responses are publicly visible.

  • End Ringing Calls: The Hang Up icon icon: a phone facing down. is added to the call controls for ringing calls. The agent can end the call if it never goes to voicemail or if they dialed the wrong number.

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Agent for SCV

Automated After Call Work (ACW) Status

Previously, agents could manually put themselves into an After Contact Work (ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction) status. In this release, agents are automatically put into ACW after each call. They are no longer able to put themselves in ACW manually.

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CXone Agent Integrated

Accessibility Improvements

With the following accessibility improvements, CXone Agent Integrated now works with JAWS and is WCAG-compliant.

  • Alt Text for Images: Text that can be read by screen readers is added to all images in CXone Agent Integrated.

  • Proper Formatting for Tables: All tables have headers and HTML table elements.

  • User-Initiated Focus: The user's place on a page is not shifted unless they press Tab or Shift + Tab on their keyboard.

  • Valid Field Labels: All fields have labels that are readable by screen readers.

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Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

The Agent Integrations employee profile attribute is added to AdminEmployees. You must enable it for the employee to see CRM records in the customer card.

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Digital Chat for Data Memorialization

CXone Agent Integrated now supports data memorialization for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. chat channels. You can map fields between CXone Agent Integrated and your CRMClosed Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories.. After the chat completes, any information the agent adds to these fields automatically updates in your CRM.

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Edit the From Field in Emails

Agents can select from a list of approved email addresses in the From field of an email draft. This enables them to change the email address they're sending from. Approved email addresses are configured in Digital Experience.

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Enhancements to Conferencing

Previously, the fourth party in a conference was automatically added to the call. In this release, agents can privately consult with the fourth party before adding them to the call. This also applies to any additional parties. The parties in the conference are put on hold while the agent is in the consult.

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Enhancements to the Oracle Integration Experience

  • Dynamic Create Workflows: You can choose the Oracle entities that records are created for. You can also choose which data fields are included in those records.

  • Expanded Search: You can create Search workflows for any Oracle entity and any data fields.

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IEX WFM Schedules

If your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, agents see their IEX WFM schedule in Schedule icon, a calendar. in CXone Agent Integrated. They cannot edit their IEX WFM schedules inside CXone Agent Integrated.

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Integration with HubSpot

CXone Agent Integrated supports integration with HubSpot. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

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Integration with Salesforce

CXone Agent Integrated supports integration with Salesforce. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

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Live Chat Preview

Agents see the message the contact is typing before it's sent. This applies only to Digital Experience live chat channels with the Agent can see preview of customer message setting enabled during setup.

This feature is not compliant with PCI or HIPAA.

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More Information from External Directories

Previously, directories from external platforms like Microsoft Teams, RingCentral, and Zoom only displayed the contact's name, phone number, and email inside CXone Agent Integrated. In this release, they also display the following information:

  • Company

  • Department

  • Job title

  • Address

  • Social media accounts

  • Current status (Available or Unavailable)

  • Custom fields you configure

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Quick Responses for Outbound Digital Interactions

Previously, quick responses were only available for inbound digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, they are available for outbound digital interactions as well, if quick responses are enabled for the channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on..

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Support for Island Enterprise Browser

You can now use CXone Agent Integrated in Island Enterprise Browser. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

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View and Add Notes to Calls, Voicemails, and Work Items

Previously, the Notes section of Customer Card Customer Card icon: a person next to a document. only appeared for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interactions. In this release, it also appears for calls, voicemails, and work itemsClosed Customizable method of delivering contacts to an agent via Studio scripts.. Agents can view notes from other agents and add notes themselves. They can also edit and delete other agents' notes, if you enable this for them.

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UI and UX Improvements

  • Update to Public Social Interactions: Public social interactions are marked by the Public icon a black globe on a yellow background.. This alerts agents that their responses are publicly visible.

  • End Ringing Calls: The Hang Up icon icon: a phone facing down. is added to the call controls for ringing calls. The agent can end the call if it never goes to voicemail or if they dialed the wrong number.

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The developer portal documentation updates at the end of the release cycle.

APIs for CXone Multi-ACD (CXone Open)

A new set of APIs lets you mask calls being recorded for Multi-ACD systems. Documentation for these APIs will be added to the developer portal under a new Multi-ACD category.

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APIs for Interaction Analytics

A new set of Interaction Analytics APIs lets you retrieve annotated interactionsClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. and complete transcriptsClosed Written form of a voice or digital interaction of each interaction. Documentation for these APIs will be added to the developer portal under a new Interaction Analytics category.

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Mask Voice, Screen, or Both from Call Recordings

Version 29 of the /mask and /unmask APIs have a new maskRecordingMedia parameter. This lets you specify if you want to mask only the audio, only the screen, or both, from the recording. By default, both audio and screen are masked.

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Enhancements to Data Extraction API

Version 7 of the Metadata entity of the Data Extraction API contains the following enhancements:

  • You can filter by date and time.

  • The API exposes business data fields.

  • New fields:

    • Associated Contact No List

    • Interaction ID

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Assign Login Authenticator via API

Several APIs that handle user records have a loginAuthenticatorId field. Previously, for read APIs, this contained the currently assigned login authenticator. For write APIs, this field was ignored since the user's login authenticator was inherited from its primary role.

In this release, a user's primary role no longer determines their login authenticator. If this field exists in write APIs, you can use it to assign a user's login authenticator.

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Restriction to Update ACD Fields via API

Previously, several APIs were able to update prohibited fields for ACD users. In this release, these APIs are now restricted from doing so. The following table lists the impacted APIs, the prohibited fields, alternate APIs you can use for these fields.

API Prohibited Fields API Versions Alternate API
PUT /services/$version/agents firstName, middleName, lastName, emailAddress, isActive, telephone1, telephone2, userName, federatedId, profileId, timeZone, hireDate, teamId, teamUuid All PUT /user-management/v1/users
PUT /services/$version/teams teamName, isActive All PUT /user-management/v1/teams
PUT /services/$version/groups/{groupId} This API is now completely blocked. All N/A
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Agent Configuration API

The Agent Settings API contained agent-related sensitive information that was accessible in the public domain. This API is now unavailable for public use. An alternative API, /agents/{agentId}/agent-configurations offers the information that the Agent Settings API used to have, which is safe for public accessibility.

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Agent CRUD Operations

The below APIs have a new Boolean parameter, AgentIntegration. This parameter grants or denies access to the agent integrations data on a per-agent basis. This enhances security and user-specific customization.

Impacted APIs:

  • GET /agents
  • PUT /agents
  • POST /agents
  • GET /agents/{agentId}
  • PUT /agents/{agentId}
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New API Set for Station Management

You can manage stations with a new set of APIs. These provide a streamlined capability of managing stations.

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New Agent Search API

You can search for a skill ID to return all details for agents who are assigned the specified skills.

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New Skills APIs

The following new APIs in the Skill/Campaign Management section of the developer portal give you more capabilities for working with skills:

  • GET /skills

  • POST /skills

  • GET /skills/{skillId}

  • PUT /skills/{skillId}

  • GET /agents/skills-download

  • POST /skills/agents/search

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New Parameters for DNC Holidays

The GET and PUT general-settings APIs and the skills-download API have two new fields in a 200 response:

  • deliverCallbacksOnDNCHolidays

  • deliverPrioritiesOnDNCHolidays

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Bot Builder

Launch from App Selector Menu

Previously, to launch Bot Builder, you had to click the app selector in CXone, select Digital, and then click Chatbot. In this release, you can launch Bot Builder by selecting Bot Builder directly from the app selector menu in CXone.

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Improved Navigation through Bot Data with the Command Bar

A Command bar has been added to Bot Builder. You can use it to navigate through training or interaction data. You can search on stories, rules, intents, and entities. This change makes it easier to find specific information.

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Feedback Management Available in Skill Store

You can now add Feedback Management to your Bot Builder bots. Data collected with Feedback Management is saved directly to the Feedback Management application. This option is available as a skill you can add through the Skill Store. This new option allows you to more easily collect feedback data from contacts who use bots to communicate with your organization.

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Improvements to Slots

The following improvements have been made to slots: 

  • Add Multiple Possible Slot Values: When using the From Intent slot filling method, you can define more than one possible value for a slot. You can map each possible value to an intent. During an interaction, the value mapped to the intent that matches the contact's intent fills the slot. For example, for a slot called Subscription, you can map the value yes to the intent agree, and the value no to the intent deny. During an interaction, if the contact chooses to subscribe, the value yes fills the slot because the intent is agree.
  • Slot Conditions Split from Fill Slot Bot Action: The Fill Slot bot action will be split into two actions, Fill Slot and Slot Condition. The Fill Slot action allows you to add values to slots. The Slot Condition action allows you to set conditions for what happens during the conversation based on specific slot values. This simplifies the process of using slot conditions.
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Duplicate Existing Bots

You will be able to duplicate an existing bot in your account. This allows you to create a second bot without having to start from scratch, or to easily create a backup before making experimental changes to the original.

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Variables for Use in Scripting

You can use variables in scripts that you create in Bot Builder. They can store things such as tokens or other global data. Use of script variables is limited to scripts in Bot Builder. However, you can use them to create configurable parameters to use when creating rules or stories. This allows you to create customizable bot actions.

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Add Notes to Human Agents When Handing Over an Interaction

You can configure your bots to create notes with context information when handing the interaction over to a human agent. This change can help your human agents more quickly understand the situation and be able to help the contact sooner.

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CXone Coaching

Add Evaluations

A coach can add evaluations to the coaching session. A coach can leverage evaluation data to identify improvement areas of the agent.

Previously, only attachments and interactions could be added to the coaching session. In this release, you can also add evaluations along with other existing resources.

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Request Coaching

The agent can request a coaching session for themselves from their MyZone view. This helps them learn and gain confidence.

Previously, the coach needed to identify agents and create coaching sessions. In this release, the agent can send a coaching request to the coach for their learning needs.

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Coaching Status Widget

This widget displays a summary of the coaching session status owned and assigned to the coach. This helps the coach to get a summarized view of all coaching sessions related to their role.

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DEVone Integrations


SightCall VISION

SightCall VISION enhances your support options with live video, augmented reality (AR) capabilities, and AI Computer Vision. It helps your agents assist contacts as if they were on site. For example, a contact might need help troubleshooting an espresso machine. Using their camera phone, the contact could show your agent what the issue is. SightCall VISION also has a variety of additional features to improve support, such as:

  • AI Recognition: Before the contact interacts with an agent, they can capture data with their camera. This uses AI Computer Vision to analyze visual context like bar codes, model numbers, or contact information.

  • AI Recommendations: Generate prompts based on the visual data, like service articles or troubleshooting steps.

  • AR Annotations: Agents can interact with the video feed. They can draw on the screen, like circling a button to press on the espresso machine, or make annotations.

  • AI Report Summaries: Capture full context of an interaction. This includes pictures, annotations, label scans, transcripts, geolocation, and more. Agents can use this information for tasks like support summaries, final actions, or shipping new parts.

Video, AR, and AI capabilities help contacts and agents work together more effectively to solve issues. This makes support interactions more pleasant and efficient.

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Accept Secure Payments with Digital Channels

Sycurio.Digital provides a secure and PCI-compliant option for taking payments in digital channels. Live and virtual agents can take payments over channels like web chat, SMS, WhatsApp, and more. This helps keep contacts in their preferred communication channel. Some payment methods require contacts to go elsewhere to complete the purchase, like a company website. This risks the contact not completing the transaction. Sycurio.Digital makes it easier to take payments. It also increases the likelihood that contacts will complete a transaction.

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Digital Experience

Studio Updates

The ESTIMATED WAIT TIME and MCR Meta Data Studio actions support digital scripts.

Digital scripts for the MCR Meta Data action will be available later in this release.

For more details about this feature, select the Studio filter on the top right.

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Digital Foundations Tab in CXone Billing Report

A tab called Digital Foundations appears in the CXone Billing report. It displays the number of digital messages sent each day for the time period you choose.

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Display More Survey Types in Chat Window

Previously, only standard surveys could display in the Digital Experience chat window. In this release, surveys using our native CXone Feedback Management, third-party surveys, and custom integrations can also display in the chat window. This creates a more seamless customer experience, allowing users to access surveys directly in the chat instead of using a link that opens a new window.

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Autocomplete Attribute for Custom Fields

You can configure an Autocomplete attribute to enable autofill suggestions for custom fields. This allows browsers to predict field values based on a user's previously entered information. This makes entering information more convenient and accessible to users. ​

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Translations for Custom Fields

Previously, all fields on precontact survey forms were translated except for custom fields. In this release, custom fields are also translated to the user's selected language or browser language. This creates a more consistent experience and improves usability for environments that support multiple languages.

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Disable Attachments in Digital Experience Chat

The live chat window provides the option to attach a file or image. In this release, attachments are disabled by default. This means that the attachment icon won’t appear in the chat. And if a user tries to drag and drop a file in the live chat window, it doesn't allow them to attach it. This is helpful if you don't want contacts to be able to send attachments via chat. This can help avoid security risks and protect sensitive information. If you want contacts to be able to add attachments, you can still enable that function.

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Concurrent Chat Sessions

You can use JavaScript so that a new chat session appears each time a user navigates to your website. This means multiple chat sessions can be open at once in different tabs or windows. A new session can begin without ending an existing session. And a user can still access an existing chat session after a new one begins.

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CXone Email and SMS Available in UAE

Cloud email and SMS is available in the UAE.

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Apple Messages for Business Time Picker Migration

Time picker templates let agents send lists of available time slots for services. Previously, Apple Messages for Business only supported using message templates to create time picker messages. In this release, you can create time pickers in Rich Message Settings as a new API structure called TORM. This allows you to manage rich content in one place and assign content to multiple channels at once. This feature is currently only supported in MAX.

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Digital Chat UI Updates

The following changes have been made to the digital chat UI and the Points of Contact Digital page.

  • The Customization link on the Chat page now appears as Customize CSS and JS. For new users, you can further customize chat appearance using CXone Guide.

  • The Pop ups link no longer appears on the Chat page.

  • The website script link to test a digital chat channel no longer appears under the Initialization and Test page. You can access it under Website Script on the Points of Contact Digital page.

  • You can no longer modify the phrases we 're online and we're offline under Translations.

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CXone Mobile SDK

Architectural Improvements

The SDK has received a variety of technical updates. These prepare the SDK for future enhancements like adding Live Chat and more UI capabilities. The updates focus on simplifying implementation and UI elements.

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New Minimum iOS Version

Previously, the SDK was compatible with iOS version 13. In this release, the new minimum compatible iOS version is 14. This new requirement is necessary for future enhancements.

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Enlighten AI Routing

Separate Drop-Downs for Focus Metric and Weight

In ACD skill settings, the Enlighten AI Focus Metric field has split into two separate fields: 

The metrics and the weights continue to work the same way they did before. Separating the settings into two fields simplifies configuration and makes room for more focus metrics in future releases.

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Immediate Application of Configuration Settings

Previously, it took several hours for changes to the Enlighten AI Routing settings of an ACD skill to take effect. In this release, these changes take effect immediately.

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Enlighten AutoSummary

Filter by Intents, Actions, and Outcomes

CXone Enlighten AutoSummary integrates with IA, to provide new filters for Intents​, Actions​, and Outcomes. You can use these filters in workspaces, widgets, and the Search page. These help you identify and group interactions based on more specific criteria. To use these filters, you need to have Analytics Advanced or Analytics Premium as well as AutoSummary and Analytics Essential. If you have questions, ask your CXone Account Representative for more information.

For more details about this feature, select the Interaction Analytics filter on the top right.​

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Configure AI Model in Settings

A new page has been added to Settings in IA for configuring the AI model for AutoSummary Post-Call interactions.

For more details about this feature, select the Interaction Analytics filter on the top right.

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AutoSummary Data Exposed in IA Data Export

Data for intents, actions, outcomes, Enlighten sentiment, and summarization text is included in IA data export.

For more details about this feature, select the Interaction Analytics filter on the top right.

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Feedback Management

Availability in Bot Builder Skill Store

You will be able to add Feedback Management to your Bot Builder bots.

For more details about this feature, select the Bot Builder filter on the top right.

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CXone Guide

Time in Queue Rule Condition

Use the Time in queue condition when creating engagement rules. With this condition, you can display a template or proactive offer that offers chat based on the average wait time, across all selected skills, over the past hour. For example, you might create a rule that displays a template with a chat button only when the average wait time was less than two minutes.

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Refresh Guide Template in Real Time

Previously, Guide evaluated whether to display a template when a visitor navigated to a page on your website. If the rule conditions were met, the Guide template defined in the rule appeared on the page. If conditions changed while the visitor was on the page, the rule was not reevaluated. In this release, Guide lets you configure a template so that it is monitored for changing conditions. For example, a Guide template might be defined to appear on a page only when chat is active. If a visitor goes to the page and no agents are available, the Guide template will not appear. If an agent becomes available while the visitor is on the page, the template is automatically displayed.

To use this feature, select the Change template realtime checkbox when defining a template.

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Guide Template Improvements

Previously, Guide did not display the Label text defined in a single channel template to website visitors. In this release, the Label text is displayed to the right of the channel button to website visitors. Additionally, when creating any type of Guide template, you can use a field named Font Color to control the font color for the template.

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Maintain Guide Session Across Company Website Domains

Previously, Guide did not maintain visitor session data if a visitor navigated across company website domains or subdomains. In this release, if the visitor navigates into a different company website domain or subdomain, Guide retains the session data.

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IEX WFM Integrated

The following features will be available later in the release cycle. Your CXone Account Representative will contact you to set up your upgrade.

IEX WFM to Include Data from Digital Channels

IEX WFM now incorporates data from CXone digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. channels. This expands the IEX WFM integration to include all CXone channels. The updates to include all channels have the following impacts:

  • IEX WFM consumes statistics from both digital channels and legacy ACD channels like voice.

  • IEX WFM can detect the correct agent state when handling digital channels.

  • CXone sends ACD data to IEX WFM under a new statistical paradigm, explained in the two following release notes.

This change is deployed on a region-by-region basis. Contact your CXone Account Representative for more information.

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New Data Paradigm: Answered/Active True to Interval

Previously, CXone sent ACD data to IEX WFM under the When Contact Ends (WCE) paradigm. This meant contact statistics were reported in the interval in which the contact completed. In this release, CXone ACD data sends under a new paradigm called Answered/Active True to Interval (AATTI). Under this paradigm, contact statistics are reported in the interval in which the interaction actively occurs. This more accurately reflects the work that occurred within the interval.

With digital channels, communication is often asynchronous. This means the agent and contact send messages back and forth with gaps in between. The agent might send a message in one interval, then another in the next interval, and so forth. Each message only requires a few minutes of the agent's time. Because these interactions take time in multiple intervals, this impacts your staffing plans. This new paradigm aligns better with these asynchronous interactions.

For more information on when this change deploys to your system, you can contact your CXone Account Representative. The change deploys region-by-region.

You can also watch a quick video to better understand the True to Interval paradigm, or access the integration guide PDF  in ExtraNICE.

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Digital Channel Management 2.0

The Digital Channel Management (DCM) 2.0 feature can better simulate concurrent work. This enhances the ability for IEX WFM to estimate staffing schedules. As explained in the new paradigm note in this section, digital interactions are often asynchronous. Legacy channels like voice are typically more synchronous. This difference can complicate concurrency rates. The DCM 2.0 can handle this complexity.

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Employee Engagement Manager

The following release notes are for the EEM 9.0 release. Full documentation is available when you log in to the application and launch help.

AI-Based Business Rules Insights

You can analyze your business rules with AI. The AI provides you insights into why your rules are running and track what actions were taken. It also makes recommendations to add rules based on best practices. For example, you could deploy an Out of Adherence rule. The AI would track the history of rule executions and show insights for which agents were notified when they were out of adherence. These insights help you manage business rules more efficiently and get complete visibility into your business data. When enabled, the data are available in a new Rule Insights section of your Workforce Manager dashboard. Contact your CXone Account Representative for more information.

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Data-Ranged Self-Service Templates

You can configure self-service templates for different date ranges. This helps you plan for unique staffing demands, like holidays or seasonal scheduling.

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Current Day Self-Service Automation

Previously, agents could configure self-service templates for future days. In this release, you can create a self-service template for current days as well. This enables agents to set different levels of scheduled overtime between current and future days. It also lets agents set advanced notice.

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Security Audit Trail Reports

Two new reports help track details about EEM users, like EEM login attempts and EEM permission changes.

  • The Security Audit Events report provides a summary of security events, like profile changes and new users getting created.

  • The User Login Logout report shows agent and manager login and logout events. These events include details like authentication methods or failure reasons. You can customize parameters for the report like Line of Business, Program, or User Role.

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PTO Option for Self-Service Overrides

Paid time off now works for self-service overrides. Previously, if a manager created an override for unpaid or paid time off, agents were unable to choose whether they wanted to use their PTO. In this release, agents can choose to use their PTO, regardless of the type of override the manager creates in EEM. This improves schedule flexibility for agents and reduces confusion when using PTO.

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Integration Hub

This product is in controlled release (CR) and not yet available for everyone. If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your CXone Account Representative.

Access Integration Hub through CXone Studio

Previously, you could only access Integration Hub through Desktop Studio or the Automation & AI application. In this release, you can also access Integration Hub through CXone Studio. This update makes it easier to access Integration Hub.

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No Authentication Type Needed for Integrations

Previously, you had to set up authentication for every integration. In this release, you can create integrations without authentication by selecting No Auth as your Authentication Type. This update allows you to integrate with a greater variety of applications.

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User Experience Improvements

The following improvements have been made to Integration Hub:

  • A new Body and Parameters tab was added.

  • The Timeout (MS)* field was moved to the Configuration tab.

  • A back button was added to the top right of the window.

  • The application loads faster.

These updates make it easier to use and navigate in Integration Hub.

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Interaction Analytics

Interaction APIs

Interaction data is available via API. This provides an additional way for you to access your data. Two APIs are available. One provides interaction metadata by date range, skill, and team. The other provides interaction transcripts and annotations.

For more details about this feature, select the API filter on the top right.​

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Support for Japanese

Users can analyze Japanese interactions in addition to English, French, Canadian French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. You can create separate datasets for each of these languages; that is, one language per dataset.

When you add Japanese analysis to Interaction Analytics, a drop-down for language is available for dataset creation and for category and workspace templates. To support Japanese, you can create custom categories, sentiments, and entities. You can ignore phrases and apply corrections to interactions in Japanese. Selected widgets and filtering capabilities also support Japanese. The Interaction Analytics user interface remains in English only.

Contact your CXone Account Representative to enable analysis for Japanese and complete purchase and implementation.

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New Language Model Page

Previously, Settings and Interaction Routing appeared under different sections in the Interaction Analytics navigation menu. In this release, these sections have been combined into a new page called Language Model. This new page includes all the current options listed under Settings and Interaction Routing along with some helpful overview details about each separate option.

This change also includes other UI updates. You can now click Update Data on the Language Model page instead of applying your changes on each configuration page. If you use multiple languages with Interaction Analytics, you select a language on the Language Model page that applies to each configuration page. The Reprocess Status now slides out from the left bottom corner instead of opening from the bottom of the left navigation menu.

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Filter by Intents, Actions, and Outcomes

CXone Enlighten AutoSummary integrates with IA to provide new filters for Intents​, Actions​, and Outcomes. You can use these filters in workspaces, widgets, and the Search page. These help you identify and group interactions based on more specific criteria. To use these filters, you need to have Analytics Advanced or Analytics Premium as well as AutoSummary and Analytics Essential. If you have questions, ask your CXone Account Representative for more information.​

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Select Intent Model for AutoSummary Post-Call Interactions

A new page called Intents appears on the Language Model page in IA. It allows you to select an out-of-the-box AI model for AutoSummary Post-Call interactions. These models are based on your organization's needs and the type of services you provide. Preconfigured model options include Financial Services, Generic, Healthcare, Retail, and Travel and Hospitality.

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Intent Trend Widget

AutoSummary Data Exposed in IA Data Export

Data for intents, actions, outcomes, Enlighten sentiment, and summarization text are included in IA data export.

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Interactions and Playback

Public Posts in Digital Channels

You can search for and play recordings of public posts from digital channels. Supported public channels include Facebook Public, LinkedIn, Twitter Public, YouTube, Apple Reviews, Google Places, and Google Play. Screen recording and CXone Quality Management are not available for public channels.

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Save Public Queries

Previously, you could only save a search as a private query. In this release, you can save a search as a public query that is available for reuse to all users in the organization.

A new Search permission, Create/Edit/Delete Public Queries, is required to save and manage public queries.

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Search and Filter by Hierarchy

You can view the full hierarchy path for teams in the primary hierarchy and for agents directly associated with a primary hierarchy OU or its sub-units.

You can filter search results by organizational units and teams in the primary hierarchy. Search results display the segments that are related to the searched unit, and its sub-units. ​

Filtering by hierarchy requires Hierarchy Manager > View and Teams > View permissions.

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Enhanced Export Search Results

Previously, you could export up to 500 search results from the Interactions application. In this release, you can export up to 1500 search results.

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Life-Cycle Management Information for Recorded Media

You can view retention dates for segments with recorded media. Hover over the enhanced media type icon to display a tooltip with the life-cycle management dates. Information for screen and voice recordings (including IVR calls) is displayed for the media type. Life-cycle management information is not displayed for digital segments. This feature is only available in controlled release (CR).

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Control of Evaluation Information in Search Results

Previously, evaluation scores and evaluators were always displayed in search results. In this release, you can control the display of evaluation information based on new Search permissions:

  • View Evaluations > Scores: Enables users to view evaluation scores and status in the Evaluation Scores column.

  • View Evaluations > Evaluators: Enables users to view evaluator names in the Evaluators column.

By default, both permissions are turned on. Turn off the permissions to hide the columns.

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Player Enhancements for Interaction Analytics

  • Previously, in Interaction Analytics, playback began automatically when you selected a recording. In this release, automatic playback is deactivated. This provides increased control over your playback experience in Interaction Analytics.

  • Previously, in Interaction Analytics, CXone QM categories were displayed in the Player. In this release, CXone QM categories are hidden.

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Player Enhancements

You can zoom content in the Player window. This enables you to view more content detail, especially for multi-screen playback.

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CXone Multi-ACD (CXone Open)

New SBC Vendor ​

You can connect to CXone through an additional SBC, AudioCodes.

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Enhanced CTI Security

Previously, you could use third-party telephony with a VPN. In this release, you can also use TLS to secure the CTI connection. You can upload a certificate for an existing third-party telephony system.

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Expert Telephony Configuration

CXone Multi-ACD (CXone Open) allows Expert configuration of advanced telephony and interface parameters. Expert configuration is only available for internal NICE users with special permissions.

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PCI Compliance Enhancement

The API for compliance recording control (Mask/Unmask) is available for GA. This API enables masking and unmasking parts of a recording when sensitive data is being collected by the agent. This API will help CXone Multi-ACD (CXone Open) customers to comply with Privacy and PCI regulations.

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Support for Silence Suppression

Silence suppression is supported for third-party Avaya telephony systems. You need to configure silence suppression in the Avaya telephony system.

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Add Applications

A new Add Applications button on the Settings page enhances user experience by making it easier to find and add applications. This feature allows you to search for applications with multiple URLs or captions. You can then add specific URLs and captions to the Applications page under the main application. This ensures that the relevant applications, URLs, and captions are included in reports.

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Omilia Voice Biometrics

Support for CXone Agent Applications

You can now use the Omilia Voice Biometrics agent assist application in CXone Agent applications. This includes CXone Agent, CXone Agent Embedded, CXone Agent Integrated, and CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. This expands the agent applications your agents can use with Omilia Voice Biometrics.

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Partner Applications

Monitoring Gateway Name Change

The PartnerHub name changed to Monitoring Gateway. This more accurately reflects the features and planned updates under this label.

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Multiple Microsoft Tenants with One CXone Account

Previously, you could only set up a single Microsoft tenant with Presence Sync and Directory Sync. In this release, you will be able to add up to eight tenants.

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Previous State Subscriber State for Presence Sync

You can set a new ACD subscriber state in your Presence Sync subscriber rules. This new state is called previous state. When set as the ACD state in a rule, the CXone agent application returns to whichever state it was previously in. For example, Busy for Microsoft Teams is mapped to Previous State for the CXone ACD. In this scenario:

  • An agent's Microsoft Teams state is Busy and they set their CXone state to Available.

  • The agent receives a call in Microsoft Teams.

  • Their Microsoft Teams state changes to Busy - In a call and their CXone state changes to Unavailable - Teams.

  • The agent ends the call in Microsoft Teams.

  • Their Microsoft Teams state returns to Busy.

  • Because the Microsoft Teams state is Busy, and Busy is mapped to Previous State, the CXone state returns to Available.

In this example, Busy is not mapped to a specific state in CXone. Rather, when the Microsoft Teams state changes to Busy, the CXone state will return to its previous state, which was Available.

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Voice Quality Metrics

WebRTC Monitoring Available for Salesforce Agents

WebRTC monitoring is available for Salesforce Agent and Agent for Service Cloud Voice. Agents must update their agent applications to the latest version for their activity to be monitored.

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Improved Data Organization

Data presented in the Call Details tab was reorganized. This lets you see more information within a single screen and avoid scrolling. Part of this strategy is to:

  • Highlight the most frequently used data by listing it at the top of each column.

  • Make certain pages easily accessible with new buttons, explained in the remaining notes in this section.

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WebRTC Analytics Page

Each contact record in the Voice Quality Monitoring tab has a new page to display WebRTC analytics. These analytics include a variety of in-depth metrics and timelines for the call, such as:

  • Connection jitters

  • Bitrates

  • Packet loss

This page lets you analyze technical details about calls, which make troubleshooting easier. You can pinpoint precisely where call issues exist and where to implement fixes. The Call Details tab of each contact record has a new button to open this page.

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Call Recording Visualizer

You can quickly access call recordings from a button in the Call Details tab. The button opens a page that displays each person's speaking time, a waveform of the audio, and allows you to skip around the recording. This lets you validate call issues in the actual recording directly from the Voice Quality interface. You must have call recording enabled to use this feature.

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Call Ladder Page

Previously, to access a call ladder, you needed to click the contact ID link then click CXone Voice Diagnostics. In this release, you also have a new Voice Diagnostics button in the Call Details tab to quickly access the call ladder.

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Pin Contact Records

You can pin contact records in the Voice Quality Monitoring tab. This lets you quickly access specific records, particularly when handling issues involving multiple calls. This pin is on the Call Details tab of each record, along with the three other new buttons.

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Personal Connection

Use Digital Experience Bring Your Own Channel

You can now use the Digital Experience Bring Your Own Channel option with Personal Connection. This allows you to use any digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. channel with Personal Connection, increasing the range of proactive outreach tools available to your organization.

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Manually Pace Outbound Agentless Messages

You can now control the timing of delivery of outbound agentless messages. This allows you to better manage the quantity of inbound messages you receive in response.

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Increased Speed of Hot Leads

The speed of hot leads through the CXone system has been increased. This reduces the time it takes from when a contact invites a solicitation to the moment they connect with your organization. For example, a contact requests a quote for insurance. The request is brokered to five different companies. Studies show that the first company to engage with the contact after this kind of request has an 85% or better chance of closing the opportunity. The increased speed of hot leads through CXone allows you to be more competitive and increase your chances of gaining more business.

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Create Regional US Holiday Calling Curfews

You can now create regional calling curfews for the United States. This allows you to be compliant with calling restrictions for state and local holidays.

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Increased Support for Active Inventory of Contacts to Dial

Previously, the limit of the inventory of contacts to dial was 1 million. In this release, the limit has been increased to 4 million. 

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Use Cloud Email as an Alternative to the File Server

You can now use cloud email instead of the file server infrastructure. Opting to use cloud email reduces the load on the file server, which improves stability. This feature must be enabled by your CXone Account Representative.

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CXone Quality Management

Enhanced Evaluations Workflow

  • Supervisors can review evaluations before agents see them. This enables better coaching and provide support to the agents with low scores.

  • Users can only edit their own evaluations. This prevents Evaluators or Supervisors from editing other evaluators' evaluations. To enable this feature, a new permission, Edit Own, is added under Perform Evaluations.

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Access Granted Form Templates

Supervisors and Quality Managers can only see relevant evaluation form templates. This prevents errors and makes the process more efficient.

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Quality Plan Update

Option to exclude previously evaluated calls in your Quality Plan is added. This helps to represent agent performance more accurately.

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MyZone Updates

  • Users get a true average of quality scores in MyZone for a more comprehensive view of performance metrics.

  • User can access evaluations and calibrations submitted by themselves. It is available in one place for your convenience.

  • You can create an employee evaluation from the Tasks page in My Zone. New Evaluation button is added to perform new evaluation for an agent.

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Add Evaluations

A coach can add evaluations to the coaching session in the CXone Coaching app. A coach can leverage evaluation data to identify improvement areas of the agent.

Previously, only attachments and interactions could be added to the coaching session. In this release, you can also add evaluations along with other existing resources.

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BI Report Enhancements

  • Active Status filter and column: A filter by Active Status is added to view evaluation data for Active or Inactive agents. Inactive agents are those that have left your organization. The Active Status filter is available in these CXone QM reports:

    • Evaluation Details

    • Evaluation Question and Answer Details

    • Evaluation Question Details

    A column called Active Status displays each agent's status.

  • Evaluator comments: Evaluator comments are displayed in the Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis report. They provide more context about the evaluation.

  • Contact Number filter and column: A filter by Contact Number is added to view evaluation data for a specific contact. The filter is available in these CXone QM reports:

    • Evaluations by Team

    • Evaluations by Section and Question

    • Evaluation Details

    • Evaluation Question and Answer Details

    • Evaluation Question Details

    • Evaluator Analysis

    A column called Contact No displays the contact number for each evaluation.

  • Skill Name filter: A filter by Skill is added in the Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis report. This filter enables viewing evaluation form answers by skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. This helps to identify the overall proficiency level for each skill.

  • Sent to Supervisor state: A state called Sent to Supervisor is added to the Evaluation Status filter. It applies to completed evaluations agents have sent in for review. It is available in these CXone QM reports:

    • Evaluations by Team

    • Evaluations by Section and Question

    • Evaluation Details

    • Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis

    • Evaluation Question and Answer Details

    • Evaluation Question Details

    • Evaluator Analysis

  • Expired category: A category called Expired is added to the Evaluator Analysis report. It displays expired evaluations.

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Japanese Language Support in Category Management

The Category Manager supports Japanese as an additional language. This helps to create, save, and update custom categories in this supported language.

For other QM processes that use the Category Manager such as Quality Planner and Form Manager, the Japanese language filter is available when selecting a category.

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API Updates

A new entity is added to the Data Extraction API to extract evaluator notes.

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CXone Recording

Screen Recording on Chromebox and Chromebook

Customers can record and monitor agents’ screens on ChromeOS machines, such as Chromebox and Chromebook.

CXone Recording records the screen using a web application. You need to configure application settings. You do not need to download or install client software. You need to configure ScreenAgent to use OS Login.

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Enhanced Security for ScreenAgent Configuration

Previously, the ScreenAgent configuration file was accessible to all users. In this release, the ScreenAgent configuration file is hidden by default.

This makes the solution more secure. It limits access to configuration file content, such as Access keys, Secret keys, configurations, and so on.​

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Recording Public Posts from Digital Channels

Interactions of public posts from digital channels can now be recorded. This feature is available for Facebook Public, LinkedIn, Twitter Public, YouTube, Apple Apps Reviews, Google Places, and Google Play. Screen recording and CXone QM are not available for public channels.​

The recorded posts are available for search and playback in CXone Interactions.

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Enhancements to Data Extraction API

Version 7 of the Metadata entity of the Data Extraction API contains the following enhancements:

  • You can filter by date and time.

  • The API exposes business data fields.

  • New fields:

    • Associated Contact No List

    • Interaction ID

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Enhancements to Agent Mask and Unmask APIs

The Agent Mask and Unmask APIs allow customers to choose whether to mask or unmask voice or screen recording, or both. This gives customers greater flexibility and control over management of call recordings.

Version 29 of the APIs contains a new parameter, maskRecordingMedia. Parameter values are: All, Screen, and Voice.

By default, both voice and screen recordings are masked and unmasked.​

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End of Support for ScreenAgent 2.x

From 1 March, ScreenAgent versions lower than 3.0.x are no longer supported. You will need to upgrade all users to ScreenAgent version 3.0.x. You can use the current installation guide for instructions and there are no additional costs.

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Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

CXone Quality Management BI Report Enhancements

Digital Foundations Tab in CXone Billing Report

A tab called Digital Foundations is added to the CXone Billing report. It displays the number of digital messages sent each day for the time period you choose.

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CXone SmartAssist Powered by Amelia

Amelia Upgrade to Version 6.2

Starting in March 2024, SmartAssist upgraded to Amelia version 6.2. Release notes for this and previous upgrades are available to download:

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

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Unless otherwise indicated, the changes listed in this section apply to Desktop Studio and CXone Studio. If you were part of the Controlled Release (CR) program for CXone Studio, you can find CR-related release notes by selecting CXone Studio in the filter on the top right of this page.

CXone Studio Generally Available

CXone Studio, the new, browser-based version of Studio, is now available. To learn more about this new application, select New Applications from the filter list on the top right side of this page.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle. It will be enabled when the release has been deployed all clusters.

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A new action is available for use with digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. scripts. The Get Rich Message action returns a dynamic list containing the contents of the rich message. It allows you to send rich message templates that have been built in the Digital Experience Rich Message Settings page. The online help for this action is also available in CXone Studio.

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Enhancements to Digital Actions for JSON Payload Support

The digital AskCaller and Txtmsg actions have been enhanced to support JSON payload. This allows them to pass messages containing rich media. The enhancements simplify the sending of rich messages when a single rich message is being sent without additional text.

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ESTIMATED WAIT TIME Action Supported in Digital Scripts

The Estimated Wait Time action can now be used in digital scripts to provide estimates to contacts of how long their wait time may be. The action makes educated estimates based on historical data for a given digital ACD skill queue. This change improves your customers' experience when communicating with your organization on digital channels.

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MCR META DATA Action Supported in Digital Scripts

The MCR Meta Data action is now supported for use in digital scripts to pass meta data to CXone Recording. The meta data must be stored in a dynamic data object.

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The existing Unlink action removes the agent from the call and puts the call back in a post-queue state. This ends the agent leg session. The new UnlinkAgent action also disconnects the agent from the contact in CXone, but it keeps the agent leg connected to the call. The agent can use their physical phone (PBXClosed Internal telephone network that manages an enterprise's incoming, outgoing, and internal voice calls.) to transfer the call to a department with a phone extension that cannot be dialed within CXone. Certain phone types cannot support this kind of transfer, including softphones.

You need to use the Indicate action to give the agent a way to trigger the UnlinkAgent logic. Agents enter the next agent state in their workflow after they unlink from a call. If they unlink before transferring, they need time in a working state like ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction . This lets them complete the physical transfer before receiving another call in the agent application. Alternatively, you could train your agents to transfer the call on their phone before unlinking it in the agent application.

UnlinkAgent is available to use in any inbound or manual outbound phone script.

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Access Integration Hub through CXone Studio

You can access Integration Hub through CXone Studio.

For more details about this feature, select the Integration Hub filter on the top right.

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CXone Studio

Prior to the deployment of the 2024-1 release, this product was part of an out-of-band controlled release (CR) program following a CI/CD methodology. This section contains only release notes related to the CR program. The changes indicated in the following drop-down were made to the product while it was in controlled release.

For release notes concerning changes to Studio in the 2024-1 release, select the Studio filter on the top right of this page.

CXone Supervisor

Manage Agent States for Skills

Supervisors can now view the agent states for a selected skill at a glance.

Supervisors have the option to change agent state for agents in the Available and Unavailable states.

This will help supervisors make better re-skill decisions when balancing queue loads.

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Virtual Agent Hub

Amelia Upgrade to Version 6.2

Starting in March 2024, SmartAssist upgraded to Amelia version 6.2. Release notes for this and previous upgrades are available to download:

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

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Bot Builder Voice Bots

Bot Builder is now available as a supported virtual agent provider through Virtual Agent Hub. You can create Bot Builder bots that work on voice channels by setting up a voice integration in Virtual Agent Hub. This change expands the ways you can use Bot Builder in your contact center.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

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CXone Workforce Management

Forecasting — View Simulation Data

When generating a forecast, you have the option to view the expected volume and the average handle time (AHT) as a result of the simulation. The data is shown for the selected skills and scheduling unit. This option is accessible in the staffing step of Forecasting.

This help users understand the differences they see between the Intraday data and Forecasting data.

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Select Multiple Scheduling Units (SU) While Exporting Staffing Data as a CSV File

You can select multiple scheduling units (SU) when exporting staffing data to a CSV file. View the staffing plan for agents across multiple scheduling units simultaneously for a specific day, week, or date range.

This feature saves you time by eliminating multiple exports.

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Warnings for Forecasting Conflicts

A warning message is displayed when creating a forecast job. This occurs if a job already exists for the chosen:

  • Date range and skill set.


  • Profile and date range.

This avoids generating repetitive forecasting jobs. Also, there is no confusion when selecting a forecasting job to create a staffing plan.

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New Method for Monitoring Adherence

There is a new method to monitor and report adherence. With the new method, the Actual and Scheduled activity codes can be grouped into categories. When the categories match, the agent is in adherence. This provides customers with a more accurate and flexible system for comparing agent schedules with their actual states.

With this feature:

  • You can assign overtime activities and working-hour activities to the same category.

  • Only agents that have a scheduled activity or actual activity are monitored.

  • Agents that aren't scheduled and not working aren't be monitored (including agents that are out of office).

  • You can filter Real Time Adherence (RTA) data by groups.

There is a new Adherence category page where you assign activity codes to categories. There are also two more columns in RTA and the Adherence report: Scheduled Category and Actual Category. The ACD mapping page isn’t affected.

The new adherence method requires manual activation. Before activating, you can simulate and see the results.

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Intraday — Color Code Variance Data and Future Forecast

With this feature:

  • You can highlight cells in the variance columns when the variance is high or low. The color is defined according to the variance threshold of the metric. This way, you can see which metrics require your attention.

  • Intraday displays the forecast data for future scheduled dates.

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Weekly rules — Remove ''Default Operating Hours'' Option

In the full-day settings of weekly rules, the Use default operating hours option was removed. You can still define shift start time and length manually.

The existing weekly rules that are using default operating hours were adjusted to:

  • Shift start: 8:00 in the morning

  • Shift length: eight hours

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Schedule Manager UI Updates

The Schedule Manager now loads data faster. As a result, you have to filter data by first selecting scheduling units. After that, you can filter by other metrics.

This feature will be available starting late January. Each customer will receive a notification when it's available.

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Mobile - Interval Level Self-Service for Extra Hours

This feature is available for users with an advanced license.

Agents can see interval-level extra hours opportunities on their schedules. Based on the net staffing levels during the intervals, the extra hours can:

  • Be auto-approved

  • Require approval or

  • Be unavailable

This feature gives agents schedule flexibility. Additionally, it provides transparency while meeting business staffing needs.

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Release Adjustments

These features are adjustments to those previously announced.

Changed Features

Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page and an explanation of what changed.

New Apps And Features

CXone Studio

It was previously announced that CXone Studio would be released to general availability via a toggle for each cluster. The timing of the toggle will be near the end of the release cycle, after the release has been deployed to all clusters.

CXone Agent

Enhancements to Conferencing

It was previously announced that this feature would be released on deploy. It is actually enabled through a feature toggle.

CXone Agent Embedded

Enhancements to Conferencing

It was previously announced that this feature would be released on deploy. It is actually enabled through a feature toggle.

CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

Enhancements to Conferencing

It was previously announced that this feature would be released on deploy. It is actually enabled through a feature toggle.

CXone Agent Integrated

Enhancements to Conferencing

It was previously announced that this feature would be released on deploy. It is actually enabled through a feature toggle.

CXone Bot Builder

Support for Bots on Voice Channels

Previously, it was announced that Bot Builder would be available on voice channels upon the deployment of the 2024-1 release to each cluster. This has changed. This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

Digital Experience

Studio Updates

The release of the digital version of the MCR MEtaData action will occur later in the release cycle than previously announced.

CXone Guide

Template Improvements

Previously, Guide did not display the Label text defined in a single channel template to website visitors. In this release, the Label text will be displayed to the right of the channel button to website visitors. Additionally, when creating any type of Guide template, you will be able to use a new field named Font Color to control the font color for the template.

Interactions and Playback

Player Enhancements

Previously, several enhancements were announced for the Player. The only enhancement will be to zoom content in the Player window.

Life-Cycle Management Information for Recorded Media

Life-cycle Management Information for Recorded Media was announced as generally available. Instead, it is only available for a small number of customers in controlled release (CR).

CXone Recording

Enhancements to Data Extraction API

Version 7 of the Metadata entity of the Data Extraction API will enable you to filter by date and time and contain new fields.

Reporting and dashboards

CXone Quality Management BI Report Enhancements

  • Contact Number Column: This feature was previously announced as a Contact Number filter and column. It is only a column.

  • Sent to Supervisor State: It was previously announced that a state called Sent to Supervisor would be added to these CXone QM reports:

    • Evaluations by Team

    • Evaluations by Section and Question

    • Evaluation Details

    • Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis

    • Evaluation Question and Answer Details

    • Evaluation Question Details

    • Evaluator Analysis

    Instead, it will be added to only these reports:

    In the Evaluator Analysis report, evaluations marked as Sent to Supervisor will be included in the Completed category instead of the Deleted category.

CXone SmartAssist Powered by Amelia

Amelia Upgrade to Version 6.2

It was previously announced that SmartAssist would upgrade to Amelia version 6.0.8 during the 24-1 release cycle. This has changed. SmartAssist will now upgrade to Amelia version 6.2.


CXone Studio Generally Available

It was previously announced that CXone Studio would be released to general availability via a toggle for each cluster. The timing of the toggle will be near the end of the release cycle, after the release has been deployed to all clusters.

Digital Version of ESTIMATED WAIT TIME Action

It was previously announced that a digital version of the ESTIMATED WAIT TIME action would be released. This has changed. Instead, the existing ESTIMATED WAIT TIME action has been updated to support digital scripts.

Digital Version of MCR METADATA Action

The release of the digital version of the MCR MEtaData action will occur later in the release cycle than previously announced.

Virtual Agent Hub

Amelia Upgrade to Version 6.2

It was previously announced that SmartAssist would upgrade to Amelia version 6.0.8 during the 24-1 release cycle. This has changed. SmartAssist will now upgrade to Amelia version 6.2.

Support for Bots on Voice Channels

Previously, it was announced that Bot Builder would be available as a voice virtual option in Virtual Agent Hub upon the deployment of the release to each cluster. This has changed. This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

Features Removed from This Release

Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page. These features will not be part of the 2024-1 release but may be part of a future release.

Removed Applications and Features

Dashboard Application Replaced

The current Dashboard application will be removed from CXone. You will no longer be able to access or use it. Your system will migrate to the new CXone Dashboard application for a similar but improved experience.

The new CXone Dashboard doesn't currently support FedRAMP. Until it does, FedRAMP-enabled systems will have the current Dashboardapplication but not the new CXone Dashboard application.

Why this feature was removed: The Dashboard application will continue to be available, along with the new CXone Dashboard application, until a release in the near future.

Apple Messages for Business Rich Forms

You will be able to create multi-page interactive forms in Rich Message Settings, supported for iOS and iPadOS devices. This will make it easier for agents and contacts to share information with each other.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

New Applications

CXone Dashboard

Integration with the new CXone Coaching application will be included in the new dashboard with the addition of a new coaching widget.

CXone Agent

Noise Cancellation

The voice control panel will include controls for Noise Cancellation. The controls will let agents reduce the background noise and echoes on either side, or both sides, of a phone call. Removing noise like other voices, traffic, and typing will make calls more professional. It will also enable agents to better focus on their calls.

This feature will only be available for environments with Noise Cancellation enabled.

CXone Bot Builder

Support for Bots on Voice Channels

You can now create bots that work on voice channels in CXone. This change expands the ways you can use bots in your contact center. Setting up a Bot Builder bot on a voice channel requires Virtual Agent Hub.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

Agent for SCV

Agent Location Selection

In this release, you will be able to make your agents select their location on the login screen before connecting to SCV. Agents will be able to select their location from a drop-down. After they select their location and connect, their choice will be recorded by CXone. This update will allow you to more easily track the location data of your agents.

CXone Coaching

Coaching Status Widget

This widget will display a summary of the coaching session status owned and assigned to the coach. This will help the coach to get a summarized view of all coaching sessions related to their role.

Interaction Analytics

Intent Trend Widget

A new widget will be available called Intent Trend. It will display the top ten most common intents in a dataset. It will look similar to the Top Company Profile Terms widget.

Salesforce Agent

The features previously announced for Salesforce Agent are available only in the new CXone Agent Embedded application.

Why this feature was removed: Salesforce Agent will continue to be available, but there is a new agent application available for Salesforce called CXone Agent Embedded.

Virtual Agent Hub

Bot Builder Voice Bots

Bot Builder is now available as a supported virtual agent provider through Virtual Agent Hub. You can create Bot Builder bots that work on voice channels by setting up a voice integration in Virtual Agent Hub. This change expands the ways you can use Bot Builder in your contact center.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

Features Added to This Release

To see the following features in detail, select the product in the filter on the right.


Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

Activate or Deactivate System Login Authenticators

Updated User Permissions

CXone Agent

Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

Digital Chat for Data Memorialization

Support for Island Enterprise Browser

CXone Agent Embedded

Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

Digital Chat for Data Memorialization

Support for Island Enterprise Browser

CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

Support for Island Enterprise Browser

CXone Agent Integrated

Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

Digital Chat for Data Memorialization

Support for Island Enterprise Browser


Agent Configuration API

Agent CRUD Operations

New API Set for Station Management

New Agent Search API

New Skills APIs

New Parameters for DNC Holidays

Assign Login Authenticators via API

Restriction to Update ACD Fields via API

CXone Coaching

Coaching Status Widget

Digital Experience

Digital Chat UI Updates

Concurrent Chat Sessions

Personal Connection

Cloud Email Infrastructure

CXone QM

Form Settings Layout Updates

CXone Workforce Management

Mobile - Interval Level Self-Service for Extra Hours

Mid-Release Features

Cumulative updates and pipeline updates mostly contain fixed issues. For a list of issues fixed in the updates this release, see Fixed Issues.

Pipeline Update 152


Prompt Filters in Agent Skill Assignments Report

A prompt window appears when you open the Agent Skill Assignments report. It offers these filters:

Customer Request UI Change Availability GA
On deploy