Manage Category Templates

Required permission: Interaction Analytics Admin

You can modify a custom category templateClosed Category groupings that help you use the data for a specific purpose. Out-of-the-box category templates include Intent to Buy and Risk Aversion..

Changes you make to category templates won't automatically apply to datasetsClosed Set of parsed interaction transcripts that spans a specific period of time and match your specified filter criteria. that use that template. It's similar to applying a template to a presentation or document. Once you apply the template, it becomes part of that presentation. Likewise, once you apply a category template to a dataset, it's part of the dataset. If you want your revised template to apply to existing datasets, you can either modify the categories from the dataset or specifically apply the revised template to the dataset.

You can pull in a sample set of interactions to see how the current categories are working. This helps you see how your changes affect the sample data before you apply those changes to a category template.

Edit a Category Template

You can edit category templates by:

  • Renaming categories and folders.

  • Modifying the rules that dictate which interactions fall into the folder.

  • Creating new categories either from scratch or by using machine-discovered categories based on trends you notice in the sample contacts.

  1. Click the app selector and select Analytics.
  2. Click Templates > Category Templates.
  3. If you have Interaction Analytics for more than one language, select a language from the drop-down at the top of the page.
  4. Either create a custom category template or modify an existing one.

    If you want to modify an out-of-the-box category template, you must copy it and modify the copy. Click New Category Template and save the template. When it is available in the Category Templates list, click it to modify the copied category settings.

  5. Click Resample . It loads a fresh sample set of interactions and categorizes them. It can take some time.

    Do not click Resample more than once. It can look like nothing is happening for a moment, but a progress bar appears to show you the status. Clicking the button multiple times causes the system to queue up the actions and load and reload contacts for a long time.

  6. Perform any of the actions documented on this page to modify the category tree to meet your needs.
  7. Click Recategorize . This causes your existing data samples to reflect the changes you made to the category template.

Create a Category

You can use existing categoriesClosed Data groups that Interaction Analytics uses for parsed call transcript data. They make it easier to find trends. or create new ones to control the types of data that appear in datasetsClosed Set of parsed interaction transcripts that spans a specific period of time and match your specified filter criteria. that use those categories.

This task assumes you are working with categories while customizing a category template. If you want your category changes to apply to existing datasets, you can either modify the categories from the dataset or specifically apply the new or revised template to the dataset.

  1. Select the folder where you want the category to be.
  2. Click more options in the row of the folder you want the category to be in. Click New Category.
  3. Click on the new category. Enter a descriptive Category Name.
  4. Modify the category rules so the category contains the types of interactions you want it to.

Manage Categories

This task assumes you are working with categories while customizing a category template. If you want your category changes to apply to existing datasets, you can either modify the categories from the dataset or specifically apply the new or revised template to the dataset.

  1. Select the category you want to manage. The category must have more than one rule set.
  2. Click more options in the row of the category you want to manage, then select an action. You can Rename the category, Cut and paste it elsewhere, or Delete it.

  3. To rearrange the categories, click and hold Move while dragging the category to where you want it.

Create a Folder

Folders enable you to group categoriesClosed Data groups that Interaction Analytics uses for parsed call transcript data. They make it easier to find trends. together so you can work with them more easily.

This task assumes you are working with categories while customizing a category template. If you want your category changes to apply to existing datasets, you can either modify the categories from the dataset or specifically apply the new or revised template to the dataset.

  1. Click more options in the row where you want the folder.
  2. Click New Category Folder.
  3. Delete the default name of New Category Folder and type a descriptive folder name. Press the Enter key.
  4. Create categories inside the folder or move existing categories to the folder.

Manage Folders

This task assumes you are working with categories while customizing a category template. If you want your category changes to apply to existing datasets, you can either modify the categories from the dataset or specifically apply the new or revised template to the dataset.

  1. Select the folder you want to manage.
  2. Click more options in the row of the folder you want to manage. Select the action that best suits your needs:

  3. To rearrange the folders, click and hold Move while dragging the category to where you want it.

Create Categories Automatically

The Auto Categorize feature processes your sample interaction transcripts and looks for words that occur frequently. For example, it might find a large number of contacts containing the word "issue" with negative sentimentClosed Overall mood or result of the interaction as determined by analysis of words, phrases, and context of the transcript. Interactions can be positive (blue), negative (red), mixed (dark gray), or neutral (light gray).. These machine-discovered categories do not affect datasetsClosed Set of parsed interaction transcripts that spans a specific period of time and match your specified filter criteria. or category templatesClosed Category groupings that help you use the data for a specific purpose. Out-of-the-box category templates include Intent to Buy and Risk Aversion. until you add them to the category tree.

  1. Click Discovered Categories > Auto Categorize . This puts categories in the Discovered Categories folder into a new Categories folder called Discovered.
  2. Open the Categories folder and then open the Discovered folder. Open Discovered Positive or Discovered Negative, depending on the sentiment of the categories you are interested in.
  3. To add a suggested categoryClosed Data groups that Interaction Analytics uses for parsed call transcript data. They make it easier to find trends. to the category tree, click and hold Move while dragging the category to where you want it.
  4. Rename the category and make any modifications to the category rule.

Manage Category Rules

To create specific criteria a contact must meet to fall into the categoryClosed Data groups that Interaction Analytics uses for parsed call transcript data. They make it easier to find trends., you can modify the category rulesClosed Criteria used to determine whether a transcript is placed in a certain category. Rules contain sets of keywords or phrases a transcript must include or exclude.. The rules can require a certain sentimentClosed Overall mood or result of the interaction as determined by analysis of words, phrases, and context of the transcript. Interactions can be positive (blue), negative (red), mixed (dark gray), or neutral (light gray). or its absence, or certain keywords or phrasesClosed Combination of words that have special significance when used together in a specified order, such as "want to cancel". or their absence. You can specify whether your rule is looking for beginning, overall, or end sentiment. This allows you to determine whether a contact was positive or negative at any time during the interaction. Rules can be large and detailed or they can be broad and simple.

There are three fields in which you can place your keywords, phrases, and sentiments: All of These, At Least One of These, and None of These.

The three fields together have an AND relationship, so each section must be true in order for the contact to match with the rule as a whole.

If Dorothy Gale creates the following category rule, the interaction only matches the category if it contains the word phone, AND it contains either the word broken or damaged, AND it does not include the word package.

All of these: phone

At least one of these: broken, damaged

None of these: package

If you create multiple category rules for a category, the contact must match only ONE of the category rules. It does not need to match both category rules.

Rules in out-of-the-box category templates are largely hidden. They were created by linguists to capture the data in the best way possible, but their configuration is unavailable and represented by a descriptive tag.

  1. Click the category you want to modify.
  2. In the Participant field, specify whether you want the rule to apply to the Agent side of the interaction, the Client (contact) side of the interaction, or to Either (both) the agent or client side of the interaction.
  3. Modify existing rule sets by adding keywords, phrases, sentiment, metrics, company profileClosed Page in Interaction Analytics where you can create custom entities. terms, or other elements to the fields. All keywords and phrases entered in the same field have an AND relationship, and the fields have an AND relationship between them, meaning that all the specified conditions of a single rule set must exist for a contact to fall into the category, besides those in the At Least One of These field.

    To enter a keyword, or single word, begin typing the word and either select Enter or select the keyword from the drop-down of suggestions that appears; for example, Longbourn.

  4. You can specify whether the keyword, phrase, or entity should be an exact match to what you entered or a variation of what you entered, by clicking the down arrow on the right. An exact match only returns the term or phrase exactly as you entered it. If you choose to match with variations it would also return variations of that word, for example if you enter activate, it could return interactions that include activate, activates, activating, activated, and so on.

    For phrases only, you can click the down arrow to choose Exact Phrase or Phrase Proximity. Exact Phrase means the words must be together and in the right order to be a match. Phrase Proximity means you can specify how many additional words can be present in the phrase and still match. It can be one or fewer words apart to eight or fewer words apart and can be in any order. For example, if you enter the phrase "rude agent" and select a proximity of 3 Words, a transcript that says "an agent was disrespectful and rude" would be a match. This option still returns exact matches in addition to the proximity matches.

  5. In the Timing field, specify the time period in which the keywords, phrases, or entities have to occur in the category rule.

  6. To require a metric or its absence for the beginning, overall, or end of contact, click in the text box and then select Metric. A details window appears. Select the preferred Metric in the drop-down. For more information on available metrics, see Configure Dataset Workspaces. If applicable, fill out the remaining fields corresponding to your chosen metric.

  7. To require a sentiment or its absence for the overall or end of contact, click in the text box and then select Sentiment. Select the Sentiment and when it must have happened during the interaction.

    • Overall : The sentiment for the whole interaction.
    • Beginning Sentiment: This is determined by the first 400 words, or first 30%, of the interaction, whichever occurs first. It can help you identify common reasons or problems clients call about. Mixed sentiment is not available for beginning sentiment.

    • End Sentiment: End sentiment is determined by the last 30% of an interaction. Mixed sentiment is not available for end sentiment.

  8. To require frustration or its absence, click in the text box and then select Frustrated.
  9. To require that contacts are unresolved or resolved, click in the text box and then select Unresolved. Click the down arrow on the right side of the tag and set the Type to Unresolved or Resolved.
  10. To require certain contact Intents, agent Actions, or interaction Outcomes, select the corresponding tag.

  11. To add a new rule set, click Add Rule. Repeat steps 2 through 9 with each new rule set until you are satisfied. Rule sets have an OR relationship with each other, so contacts that satisfy any one of the rule sets configured in the category rule fall into the category. You can group rules and rule sets together to create more complex rules.