Merge Customer Cards in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

Each time you interact with a new contact, CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams creates a customer card for the contact with their information. It also creates a new customer card every time you interact with a contact over a new channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on.. This means that there may be more than one customer card for each contact. You can merge them to keep the contact's information in one place.

Elinor Dashwood, an agent with Classics, Inc., is on a call with Edward Ferrars. CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams creates a customer card for Edward with his information from the call. During the call, Edward mentions he emailed Classics, Inc. yesterday. Elinor searches for the customer card created for Edward from his previous email interaction and merges it with the new one. His information is now stored in one customer card.

  1. Open an interaction in CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams. If the customer card for the contact does not automatically open in the app space on the right, click Customer Card icon: a person next to a document..

  2. Click Merge icon: two lines merging into one arrow. in the top right corner of the customer card.

  3. Possible duplicate customer cards appear. You can also search for customer cards.

  4. Select the customer card you want to merge with the one you have open. Click Merge icon: two lines merging into one arrow..

    If the merge was successful, a green box appears at the bottom of the app space. The contact's information is combined into one customer card.